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* RichEdit - Caret and selection functions.
* Copyright 2004 by Krzysztof Foltman
* Copyright 2005 by Phil Krylov
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include "editor.h"
void ME_SetCursorToStart(ME_TextEditor *editor, ME_Cursor *cursor)
cursor->pPara = editor->pBuffer->pFirst->member.para.next_para;
cursor->pRun = ME_FindItemFwd(cursor->pPara, diRun);
cursor->nOffset = 0;
static void ME_SetCursorToEnd(ME_TextEditor *editor, ME_Cursor *cursor)
cursor->pPara = editor->pBuffer->pLast->member.para.prev_para;
cursor->pRun = ME_FindItemBack(editor->pBuffer->pLast, diRun);
cursor->nOffset = 0;
int ME_GetSelectionOfs(ME_TextEditor *editor, int *from, int *to)
*from = ME_GetCursorOfs(&editor->pCursors[0]);
*to = ME_GetCursorOfs(&editor->pCursors[1]);
if (*from > *to)
int tmp = *from;
*from = *to;
*to = tmp;
return 1;
return 0;
int ME_GetSelection(ME_TextEditor *editor, ME_Cursor **from, ME_Cursor **to)
if (ME_GetCursorOfs(&editor->pCursors[0]) < ME_GetCursorOfs(&editor->pCursors[1]))
*from = &editor->pCursors[0];
*to = &editor->pCursors[1];
return 0;
} else {
*from = &editor->pCursors[1];
*to = &editor->pCursors[0];
return 1;
int ME_GetTextLength(ME_TextEditor *editor)
ME_Cursor cursor;
ME_SetCursorToEnd(editor, &cursor);
return ME_GetCursorOfs(&cursor);
int ME_GetTextLengthEx(ME_TextEditor *editor, const GETTEXTLENGTHEX *how)
int length;
if (how->flags & GTL_PRECISE && how->flags & GTL_CLOSE)
if (how->flags & GTL_NUMCHARS && how->flags & GTL_NUMBYTES)
length = ME_GetTextLength(editor);
if ((editor->styleFlags & ES_MULTILINE)
&& (how->flags & GTL_USECRLF)
&& !editor->bEmulateVersion10) /* Ignore GTL_USECRLF flag in 1.0 emulation */
length += editor->nParagraphs - 1;
if (how->flags & GTL_NUMBYTES ||
(how->flags & GTL_PRECISE && /* GTL_PRECISE seems to imply GTL_NUMBYTES */
!(how->flags & GTL_NUMCHARS))) /* unless GTL_NUMCHARS is given */
CPINFO cpinfo;
if (how->codepage == 1200)
return length * 2;
if (how->flags & GTL_PRECISE)
FIXME("GTL_PRECISE flag unsupported. Using GTL_CLOSE\n");
if (GetCPInfo(how->codepage, &cpinfo))
return length * cpinfo.MaxCharSize;
ERR("Invalid codepage %u\n", how->codepage);
return length;
int ME_SetSelection(ME_TextEditor *editor, int from, int to)
int selectionEnd = 0;
const int len = ME_GetTextLength(editor);
/* all negative values are effectively the same */
if (from < 0)
from = -1;
if (to < 0)
to = -1;
/* select all */
if (from == 0 && to == -1)
ME_SetCursorToStart(editor, &editor->pCursors[1]);
ME_SetCursorToEnd(editor, &editor->pCursors[0]);
return len + 1;
/* if both values are equal and also out of bound, that means to */
/* put the selection at the end of the text */
if ((from == to) && (to < 0 || to > len))
selectionEnd = 1;
/* if from is negative and to is positive then selection is */
/* deselected and caret moved to end of the current selection */
if (from < 0)
int start, end;
ME_GetSelectionOfs(editor, &start, &end);
editor->pCursors[1] = editor->pCursors[0];
return end;
/* adjust to if it's a negative value */
if (to < 0)
to = len + 1;
/* flip from and to if they are reversed */
if (from>to)
int tmp = from;
from = to;
to = tmp;
/* after fiddling with the values, we find from > len && to > len */
if (from > len)
selectionEnd = 1;
/* special case with to too big */
else if (to > len)
to = len + 1;
if (selectionEnd)
ME_SetCursorToEnd(editor, &editor->pCursors[0]);
editor->pCursors[1] = editor->pCursors[0];
return len;
ME_CursorFromCharOfs(editor, from, &editor->pCursors[1]);
editor->pCursors[0] = editor->pCursors[1];
ME_MoveCursorChars(editor, &editor->pCursors[0], to - from);
/* Selection is not allowed in the middle of an end paragraph run. */
if (editor->pCursors[1].pRun-> & MERF_ENDPARA)
editor->pCursors[1].nOffset = 0;
if (editor->pCursors[0].pRun-> & MERF_ENDPARA)
editor->pCursors[0].nOffset = 0;
return to;
static void
ME_GetCursorCoordinates(ME_TextEditor *editor, ME_Cursor *pCursor,
int *x, int *y, int *height)
ME_DisplayItem *row;
ME_DisplayItem *run = pCursor->pRun;
ME_DisplayItem *para = pCursor->pPara;
ME_DisplayItem *pSizeRun = run;
ME_Context c;
SIZE sz = {0, 0};
assert(height && x && y);
assert(~para->member.para.nFlags & MEPF_REWRAP);
assert(run && run->type == diRun);
assert(para && para->type == diParagraph);
row = ME_FindItemBack(run, diStartRowOrParagraph);
assert(row && row->type == diStartRow);
ME_InitContext(&c, editor, ITextHost_TxGetDC(editor->texthost));
if (!pCursor->nOffset)
ME_DisplayItem *prev = ME_FindItemBack(run, diRunOrParagraph);
if (prev->type == diRun)
pSizeRun = prev;
if (editor->bCaretAtEnd && !pCursor->nOffset &&
run == ME_FindItemFwd(row, diRun))
ME_DisplayItem *tmp = ME_FindItemBack(row, diRunOrParagraph);
if (tmp->type == diRun)
row = ME_FindItemBack(tmp, diStartRow);
