2004-10-11 01:24:22 +00:00
/* $Id: ShellCommandSACL.cpp,v 1.5 2004/10/11 01:24:22 sedwards Exp $
2000-10-04 21:04:31 +00:00
* regexpl - Console Registry Explorer
2001-01-13 23:55:37 +00:00
* Copyright ( C ) 2000 , 2001 Nedko Arnaoudov < nedkohome @ atia . com >
2000-10-04 21:04:31 +00:00
2000-10-24 20:17:42 +00:00
* This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of the License , or
* ( at your option ) any later version .
2000-10-04 21:04:31 +00:00
2000-10-24 20:17:42 +00:00
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details .
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program ; see the file COPYING . If not , write to
* the Free Software Foundation , Inc . , 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 ,
* Boston , MA 02111 - 1307 , USA .
2000-10-04 21:04:31 +00:00
// ShellCommandSACL.cpp: implementation of the CShellCommandSACL class.
# include "ph.h"
# include "ShellCommandSACL.h"
# include "RegistryExplorer.h"
# include "SecurityDescriptor.h"
# define SACL_CMD _T("SACL")
# define SACL_CMD_SHORT_DESC SACL_CMD _T(" command is used to view") /*"/edit"*/ _T(" key's SACL.\n")
// Construction/Destruction
CShellCommandSACL : : CShellCommandSACL ( CRegistryTree & rTree ) : m_rTree ( rTree )
CShellCommandSACL : : ~ CShellCommandSACL ( )
BOOL CShellCommandSACL : : Match ( const TCHAR * pchCommand )
if ( _tcsicmp ( pchCommand , SACL_CMD ) = = 0 )
return TRUE ;
if ( _tcsnicmp ( pchCommand , SACL_CMD _T ( " .. " ) , SACL_CMD_LENGTH + 2 * sizeof ( TCHAR ) ) = = 0 )
return TRUE ;
if ( _tcsnicmp ( pchCommand , SACL_CMD _T ( " / " ) , SACL_CMD_LENGTH + 1 * sizeof ( TCHAR ) ) = = 0 )
return TRUE ;
if ( _tcsnicmp ( pchCommand , SACL_CMD _T ( " \\ " ) , SACL_CMD_LENGTH + 1 * sizeof ( TCHAR ) ) = = 0 )
return TRUE ;
return FALSE ;
int CShellCommandSACL : : Execute ( CConsole & rConsole , CArgumentParser & rArguments )
2001-01-10 01:25:29 +00:00
pszError_msg [ ERROR_MSG_BUFFER_SIZE - 1 ] = 0 ;
rArguments . ResetArgumentIteration ( ) ;
2000-10-04 21:04:31 +00:00
2001-01-10 01:25:29 +00:00
const TCHAR * pszKey = NULL ;
BOOL blnDo = TRUE ;
BOOL blnBadParameter = FALSE ;
BOOL blnHelp = FALSE ;
const TCHAR * pszParameter ;
const TCHAR * pszCommandItself = rArguments . GetNextArgument ( ) ;
DWORD dwError ;
CSecurityDescriptor sd ;
if ( ( _tcsnicmp ( pszCommandItself , SACL_CMD _T ( " .. " ) , SACL_CMD_LENGTH + 2 * sizeof ( TCHAR ) ) = = 0 ) | |
( _tcsnicmp ( pszCommandItself , SACL_CMD _T ( " \\ " ) , SACL_CMD_LENGTH + 1 * sizeof ( TCHAR ) ) = = 0 ) )
pszKey = pszCommandItself + SACL_CMD_LENGTH ;
else if ( _tcsnicmp ( pszCommandItself , SACL_CMD _T ( " / " ) , SACL_CMD_LENGTH + 1 * sizeof ( TCHAR ) ) = = 0 )
pszParameter = pszCommandItself + SACL_CMD_LENGTH ;
goto CheckSACLArgument ;
while ( ( pszParameter = rArguments . GetNextArgument ( ) ) ! = NULL )