pSizeRun = run = tmp;
assert(run->type == diRun);
sz = ME_GetRunSize(&c, &para->member.para,
&run->, run->>nLen,
if (pCursor->nOffset) {
sz = ME_GetRunSize(&c, &para->member.para, &run->,
pCursor->nOffset, row->member.row.nLMargin);
*height = pSizeRun-> + pSizeRun->;
*x = c.rcView.left + run-> + - editor->horz_si.nPos;
*y = + para-> + row->member.row.nBaseline
+ run-> - pSizeRun->
- editor->vert_si.nPos;
ME_MoveCaret(ME_TextEditor *editor)
int x, y, height;
ME_GetCursorCoordinates(editor, &editor->pCursors[0], &x, &y, &height);
if(editor->bHaveFocus && !ME_IsSelection(editor))
x = min(x, editor->rcFormat.right-1);
ITextHost_TxCreateCaret(editor->texthost, NULL, 0, height);
ITextHost_TxSetCaretPos(editor->texthost, x, y);
void ME_ShowCaret(ME_TextEditor *ed)
if(ed->bHaveFocus && !ME_IsSelection(ed))
ITextHost_TxShowCaret(ed->texthost, TRUE);
void ME_HideCaret(ME_TextEditor *ed)
if(!ed->bHaveFocus || ME_IsSelection(ed))
ITextHost_TxShowCaret(ed->texthost, FALSE);
BOOL ME_InternalDeleteText(ME_TextEditor *editor, ME_Cursor *start,
int nChars, BOOL bForce)
ME_Cursor c = *start;
int nOfs = ME_GetCursorOfs(start);
int shift = 0;
int totalChars = nChars;
ME_DisplayItem *start_para;
/* Prevent deletion past last end of paragraph run. */
nChars = min(nChars, ME_GetTextLength(editor) - nOfs);
start_para = c.pPara;
if (!bForce)
ME_ProtectPartialTableDeletion(editor, &c, &nChars);
if (nChars == 0)
return FALSE;
while(nChars > 0)
ME_Run *run;
ME_CursorFromCharOfs(editor, nOfs+nChars, &c);
if (!c.nOffset &&
nOfs+nChars == (c.pRun->
+ c.pPara->member.para.nCharOfs))
/* We aren't deleting anything in this run, so we will go back to the
* last run we are deleting text in. */
ME_PrevRun(&c.pPara, &c.pRun);
c.nOffset = c.pRun->>nLen;
run = &c.pRun->;
if (run->nFlags & MERF_ENDPARA) {
int eollen = c.pRun->>nLen;
BOOL keepFirstParaFormat;
if (!ME_FindItemFwd(c.pRun, diParagraph))
return TRUE;
keepFirstParaFormat = (totalChars == nChars && nChars <= eollen &&
if (!editor->bEmulateVersion10) /* v4.1 */
ME_DisplayItem *next_para = ME_FindItemFwd(c.pRun, diParagraphOrEnd);
ME_DisplayItem *this_para = next_para->member.para.prev_para;
/* The end of paragraph before a table row is only deleted if there
* is nothing else on the line before it. */
if (this_para == start_para &&
next_para->member.para.nFlags & MEPF_ROWSTART)
/* If the paragraph will be empty, then it should be deleted, however
* it still might have text right now which would inherit the
* MEPF_STARTROW property if we joined it right now.
* Instead we will delete it after the preceding text is deleted. */
if (nOfs > this_para->member.para.nCharOfs) {
/* Skip this end of line. */
nChars -= (eollen < nChars) ? eollen : nChars;
keepFirstParaFormat = TRUE;
ME_JoinParagraphs(editor, c.pPara, keepFirstParaFormat);
/* ME_SkipAndPropagateCharOffset(p->pRun, shift); */
nChars -= (eollen < nChars) ? eollen : nChars;
ME_Cursor cursor;
int nCharsToDelete = min(nChars, c.nOffset);
int i;
c.nOffset -= nCharsToDelete;
ME_FindItemBack(c.pRun, diParagraph)->member.para.nFlags |= MEPF_REWRAP;
cursor = c;
/* nChars is the number of characters that should be deleted from the
PRECEDING runs (these BEFORE cursor.pRun)
nCharsToDelete is a number of chars to delete from THIS run */
nChars -= nCharsToDelete;
shift -= nCharsToDelete;
TRACE("Deleting %d (remaning %d) chars at %d in '%s' (%d)\n",
nCharsToDelete, nChars, c.nOffset,
debugstr_w(run->strText->szData), run->strText->nLen);
if (!c.nOffset && run->strText->nLen == nCharsToDelete)
/* undo = reinsert whole run */
/* nOfs is a character offset (from the start of the document
to the current (deleted) run */
ME_UndoItem *pUndo = ME_AddUndoItem(editor, diUndoInsertRun, c.pRun);
if (pUndo)
pUndo-> = nOfs+nChars;
/* undo = reinsert partial run */
ME_UndoItem *pUndo = ME_AddUndoItem(editor, diUndoInsertRun, c.pRun);
if (pUndo) {
pUndo-> = nOfs+nChars;
pUndo-> = ME_MakeStringN(run->strText->szData+c.nOffset, nCharsToDelete);
TRACE("Post deletion string: %s (%d)\n", debugstr_w(run->strText->szData), run->strText->nLen);
TRACE("Shift value: %d\n", shift);
ME_StrDeleteV(run->strText, c.nOffset, nCharsToDelete);
/* update cursors (including c) */
for (i=-1; i<editor->nCursors; i++) {
ME_Cursor *pThisCur = editor->pCursors + i;
if (i == -1) pThisCur = &c;
if (pThisCur->pRun == cursor.pRun) {
if (pThisCur->nOffset > cursor.nOffset) {
if (pThisCur->nOffset-cursor.nOffset < nCharsToDelete)
pThisCur->nOffset = cursor.nOffset;
pThisCur->nOffset -= nCharsToDelete;
assert(pThisCur->nOffset >= 0);
assert(pThisCur->nOffset <= run->strText->nLen);
if (pThisCur->nOffset == run->strText->nLen)
pThisCur->pRun = ME_FindItemFwd(pThisCur->pRun, diRunOrParagraphOrEnd);
assert(pThisCur->pRun->type == diRun);
pThisCur->nOffset = 0;
/* c = updated data now */
if (c.pRun == cursor.pRun)
ME_SkipAndPropagateCharOffset(c.pRun, shift);
ME_PropagateCharOffset(c.pRun, shift);
if (!cursor.pRun->>nLen)
TRACE("Removing useless run\n");
shift = 0;
return TRUE;
BOOL ME_DeleteTextAtCursor(ME_TextEditor *editor, int nCursor, int nChars)
assert(nCursor>=0 && nCursor<editor->nCursors);
/* text operations set modified state */
editor->nModifyStep = 1;
return ME_InternalDeleteText(editor, &editor->pCursors[nCursor],
nChars, FALSE);
static ME_DisplayItem *
ME_InternalInsertTextFromCursor(ME_TextEditor *editor, int nCursor,
const WCHAR *str, int len, ME_Style *style,
int flags)
ME_Cursor *p = &editor->pCursors[nCursor];
editor->bCaretAtEnd = FALSE;
assert(p->pRun->type == diRun);
return ME_InsertRunAtCursor(editor, p, style, str, len, flags);
void ME_InsertOLEFromCursor(ME_TextEditor *editor, const REOBJECT* reo, int nCursor)
ME_Style *pStyle = ME_GetInsertStyle(editor, nCursor);
ME_DisplayItem *di;
WCHAR space = ' ';
/* FIXME no no no */
if (ME_IsSelection(editor))
di = ME_InternalInsertTextFromCursor(editor, nCursor, &space, 1, pStyle,
di-> = ALLOC_OBJ(*reo);
ME_CopyReObject(di->, reo);
void ME_InsertEndRowFromCursor(ME_TextEditor *editor, int nCursor)
ME_Style *pStyle = ME_GetInsertStyle(editor, nCursor);
WCHAR space = ' ';
/* FIXME no no no */
if (ME_IsSelection(editor))
ME_InternalInsertTextFromCursor(editor, nCursor, &space, 1, pStyle,
void ME_InsertTextFromCursor(ME_TextEditor *editor, int nCursor,
const WCHAR *str, int len, ME_Style *style)
const WCHAR *pos;
ME_Cursor *p = NULL;
int oldLen;
/* FIXME really HERE ? */
if (ME_IsSelection(editor))
/* FIXME: is this too slow? */
/* Didn't affect performance for WM_SETTEXT (around 50sec/30K) */
oldLen = ME_GetTextLength(editor);
/* text operations set modified state */
editor->nModifyStep = 1;
assert(nCursor>=0 && nCursor<editor->nCursors);
if (len == -1)
len = lstrlenW(str);
/* grow the text limit to fit our text */
if(editor->nTextLimit < oldLen +len)
editor->nTextLimit = oldLen + len;
pos = str;
while (len)
/* FIXME this sucks - no respect for unicode (what else can be a line separator in unicode?) */
while(pos - str < len && *pos != '\r' && *pos != '\n' && *pos != '\t')
if (pos != str) { /* handle text */
ME_InternalInsertTextFromCursor(editor, nCursor, str, pos-str, style, 0);
} else if (*pos == '\t') { /* handle tabs */
WCHAR tab = '\t';
ME_InternalInsertTextFromCursor(editor, nCursor, &tab, 1, style, MERF_TAB);
} else { /* handle EOLs */
ME_DisplayItem *tp, *end_run;
ME_Style *tmp_style;
int eol_len = 0;
/* Find number of CR and LF in end of paragraph run */
if (*pos =='\r')
if (len > 1 && pos[1] == '\n')
eol_len = 2;
else if (len > 2 && pos[1] == '\r' && pos[2] == '\n')
eol_len = 3;
eol_len = 1;
} else {
assert(*pos == '\n');
eol_len = 1;
pos += eol_len;
if (!editor->bEmulateVersion10 && eol_len == 3)
/* handle special \r\r\n sequence (richedit 2.x and higher only) */
WCHAR space = ' ';
ME_InternalInsertTextFromCursor(editor, nCursor, &space, 1, style, 0);
} else {
ME_String *eol_str;
if (!editor->bEmulateVersion10) {
WCHAR cr = '\r';
eol_str = ME_MakeStringN(&cr, 1);
} else {
eol_str = ME_MakeStringN(str, eol_len);
p = &editor->pCursors[nCursor];
if (p->nOffset) {
ME_SplitRunSimple(editor, p->pRun, p->nOffset);
p = &editor->pCursors[nCursor];
tmp_style = ME_GetInsertStyle(editor, nCursor);
/* ME_SplitParagraph increases style refcount */
tp = ME_SplitParagraph(editor, p->pRun, p->pRun->, eol_str, 0);
p->pRun = ME_FindItemFwd(tp, diRun);
p->pPara = tp;
end_run = ME_FindItemBack(tp, diRun);
end_run-> = tmp_style;
p->nOffset = 0;
len -= pos - str;
str = pos;
/* Move the cursor nRelOfs characters (either forwards or backwards)
* returns the actual number of characters moved.
int ME_MoveCursorChars(ME_TextEditor *editor, ME_Cursor *cursor, int nRelOfs)
cursor->nOffset += nRelOfs;
if (cursor->nOffset < 0)
cursor->nOffset += cursor->pRun->;
if (cursor->nOffset >= 0)
/* new offset in the same paragraph */
do {
cursor->pRun = ME_FindItemBack(cursor->pRun, diRun);
} while (cursor->nOffset < cursor->pRun->;
cursor->nOffset -= cursor->pRun->;
return nRelOfs;
cursor->nOffset += cursor->pPara->member.para.nCharOfs;
if (cursor->nOffset <= 0)
/* moved to the start of the text */
nRelOfs -= cursor->nOffset;
ME_SetCursorToStart(editor, cursor);
return nRelOfs;
/* new offset in a previous paragraph */
do {
cursor->pPara = cursor->pPara->member.para.prev_para;
} while (cursor->nOffset < cursor->pPara->member.para.nCharOfs);
cursor->nOffset -= cursor->pPara->member.para.nCharOfs;
cursor->pRun = ME_FindItemBack(cursor->pPara->member.para.next_para, diRun);
while (cursor->nOffset < cursor->pRun-> {
cursor->pRun = ME_FindItemBack(cursor->pRun, diRun);
cursor->nOffset -= cursor->pRun->;
} else if (cursor->nOffset >= cursor->pRun->>nLen) {