CheckSACLArgument :
blnBadParameter = FALSE ;
if ( ( _tcsicmp ( pszParameter , _T ( " /? " ) ) = = 0 ) | |
( _tcsicmp ( pszParameter , _T ( " -? " ) ) = = 0 ) )
blnHelp = TRUE ;
blnDo = pszKey ! = NULL ;
else if ( ! pszKey )
pszKey = pszParameter ;
blnDo = TRUE ;
blnBadParameter = TRUE ;
if ( blnBadParameter )
rConsole . Write ( _T ( " Bad parameter: " ) ) ;
rConsole . Write ( pszParameter ) ;
rConsole . Write ( _T ( " \n " ) ) ;
2000-10-04 21:04:31 +00:00
2001-01-10 01:25:29 +00:00
CRegistryKey Key ;
2000-10-04 21:04:31 +00:00
2001-01-10 01:25:29 +00:00
// Open thread token
if ( ! OpenThreadToken ( GetCurrentThread ( ) , TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES | TOKEN_QUERY , FALSE , & hThreadToken ) )
{ // OpenThreadToken failed
dwError = GetLastError ( ) ;
if ( dwError ! = ERROR_NO_TOKEN )
_sntprintf ( pszError_msg , ERROR_MSG_BUFFER_SIZE - 1 , _T ( " \n Cannot open thread token. \n OpenThreadToken fails with error: %u \n " ) , ( unsigned int ) dwError ) ;
goto Error ;
// If the thread does not have an access token, we'll examine the
// access token associated with the process.
if ( ! OpenProcessToken ( GetCurrentProcess ( ) , TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES | TOKEN_QUERY , & hThreadToken ) )
_sntprintf ( pszError_msg , ERROR_MSG_BUFFER_SIZE - 1 , _T ( " \n Cannot open process token. \n OpenProcessToken fails with error: %u \n " ) , ( unsigned int ) GetLastError ( ) ) ;
goto Error ;
2000-10-04 21:04:31 +00:00
2001-01-10 01:25:29 +00:00
// enable SeSecurityPrivilege privilege
priv . PrivilegeCount = 1 ;
priv . Privileges [ 0 ] . Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED ;
if ( ! LookupPrivilegeValue (
NULL , // lookup privilege on local system
SE_SECURITY_NAME , // privilege to lookup
& ( priv . Privileges [ 0 ] . Luid ) ) ) // receives LUID of privilege
_sntprintf ( pszError_msg , ERROR_MSG_BUFFER_SIZE - 1 , _T ( " \n Cannot retrieve the locally unique identifier for %s privilege. \n LookupPrivilegeValue error: %u \n " ) , SE_SECURITY_NAME , ( unsigned int ) GetLastError ( ) ) ;
goto Error ;
2000-10-04 21:04:31 +00:00
2001-01-10 01:25:29 +00:00
BOOL blnAdjRet ;
blnAdjRet = AdjustTokenPrivileges (
hThreadToken ,
& priv ,
dwError = GetLastError ( ) ;
if ( ! blnAdjRet )
_sntprintf ( pszError_msg , ERROR_MSG_BUFFER_SIZE - 1 , _T ( " \n Cannot enable %s privilege. \n AdjustTokenPrivileges fails with error: %u%s \n " ) , SE_SECURITY_NAME , ( unsigned int ) dwError , ( dwError = = 5 ) ? _T ( " (Access denied) " ) : _T ( " " ) ) ;
goto Error ;
if ( dwError ! = ERROR_SUCCESS )
if ( dwError = = ERROR_NOT_ALL_ASSIGNED )
_sntprintf ( pszError_msg , ERROR_MSG_BUFFER_SIZE - 1 , _T ( " \n Cannot enable %s privilege. \n The token does not have the %s privilege \n " ) , SE_SECURITY_NAME , SE_SECURITY_NAME ) ;