ME_DisplayItem *next_para;
int new_offset;
new_offset = ME_GetCursorOfs(cursor);
next_para = cursor->pPara->member.para.next_para;
if (new_offset < next_para->member.para.nCharOfs)
/* new offset in the same paragraph */
do {
cursor->nOffset -= cursor->pRun->>nLen;
cursor->pRun = ME_FindItemFwd(cursor->pRun, diRun);
} while (cursor->nOffset >= cursor->pRun->>nLen);
return nRelOfs;
if (new_offset >= ME_GetTextLength(editor))
/* new offset at the end of the text */
ME_SetCursorToEnd(editor, cursor);
nRelOfs -= new_offset - ME_GetTextLength(editor);
return nRelOfs;
/* new offset in a following paragraph */
do {
cursor->pPara = next_para;
next_para = next_para->member.para.next_para;
} while (new_offset >= next_para->member.para.nCharOfs);
cursor->nOffset = new_offset - cursor->pPara->member.para.nCharOfs;
cursor->pRun = ME_FindItemFwd(cursor->pPara, diRun);
while (cursor->nOffset >= cursor->pRun->>nLen)
cursor->nOffset -= cursor->pRun->>nLen;
cursor->pRun = ME_FindItemFwd(cursor->pRun, diRun);
} /* else new offset is in the same run */
return nRelOfs;
static BOOL
ME_MoveCursorWords(ME_TextEditor *editor, ME_Cursor *cursor, int nRelOfs)
ME_DisplayItem *pRun = cursor->pRun, *pOtherRun;
ME_DisplayItem *pPara = cursor->pPara;
int nOffset = cursor->nOffset;
if (nRelOfs == -1)
/* Backward movement */
while (TRUE)
nOffset = ME_CallWordBreakProc(editor, pRun->,
if (nOffset)
pOtherRun = ME_FindItemBack(pRun, diRunOrParagraph);
if (pOtherRun->type == diRun)
if (ME_CallWordBreakProc(editor, pOtherRun->,
pOtherRun->>nLen - 1,
&& !(pRun-> & MERF_ENDPARA)
&& !(cursor->pRun == pRun && cursor->nOffset == 0)
&& !ME_CallWordBreakProc(editor, pRun->, 0,
pRun = pOtherRun;
nOffset = pOtherRun->>nLen;
else if (pOtherRun->type == diParagraph)
if (cursor->pRun == pRun && cursor->nOffset == 0)
pPara = pOtherRun;
/* Skip empty start of table row paragraph */
if (pPara->member.para.prev_para->member.para.nFlags & MEPF_ROWSTART)
pPara = pPara->member.para.prev_para;
/* Paragraph breaks are treated as separate words */
if (pPara->member.para.prev_para->type == diTextStart)
return FALSE;
pRun = ME_FindItemBack(pPara, diRun);
pPara = pPara->member.para.prev_para;
Sync to Wine-20050725: Phil Krylov <> - Added some useful TRACEs. - Allow NULL parameter for WM_SETTEXT in RichEdit. - Implemented EM_LINELENGTH RichEdit message. - Fixed EM_LINEINDEX handler and added EM_LINEFROMCHAR handler. - Implemented EM_EXLINEFROMCHAR, EM_LINEINDEX, EM_FINDTEXT, EM_FINDTEXTW, EM_FINDTEXTEX, and EM_FINDTEXTEXW messages. - Fixed a comment about EM_STREAMIN. - Implemented EM_GETLINECOUNT RichEdit message. - Fixed EM_GETCHARFORMAT for selection containing a single character. - Fixed an off-by-one error in EM_GETLINECOUNT handler. - Fixed an off-by-one error in EM_STREAMOUT handler for non-Unicode plain text output. - Fixed another couple of EM_STREAMOUT bugs. - Removed junk from UTF-8 RTF output. - Added emulation of RichEdit 1.0 behaviour when the 1.0 window class is being used. This emulation (introduced in M$ RichEdit 3.0) counts paragraph endings as 2 characters (CR+LF) instead of 1 (CR). - Added EM_GETZOOM and EM_SETZOOM RichEdit message handlers. - Added some missing but useful items to the TODO list. Felix Nawothnig <> - Check structure size and fix return values in EM_GETCHARFORMAT. Aric Stewart <> - Implementation for EM_GETTEXTEX. Daniel Remenak <> - Basic handling of EM_SETTEXTEX. Stefan Huehner <> - Make functions static to fix -Wmissing-declarations warnings. - Change some char* to const char* to fix warnigns. - Make some function static. - Fix -Wmissing-declarations warnings. svn path=/trunk/; revision=17335
2005-08-12 17:41:40 +00:00
/* Forward movement */
BOOL last_delim = FALSE;
while (TRUE)
if (last_delim && !ME_CallWordBreakProc(editor, pRun->,
nOffset = ME_CallWordBreakProc(editor, pRun->,
if (nOffset < pRun->>nLen)
pOtherRun = ME_FindItemFwd(pRun, diRunOrParagraphOrEnd);
if (pOtherRun->type == diRun)
last_delim = ME_CallWordBreakProc(editor, pRun->,
nOffset - 1, WB_ISDELIMITER);
pRun = pOtherRun;
nOffset = 0;
else if (pOtherRun->type == diParagraph)
if (pOtherRun->member.para.nFlags & MEPF_ROWSTART)
pOtherRun = pOtherRun->member.para.next_para;
if (cursor->pRun == pRun) {
pPara = pOtherRun;
pRun = ME_FindItemFwd(pPara, diRun);
nOffset = 0;
else /* diTextEnd */
if (cursor->pRun == pRun)
return FALSE;
nOffset = 0;
cursor->pPara = pPara;
cursor->pRun = pRun;
cursor->nOffset = nOffset;
return TRUE;
static void
ME_SelectByType(ME_TextEditor *editor, ME_SelectionType selectionType)
/* pCursor[0] is the end of the selection
* pCursor[1] is the start of the selection (or the position selection anchor)
* pCursor[2] and [3] are the selection anchors that are backed up
* so they are kept when the selection changes for drag selection.