_sntprintf ( pszError_msg , ERROR_MSG_BUFFER_SIZE - 1 , _T ( " \n Cannot enable %s privilege. \n AdjustTokenPrivileges succeds with error: %u \n " ) , SE_SECURITY_NAME , ( unsigned int ) dwError ) ;
goto Error ;
if ( ! m_rTree . GetKey ( pszKey ? pszKey : _T ( " . " ) , KEY_QUERY_VALUE | READ_CONTROL | ACCESS_SYSTEM_SECURITY , Key ) )
rConsole . Write ( m_rTree . GetLastErrorDescription ( ) ) ;
blnDo = FALSE ;
if ( blnHelp )
rConsole . Write ( GetHelpString ( ) ) ;
2000-10-04 21:04:31 +00:00
2001-01-10 01:25:29 +00:00
if ( blnDo & & blnHelp )
rConsole . Write ( _T ( " \n " ) ) ;
2000-10-04 21:04:31 +00:00
2001-01-10 01:25:29 +00:00
if ( ! blnDo )
return 0 ;
if ( Key . IsRoot ( ) )
_tcsncpy ( pszError_msg , SACL_CMD COMMAND_NA_ON_ROOT , ERROR_MSG_BUFFER_SIZE - 1 ) ;
goto Error ;
DWORD dwSecurityDescriptorLength ;
rConsole . Write ( _T ( " Key : " ) ) ;
rConsole . Write ( _T ( " \\ " ) ) ;
rConsole . Write ( Key . GetKeyName ( ) ) ;
rConsole . Write ( _T ( " \n " ) ) ;
dwError = Key . GetSecurityDescriptorLength ( & dwSecurityDescriptorLength ) ;
if ( dwError ! = ERROR_SUCCESS )
_sntprintf ( pszError_msg , ERROR_MSG_BUFFER_SIZE - 1 , _T ( " \n Cannot get security descriptor's length for current key. \n Error: %u \n " ) , ( unsigned int ) dwError ) ;
goto Error ;
pSecurityDescriptor = ( PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR ) new unsigned char [ dwSecurityDescriptorLength ] ;
if ( ! pSecurityDescriptor )
_tcsncpy ( pszError_msg , _T ( " \n Out of memory. \n " ) , ERROR_MSG_BUFFER_SIZE - 1 ) ;
goto Error ;
DWORD dwSecurityDescriptorLength1 ;
dwSecurityDescriptorLength1 = dwSecurityDescriptorLength ;
dwError = Key . GetSecurityDescriptor ( ( SECURITY_INFORMATION ) SACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION , pSecurityDescriptor , & dwSecurityDescriptorLength1 ) ;
if ( dwError ! = ERROR_SUCCESS )
_sntprintf ( pszError_msg , ERROR_MSG_BUFFER_SIZE - 1 , _T ( " \n Cannot get security descriptor for current key. \n Error: %u%s \n " ) , ( unsigned int ) dwError , ( dwError = = 1314 ) ? _T ( " (A required privilege is not held by the client.) \n " ) : _T ( " " ) ) ;
goto Error ;
sd . AssociateDescriptor ( pSecurityDescriptor ) ;
sd . BeginSACLInteration ( ) ;
if ( ( ! sd . DescriptorContainsSACL ( ) ) | | ( sd . HasNULLSACL ( ) ) )
_tcsncpy ( pszError_msg , _T ( " Key has not SACL. \n " ) , ERROR_MSG_BUFFER_SIZE - 1 ) ;
goto Error ;
if ( ! sd . HasValidSACL ( ) )
_tcsncpy ( pszError_msg , _T ( " Invalid SACL. \n " ) , ERROR_MSG_BUFFER_SIZE - 1 ) ;
goto Error ;
nACECount = sd . GetSACLEntriesCount ( ) ;
rConsole . Write ( _T ( " SACL has " ) ) ;
TCHAR Buffer [ 256 ] ;
2004-10-11 01:24:22 +00:00
rConsole . Write ( _itoa ( nACECount , Buffer , 10 ) ) ;
2001-01-10 01:25:29 +00:00
rConsole . Write ( _T ( " ACEs. \n " ) ) ;
ASSERT ( sizeof ( ACL ) = = 8 ) ;