editor->nSelectionType = selectionType;
case stPosition:
case stWord:
ME_MoveCursorWords(editor, &editor->pCursors[0], +1);
editor->pCursors[1] = editor->pCursors[0];
ME_MoveCursorWords(editor, &editor->pCursors[1], -1);
case stLine:
case stParagraph:
ME_DisplayItem *pItem;
ME_DIType fwdSearchType, backSearchType;
if (selectionType == stParagraph) {
backSearchType = diParagraph;
fwdSearchType = diParagraphOrEnd;
} else {
backSearchType = diStartRow;
fwdSearchType = diStartRowOrParagraphOrEnd;
pItem = ME_FindItemFwd(editor->pCursors[0].pRun, fwdSearchType);
if (pItem->type == diTextEnd)
editor->pCursors[0].pRun = ME_FindItemBack(pItem, diRun);
editor->pCursors[0].pRun = ME_FindItemFwd(pItem, diRun);
editor->pCursors[0].pPara = ME_GetParagraph(editor->pCursors[0].pRun);
editor->pCursors[0].nOffset = 0;
pItem = ME_FindItemBack(pItem, backSearchType);
editor->pCursors[1].pRun = ME_FindItemFwd(pItem, diRun);
editor->pCursors[1].pPara = ME_GetParagraph(editor->pCursors[1].pRun);
editor->pCursors[1].nOffset = 0;
case stDocument:
/* Select everything with cursor anchored from the start of the text */
editor->nSelectionType = stDocument;
ME_SetCursorToStart(editor, &editor->pCursors[1]);
ME_SetCursorToEnd(editor, &editor->pCursors[0]);
default: assert(0);
/* Store the anchor positions for extending the selection. */
editor->pCursors[2] = editor->pCursors[0];
editor->pCursors[3] = editor->pCursors[1];
int ME_GetCursorOfs(const ME_Cursor *cursor)
return cursor->pPara->member.para.nCharOfs
+ cursor->pRun-> + cursor->nOffset;
/* Helper function for ME_FindPixelPos to find paragraph within tables */
static ME_DisplayItem* ME_FindPixelPosInTableRow(int x, int y,
ME_DisplayItem *para)
ME_DisplayItem *cell, *next_cell;
assert(para->member.para.nFlags & MEPF_ROWSTART);
cell = para->member.para.next_para->member.para.pCell;
/* find the cell we are in */
while ((next_cell = cell->member.cell.next_cell) != NULL) {
if (x < next_cell->
para = ME_FindItemFwd(cell, diParagraph);
/* Found the cell, but there might be multiple paragraphs in
* the cell, so need to search down the cell for the paragraph. */
while (cell == para->member.para.pCell) {
if (y < para-> + para->member.para.nHeight)
if (para->member.para.nFlags & MEPF_ROWSTART)
return ME_FindPixelPosInTableRow(x, y, para);
return para;
para = para->member.para.next_para;
/* Past the end of the cell, so go back to the last cell paragraph */
return para->member.para.prev_para;
cell = next_cell;
/* Return table row delimiter */
para = ME_FindItemFwd(cell, diParagraph);
assert(para->member.para.nFlags & MEPF_ROWEND);
assert(para->member.para.pFmt->dwMask & PFM_TABLEROWDELIMITER);
assert(para->member.para.pFmt->wEffects & PFE_TABLEROWDELIMITER);
return para;
static BOOL ME_ReturnFoundPos(ME_TextEditor *editor, ME_DisplayItem *found,
ME_Cursor *result, int rx, BOOL isExact)
assert(found->type == diRun);
if ((found-> & MERF_ENDPARA) || rx < 0)
rx = 0;
result->pRun = found;
result->nOffset = ME_CharFromPointCursor(editor, rx, &found->;
if (result->nOffset == found->>nLen && rx)
result->pRun = ME_FindItemFwd(result->pRun, diRun);
result->nOffset = 0;
result->pPara = ME_GetParagraph(result->pRun);
return isExact;
/* Finds the run and offset from the pixel position.
* x & y are pixel positions in virtual coordinates into the rich edit control,
* so client coordinates must first be adjusted by the scroll position.
* returns TRUE if the result was exactly under the cursor, otherwise returns
* FALSE, and result is set to the closest position to the coordinates.
static BOOL ME_FindPixelPos(ME_TextEditor *editor, int x, int y,
ME_Cursor *result, BOOL *is_eol)
ME_DisplayItem *p = editor->pBuffer->pFirst->member.para.next_para;
ME_DisplayItem *last = NULL;
int rx = 0;
BOOL isExact = TRUE;
x -= editor->rcFormat.left;
y -= editor->;
if (is_eol)
*is_eol = 0;
/* find paragraph */
for (; p != editor->pBuffer->pLast; p = p->member.para.next_para)
assert(p->type == diParagraph);
if (y < p-> + p->member.para.nHeight)
if (p->member.para.nFlags & MEPF_ROWSTART)
p = ME_FindPixelPosInTableRow(x, y, p);
y -= p->;
p = ME_FindItemFwd(p, diStartRow);
} else if (p->member.para.nFlags & MEPF_ROWSTART) {
p = ME_GetTableRowEnd(p);
/* find row */
for (; p != editor->pBuffer->pLast; )
ME_DisplayItem *pp;
assert(p->type == diStartRow);
if (y < p-> + p->member.row.nHeight)
p = ME_FindItemFwd(p, diRun);
pp = ME_FindItemFwd(p, diStartRowOrParagraphOrEnd);
if (pp->type != diStartRow)
p = ME_FindItemFwd(p, diRun);
p = pp;
if (p == editor->pBuffer->pLast)
/* The position is below the last paragraph, so the last row will be used
* rather than the end of the text, so the x position will be used to
* determine the offset closest to the pixel position. */
isExact = FALSE;
p = ME_FindItemBack(p, diStartRow);
if (p != NULL){
p = ME_FindItemFwd(p, diRun);
p = editor->pBuffer->pLast;
for (; p != editor->pBuffer->pLast; p = p->next)
switch (p->type)
case diRun:
rx = x - p->;
if (rx < p->
return ME_ReturnFoundPos(editor, p, result, rx, isExact);
case diStartRow:
isExact = FALSE;
p = ME_FindItemFwd(p, diRun);
if (is_eol) *is_eol = 1;
rx = 0; /* FIXME not sure */
return ME_ReturnFoundPos(editor, p, result, rx, isExact);
case diCell:
case diParagraph:
case diTextEnd:
isExact = FALSE;
rx = 0; /* FIXME not sure */
p = last;
return ME_ReturnFoundPos(editor, p, result, rx, isExact);
default: assert(0);
last = p;
result->pRun = ME_FindItemBack(p, diRun);
result->pPara = ME_GetParagraph(result->pRun);
result->nOffset = 0;
assert(result->pRun-> & MERF_ENDPARA);
return FALSE;
/* Sets the cursor to the position closest to the pixel position
* x & y are pixel positions in client coordinates.
* isExact will be set to TRUE if the run is directly under the pixel
* position, FALSE if it not, unless isExact is set to NULL.
* return FALSE if outside client area and the cursor is not set,
* otherwise TRUE is returned.
BOOL ME_CharFromPos(ME_TextEditor *editor, int x, int y,
ME_Cursor *cursor, BOOL *isExact)
RECT rc;
BOOL bResult;
ITextHost_TxGetClientRect(editor->texthost, &rc);
if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= rc.right || y >= rc.bottom) {
if (isExact) *isExact = FALSE;
return FALSE;
x += editor->horz_si.nPos;
y += editor->vert_si.nPos;
bResult = ME_FindPixelPos(editor, x, y, cursor, NULL);
if (isExact) *isExact = bResult;
return TRUE;
/* Extends the selection with a word, line, or paragraph selection type.
* The selection is anchored by editor->pCursors[2-3] such that the text
* between the anchors will remain selected, and one end will be extended.
* editor->pCursors[0] should have the position to extend the selection to
* before this function is called.