rConsole . Write ( _T ( " \n " ) ) ;
for ( DWORD i = 0 ; i < nACECount ; i + + )
rConsole . Write ( _T ( " \n " ) ) ;
rConsole . Write ( _T ( " \t ACE Index: " ) ) ;
2004-10-11 01:24:22 +00:00
rConsole . Write ( _itoa ( i , Buffer , 10 ) ) ;
2001-01-10 01:25:29 +00:00
rConsole . Write ( _T ( " \n " ) ) ;
rConsole . Write ( _T ( " \t Audit Type: " ) ) ;
BOOL blnFailed , blnSuccessful ;
if ( sd . GetSACLEntry ( i , blnFailed , blnSuccessful ) ! = CSecurityDescriptor : : SystemAudit )
rConsole . Write ( _T ( " Unknown ACE type. \n Cannot continue ACE list dump. \n " ) ) ;
goto AbortDumpSACL ;
if ( blnFailed )
rConsole . Write ( _T ( " Failed access " ) ) ;
if ( blnFailed & & blnSuccessful )
rConsole . Write ( _T ( " & " ) ) ;
if ( blnSuccessful )
rConsole . Write ( _T ( " Successful access " ) ) ;
rConsole . Write ( _T ( " \n " ) ) ;
PSID pSID = sd . GetCurrentACE_SID ( ) ;
if ( ( pSID = = NULL ) | | ( ! IsValidSid ( pSID ) ) )
rConsole . Write ( _T ( " \t Invalid SID. \n " ) ) ;
DWORD dwSIDStringSize = 0 ;
BOOL blnRet = GetTextualSid ( pSID , NULL , & dwSIDStringSize ) ;
ASSERT ( ! blnRet ) ;
TCHAR * pszSID = new TCHAR [ dwSIDStringSize ] ;
2000-10-04 21:04:31 +00:00
2001-01-10 01:25:29 +00:00
if ( ! pszSID )
_tcsncpy ( pszError_msg , _T ( " \n Out of memory. \n " ) , ERROR_MSG_BUFFER_SIZE - 1 ) ;
goto Error ;
if ( ! GetTextualSid ( pSID , pszSID , & dwSIDStringSize ) )
dwError = GetLastError ( ) ;
rConsole . Write ( _T ( " Error " ) ) ;
TCHAR Buffer [ 256 ] ;
2004-10-11 01:24:22 +00:00
rConsole . Write ( _itoa ( dwError , Buffer , 10 ) ) ;
2001-01-10 01:25:29 +00:00
rConsole . Write ( _T ( " \n Getting string representation of SID \n " ) ) ;
rConsole . Write ( _T ( " \t SID: " ) ) ;
rConsole . Write ( pszSID ) ;
rConsole . Write ( _T ( " \n " ) ) ;
delete pszSID ;
TCHAR * pszName , * pszDomainName ;
DWORD dwNameBufferLength , dwDomainNameBufferLength ;
dwNameBufferLength = 1024 ;
dwDomainNameBufferLength = 1024 ;
pszName = new TCHAR [ dwNameBufferLength ] ;
if ( ! pszName )
_tcsncpy ( pszError_msg , _T ( " \n Out of memory. \n " ) , ERROR_MSG_BUFFER_SIZE - 1 ) ;
goto Error ;
pszDomainName = new TCHAR [ dwDomainNameBufferLength ] ;
if ( ! pszDomainName )
_tcsncpy ( pszError_msg , _T ( " \n Out of memory. \n " ) , ERROR_MSG_BUFFER_SIZE - 1 ) ;
goto Error ;
DWORD dwNameLength = dwNameBufferLength , dwDomainNameLength = dwDomainNameBufferLength ;
if ( ! LookupAccountSid ( NULL , pSID , pszName , & dwNameLength , pszDomainName , & dwDomainNameLength , & Use ) )
rConsole . Write ( _T ( " Error " ) ) ;
TCHAR Buffer [ 256 ] ;
2004-10-11 01:24:22 +00:00
rConsole . Write ( _itoa ( GetLastError ( ) , Buffer , 10 ) ) ;
2001-01-10 01:25:29 +00:00
rConsole . Write ( _T ( " \n " ) ) ;
rConsole . Write ( _T ( " \t Trustee Domain: " ) ) ;
rConsole . Write ( pszDomainName ) ;