* Nothing will be done if editor->nSelectionType equals stPosition.
static void ME_ExtendAnchorSelection(ME_TextEditor *editor)
ME_Cursor tmp_cursor;
int curOfs, anchorStartOfs, anchorEndOfs;
if (editor->nSelectionType == stPosition || editor->nSelectionType == stDocument)
curOfs = ME_GetCursorOfs(&editor->pCursors[0]);
anchorStartOfs = ME_GetCursorOfs(&editor->pCursors[3]);
anchorEndOfs = ME_GetCursorOfs(&editor->pCursors[2]);
tmp_cursor = editor->pCursors[0];
editor->pCursors[0] = editor->pCursors[2];
editor->pCursors[1] = editor->pCursors[3];
if (curOfs < anchorStartOfs)
/* Extend the left side of selection */
editor->pCursors[1] = tmp_cursor;
if (editor->nSelectionType == stWord)
ME_MoveCursorWords(editor, &editor->pCursors[1], -1);
ME_DisplayItem *pItem;
ME_DIType searchType = ((editor->nSelectionType == stLine) ?
pItem = ME_FindItemBack(editor->pCursors[1].pRun, searchType);
editor->pCursors[1].pRun = ME_FindItemFwd(pItem, diRun);
editor->pCursors[1].pPara = ME_GetParagraph(editor->pCursors[1].pRun);
editor->pCursors[1].nOffset = 0;
else if (curOfs >= anchorEndOfs)
/* Extend the right side of selection */
editor->pCursors[0] = tmp_cursor;
if (editor->nSelectionType == stWord)
ME_MoveCursorWords(editor, &editor->pCursors[0], +1);
ME_DisplayItem *pItem;
ME_DIType searchType = ((editor->nSelectionType == stLine) ?
pItem = ME_FindItemFwd(editor->pCursors[0].pRun, searchType);
if (pItem->type == diTextEnd)
editor->pCursors[0].pRun = ME_FindItemBack(pItem, diRun);
editor->pCursors[0].pRun = ME_FindItemFwd(pItem, diRun);
editor->pCursors[0].pPara = ME_GetParagraph(editor->pCursors[0].pRun);
editor->pCursors[0].nOffset = 0;
void ME_LButtonDown(ME_TextEditor *editor, int x, int y, int clickNum)
ME_Cursor tmp_cursor;
int is_selection = 0;
BOOL is_shift;
editor->nUDArrowX = -1;
x += editor->horz_si.nPos;
y += editor->vert_si.nPos;
tmp_cursor = editor->pCursors[0];
is_selection = ME_IsSelection(editor);
is_shift = GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) < 0;
ME_FindPixelPos(editor, x, y, &editor->pCursors[0], &editor->bCaretAtEnd);
if (x >= editor->rcFormat.left || is_shift)
if (clickNum > 1)
editor->pCursors[1] = editor->pCursors[0];
if (is_shift) {
if (x >= editor->rcFormat.left)
ME_SelectByType(editor, stWord);
ME_SelectByType(editor, stParagraph);
} else if (clickNum % 2 == 0) {
ME_SelectByType(editor, stWord);
} else {
ME_SelectByType(editor, stParagraph);
else if (!is_shift)
editor->nSelectionType = stPosition;
editor->pCursors[1] = editor->pCursors[0];
else if (!is_selection)
editor->nSelectionType = stPosition;
editor->pCursors[1] = tmp_cursor;
else if (editor->nSelectionType != stPosition)
if (clickNum < 2) {
ME_SelectByType(editor, stLine);
} else if (clickNum % 2 == 0 || is_shift) {
ME_SelectByType(editor, stParagraph);
} else {
ME_SelectByType(editor, stDocument);
ITextHost_TxShowCaret(editor->texthost, FALSE);
void ME_MouseMove(ME_TextEditor *editor, int x, int y)
ME_Cursor tmp_cursor;
if (editor->nSelectionType == stDocument)
x += editor->horz_si.nPos;
y += editor->vert_si.nPos;
tmp_cursor = editor->pCursors[0];
/* FIXME: do something with the return value of ME_FindPixelPos */
ME_FindPixelPos(editor, x, y, &tmp_cursor, &editor->bCaretAtEnd);
editor->pCursors[0] = tmp_cursor;
if (editor->nSelectionType != stPosition &&
memcmp(&editor->pCursors[1], &editor->pCursors[3], sizeof(ME_Cursor)))
/* The scroll the cursor towards the other end, since it was the one
* extended by ME_ExtendAnchorSelection */
ME_EnsureVisible(editor, &editor->pCursors[1]);
} else {
ME_EnsureVisible(editor, &editor->pCursors[0]);
ITextHost_TxShowCaret(editor->texthost, FALSE);
static ME_DisplayItem *ME_FindRunInRow(ME_TextEditor *editor, ME_DisplayItem *pRow,
int x, int *pOffset, int *pbCaretAtEnd)
ME_DisplayItem *pNext, *pLastRun;
pNext = ME_FindItemFwd(pRow, diRunOrStartRow);
assert(pNext->type == diRun);
pLastRun = pNext;
if (pbCaretAtEnd) *pbCaretAtEnd = FALSE;
if (pOffset) *pOffset = 0;
do {
int run_x = pNext->;
int width = pNext->;
if (x < run_x)
return pNext;
if (x >= run_x && x < run_x+width)
int ch = ME_CharFromPointCursor(editor, x-run_x, &pNext->;
ME_String *s = pNext->;
if (ch < s->nLen) {
if (pOffset)
*pOffset = ch;
return pNext;
pLastRun = pNext;
pNext = ME_FindItemFwd(pNext, diRunOrStartRow);
} while(pNext && pNext->type == diRun);
if ((pLastRun-> & MERF_ENDPARA) == 0)
pNext = ME_FindItemFwd(pNext, diRun);
if (pbCaretAtEnd) *pbCaretAtEnd = TRUE;
return pNext;
} else {
return pLastRun;
static int ME_GetXForArrow(ME_TextEditor *editor, ME_Cursor *pCursor)
ME_DisplayItem *pRun = pCursor->pRun;
int x;
if (editor->nUDArrowX != -1)
x = editor->nUDArrowX;
else {
if (editor->bCaretAtEnd)
pRun = ME_FindItemBack(pRun, diRun);
x = pRun-> + pRun->;
else {
x = pRun->;
x += ME_PointFromChar(editor, &pRun->, pCursor->nOffset);
editor->nUDArrowX = x;
return x;
static void
ME_MoveCursorLines(ME_TextEditor *editor, ME_Cursor *pCursor, int nRelOfs)
ME_DisplayItem *pRun = pCursor->pRun;
ME_DisplayItem *pOldPara = pCursor->pPara;
ME_DisplayItem *pItem, *pNewPara;
int x = ME_GetXForArrow(editor, pCursor);
if (editor->bCaretAtEnd && !pCursor->nOffset)
if (!ME_PrevRun(&pOldPara, &pRun))
if (nRelOfs == -1)
/* start of this row */
pItem = ME_FindItemBack(pRun, diStartRow);
/* start of the previous row */
pItem = ME_FindItemBack(pItem, diStartRow);
if (!pItem)
return; /* row not found - ignore */
pNewPara = ME_GetParagraph(pItem);
if (pOldPara->member.para.nFlags & MEPF_ROWEND ||
(pOldPara->member.para.pCell &&
pOldPara->member.para.pCell != pNewPara->member.para.pCell))
/* Brought out of a cell */
pNewPara = ME_GetTableRowStart(pOldPara)->member.para.prev_para;
if (pNewPara->type == diTextStart)
return; /* At the top, so don't go anywhere. */
pItem = ME_FindItemFwd(pNewPara, diStartRow);
if (pNewPara->member.para.nFlags & MEPF_ROWEND)
/* Brought into a table row */
ME_Cell *cell = &ME_FindItemBack(pNewPara, diCell)->member.cell;
while (x < cell->pt.x && cell->prev_cell)
cell = &cell->prev_cell->member.cell;
if (cell->next_cell) /* else - we are still at the end of the row */
pItem = ME_FindItemBack(cell->next_cell, diStartRow);
/* start of the next row */
pItem = ME_FindItemFwd(pRun, diStartRow);
if (!pItem)
return; /* row not found - ignore */
pNewPara = ME_GetParagraph(pItem);
if (pOldPara->member.para.nFlags & MEPF_ROWSTART ||
(pOldPara->member.para.pCell &&
pOldPara->member.para.pCell != pNewPara->member.para.pCell))
/* Brought out of a cell */
pNewPara = ME_GetTableRowEnd(pOldPara)->member.para.next_para;
if (pNewPara->type == diTextEnd)
return; /* At the bottom, so don't go anywhere. */
pItem = ME_FindItemFwd(pNewPara, diStartRow);
if (pNewPara->member.para.nFlags & MEPF_ROWSTART)
/* Brought into a table row */
ME_DisplayItem *cell = ME_FindItemFwd(pNewPara, diCell);
while (cell->member.cell.next_cell &&
x >= cell->member.cell.next_cell->
cell = cell->member.cell.next_cell;
pItem = ME_FindItemFwd(cell, diStartRow);
if (!pItem)
/* row not found - ignore */
pCursor->pRun = ME_FindRunInRow(editor, pItem, x, &pCursor->nOffset, &editor->bCaretAtEnd);
pCursor->pPara = ME_GetParagraph(pCursor->pRun);
assert(pCursor->pRun->type == diRun);
Sync to Wine-20050725: Phil Krylov <> - Added some useful TRACEs. - Allow NULL parameter for WM_SETTEXT in RichEdit. - Implemented EM_LINELENGTH RichEdit message. - Fixed EM_LINEINDEX handler and added EM_LINEFROMCHAR handler. - Implemented EM_EXLINEFROMCHAR, EM_LINEINDEX, EM_FINDTEXT, EM_FINDTEXTW, EM_FINDTEXTEX, and EM_FINDTEXTEXW messages. - Fixed a comment about EM_STREAMIN. - Implemented EM_GETLINECOUNT RichEdit message. - Fixed EM_GETCHARFORMAT for selection containing a single character. - Fixed an off-by-one error in EM_GETLINECOUNT handler. - Fixed an off-by-one error in EM_STREAMOUT handler for non-Unicode plain text output. - Fixed another couple of EM_STREAMOUT bugs. - Removed junk from UTF-8 RTF output. - Added emulation of RichEdit 1.0 behaviour when the 1.0 window class is being used. This emulation (introduced in M$ RichEdit 3.0) counts paragraph endings as 2 characters (CR+LF) instead of 1 (CR). - Added EM_GETZOOM and EM_SETZOOM RichEdit message handlers. - Added some missing but useful items to the TODO list. Felix Nawothnig <> - Check structure size and fix return values in EM_GETCHARFORMAT. Aric Stewart <> - Implementation for EM_GETTEXTEX. Daniel Remenak <> - Basic handling of EM_SETTEXTEX. Stefan Huehner <> - Make functions static to fix -Wmissing-declarations warnings. - Change some char* to const char* to fix warnigns. - Make some function static. - Fix -Wmissing-declarations warnings. svn path=/trunk/; revision=17335
2005-08-12 17:41:40 +00:00
static void ME_ArrowPageUp(ME_TextEditor *editor, ME_Cursor *pCursor)
Sync to Wine-20050419: Krzysztof Foltman <> - removed trailing spaces from some files - tab support - indent support - PageUp key support. - Support for "normal" scroll bar functionality (line and page scrolling). - made string operations consistent wrt whitespace handling (which should greatly improve stability of the wrap code and eliminate regressions of the most recent versions) - completely new scrollbar handling (much more reliable) and related redraw fixes - Page Down handler (no Page Up yet, fixing wrap/redraw/scrollbar bugs was of higher priority) - RTF reader doesn't use RichEdit messages anymore (which saves on unnecessary repaints) - added unicode character support to RTF import (like: \u12345 ?) - small fixes - fixed whitespace identification bug - removed drawing of paragraph marks - improved stub implementations for IRichEditOle - Unknown destinations are now correctly skipped (so loading an RTF file generated by, for example, OpenOffice doesn't produce lots of garbage anymore). - Format stack for RTF groups (so that RTF reader can correctly read what RTF writer wrote :) ) - EM_STREAMIN can now deal with undo in a reasonable manner (no multiple undo actions in one EM_STREAMIN). - Related changes to undo code (umIgnore mode is now handled correctly). - Numerous improvements in the RTF reader: it reads some character attributes now (you will have proper small print in license agreements now). - Fixed a memory overwrite bug in conversion from CHARFORMAT2A to CHARFORMAT2W. - Optimized repaint of the area below the text. - ME_JoinRuns didn't mark the paragraph for rewrapping, fixed. - Removed PostQuitMessage(0) from WM_DESTROY handler (duh!). - Use of EM_GETOLEINTERFACE is reported with FIXME instead of TRACE (any app using this message is likely to encounter major problems). - WM_COPY (and WM_CUT) can now put both Unicode and RTF format (thanks to Phil Krylov's RTF generator code). - New message implemented - WM_PASTE. - RTF reader: rtfPlain implemented (kind of). - RTF writer: rewritten main loop (the old one crashed in some circumstances when SFF_SELECTION was used). - The meaning of the rewrap flag got inverted (MEPF_REWRAP instead of MEPF_WRAPPED) for consistency. - Major code cleanups in rewrap/repaint code, leading to "smarter" behaviour wrt repainting selections. - Old font management replaced by the cache-based one, which keeps maximum of 10 HFONTs at once, instead of one per a couple of runs. - EM_CANPASTE implemented - updated TODO list (including list of (un)implemented messages) - fixed WM_PASTE (the previous version might not close the clipboard if it didn't contain a usable format) - scrollbar operations (like clicking on