rConsole . Write ( _T ( " \n " ) ) ;
rConsole . Write ( _T ( " \t Trustee Name: " ) ) ;
rConsole . Write ( pszName ) ;
rConsole . Write ( _T ( " \n \t SID type: " ) ) ;
rConsole . Write ( GetSidTypeName ( Use ) ) ;
rConsole . Write ( _T ( " \n " ) ) ;
DWORD dwAccessMask ;
sd . GetCurrentACE_AccessMask ( dwAccessMask ) ;
wsprintf ( Buffer , _T ( " \t Access Mask: 0x%08lX \n " ) , dwAccessMask ) ;
rConsole . Write ( Buffer ) ;
if ( dwAccessMask & GENERIC_READ )
rConsole . Write ( _T ( " \t \t GENERIC_READ \n " ) ) ;
if ( dwAccessMask & GENERIC_WRITE )
rConsole . Write ( _T ( " \t \t GENERIC_WRITE \n " ) ) ;
if ( dwAccessMask & GENERIC_EXECUTE )
rConsole . Write ( _T ( " \t \t GENERIC_EXECUTE \n " ) ) ;
if ( dwAccessMask & GENERIC_ALL )
rConsole . Write ( _T ( " \t \t GENERIC_ALL \n " ) ) ;
if ( dwAccessMask & SYNCHRONIZE )
rConsole . Write ( _T ( " \t \t SYNCHRONIZE \n " ) ) ;
if ( dwAccessMask & WRITE_OWNER )
rConsole . Write ( _T ( " \t \t WRITE_OWNER \n " ) ) ;
if ( dwAccessMask & WRITE_DAC )
rConsole . Write ( _T ( " \t \t WRITE_DAC \n " ) ) ;
if ( dwAccessMask & READ_CONTROL )
rConsole . Write ( _T ( " \t \t READ_CONTROL \n " ) ) ;
if ( dwAccessMask & DELETE )
rConsole . Write ( _T ( " \t \t DELETE \n " ) ) ;
if ( dwAccessMask & KEY_CREATE_LINK )
rConsole . Write ( _T ( " \t \t KEY_CREATE_LINK \n " ) ) ;
if ( dwAccessMask & KEY_NOTIFY )
rConsole . Write ( _T ( " \t \t KEY_NOTIFY \n " ) ) ;
if ( dwAccessMask & KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS )
rConsole . Write ( _T ( " \t \t KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS \n " ) ) ;
if ( dwAccessMask & KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY )
rConsole . Write ( _T ( " \t \t KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY \n " ) ) ;
if ( dwAccessMask & KEY_SET_VALUE )
rConsole . Write ( _T ( " \t \t KEY_SET_VALUE \n " ) ) ;
if ( dwAccessMask & KEY_QUERY_VALUE )
rConsole . Write ( _T ( " \t \t KEY_QUERY_VALUE \n " ) ) ;
} // for
2000-10-04 21:04:31 +00:00
AbortDumpSACL :
2001-01-10 01:25:29 +00:00
ASSERT ( pSecurityDescriptor ) ;
delete pSecurityDescriptor ;
VERIFY ( CloseHandle ( hThreadToken ) ) ;
2000-10-04 21:04:31 +00:00
return 0 ;
2001-01-10 01:25:29 +00:00
Error :
if ( pSecurityDescriptor )
delete pSecurityDescriptor ;
if ( hThreadToken ! = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
VERIFY ( CloseHandle ( hThreadToken ) ) ;
rConsole . Write ( pszError_msg ) ;
return 0 ;
2000-10-04 21:04:31 +00:00
const TCHAR * CShellCommandSACL : : GetHelpString ( )
_T ( " Syntax: " ) SACL_CMD _T ( " [<KEY>] [/?] \n \n " )
_T ( " <KEY> - Optional relative path of desired key. \n " )
_T ( " /? - This help. \n \n " )
_T ( " Without parameters, command displays SACL of current key. \n " ) ;
const TCHAR * CShellCommandSACL : : GetHelpShortDescriptionString ( )