arrows) should update scrollbar's current position Gerald Pfeifer <> - Make ME_ArrowLeft() return a value in every case. Phil Krylov <> - Make RTF reader fall back to simple text if a correct RTF header is not detected. This should fix some installers. - Made RTF reader and writer handle codepages mostly similar to the original riched20.dll. - Fixed support for RTF documents using ANSI charset and added support for multibyte charsets, so that BIG5 and UTF-8 RTF documents are working now. - Replaced slow and outdated character set handling in RTF reader by Unicode/codepages support. Added charset->codepage conversion. - Implemented hash table lookup for RTF keywords in RTF reader. - Added "generator" RTF destination handling. - Initial implementation of EM_STREAMOUT and RTF writer. - Fixed \u keyword to output signed 16-bit values. Also fixed CP_SYMBOL conversion and the detection of the default font's codepage. - Improved RTF export. Mike McCormack <> - Remove casts and unused code. Hannu Valtonen <> - Added mousewheel support. Vincent Beron <> - Use "" for Windows includes in dlls, instead of <>. Jakob Eriksson <> - Get rid of HeapAlloc casts. Jason Edmeades <> - Correct memory allocation macro. svn path=/trunk/; revision=15014
2005-05-05 19:00:49 +00:00
ME_DisplayItem *p = ME_FindItemFwd(editor->pBuffer->pFirst, diStartRow);
if (editor->vert_si.nPos < p->member.row.nHeight)
ME_SetCursorToStart(editor, pCursor);
editor->bCaretAtEnd = FALSE;
/* Native clears seems to clear this x value on page up at the top
* of the text, but not on page down at the end of the text.
* Doesn't make sense, but we try to be bug for bug compatible. */
editor->nUDArrowX = -1;
} else {
ME_DisplayItem *pRun = pCursor->pRun;
ME_DisplayItem *pLast;
int x, y, yd, yp;
int yOldScrollPos = editor->vert_si.nPos;
x = ME_GetXForArrow(editor, pCursor);
if (!pCursor->nOffset && editor->bCaretAtEnd)
pRun = ME_FindItemBack(pRun, diRun);
p = ME_FindItemBack(pRun, diStartRowOrParagraph);
assert(p->type == diStartRow);
yp = ME_FindItemBack(p, diParagraph)->;
y = yp + p->;
ME_ScrollUp(editor, editor->;
/* Only move the cursor by the amount scrolled. */
yd = y + editor->vert_si.nPos - yOldScrollPos;
pLast = p;
do {
p = ME_FindItemBack(p, diStartRowOrParagraph);
if (!p)
if (p->type == diParagraph) { /* crossing paragraphs */
if (p->member.para.prev_para == NULL)
yp = p->member.para.prev_para->;
y = yp + p->;
if (y < yd)
pLast = p;
} while(1);
pCursor->pRun = ME_FindRunInRow(editor, pLast, x, &pCursor->nOffset,
pCursor->pPara = ME_GetParagraph(pCursor->pRun);
Sync to Wine-20050419: Krzysztof Foltman <> - removed trailing spaces from some files - tab support - indent support - PageUp key support. - Support for "normal" scroll bar functionality (line and page scrolling). - made string operations consistent wrt whitespace handling (which should greatly improve stability of the wrap code and eliminate regressions of the most recent versions) - completely new scrollbar handling (much more reliable) and related redraw fixes - Page Down handler (no Page Up yet, fixing wrap/redraw/scrollbar bugs was of higher priority) - RTF reader doesn't use RichEdit messages anymore (which saves on unnecessary repaints) - added unicode character support to RTF import (like: \u12345 ?) - small fixes - fixed whitespace identification bug - removed drawing of paragraph marks - improved stub implementations for IRichEditOle - Unknown destinations are now correctly skipped (so loading an RTF file generated by, for example, OpenOffice doesn't produce lots of garbage anymore). - Format stack for RTF groups (so that RTF reader can correctly read what RTF writer wrote :) ) - EM_STREAMIN can now deal with undo in a reasonable manner (no multiple undo actions in one EM_STREAMIN). - Related changes to undo code (umIgnore mode is now handled correctly). - Numerous improvements in the RTF reader: it reads some character attributes now (you will have proper small print in license agreements now). - Fixed a memory overwrite bug in conversion from CHARFORMAT2A to CHARFORMAT2W. - Optimized repaint of the area below the text. - ME_JoinRuns didn't mark the paragraph for rewrapping, fixed. - Removed PostQuitMessage(0) from WM_DESTROY handler (duh!). - Use of EM_GETOLEINTERFACE is reported with FIXME instead of TRACE (any app using this message is likely to encounter major problems). - WM_COPY (and WM_CUT) can now put both Unicode and RTF format (thanks to Phil Krylov's RTF generator code). - New message implemented - WM_PASTE. - RTF reader: rtfPlain implemented (kind of). - RTF writer: rewritten main loop (the old one crashed in some circumstances when SFF_SELECTION was used). - The meaning of the rewrap flag got inverted (MEPF_REWRAP instead of MEPF_WRAPPED) for consistency. - Major code cleanups in rewrap/repaint code, leading to "smarter" behaviour wrt repainting selections. - Old font management replaced by the cache-based one, which keeps maximum of 10 HFONTs at once, instead of one per a couple of runs. - EM_CANPASTE implemented - updated TODO list (including list of (un)implemented messages) - fixed WM_PASTE (the previous version might not close the clipboard if it didn't contain a usable format) - scrollbar operations (like clicking on arrows) should update scrollbar's current position Gerald Pfeifer <> - Make ME_ArrowLeft() return a value in every case. Phil Krylov <> - Make RTF reader fall back to simple text if a correct RTF header is not detected. This should fix some installers. - Made RTF reader and writer handle codepages mostly similar to the original riched20.dll. - Fixed support for RTF documents using ANSI charset and added support for multibyte charsets, so that BIG5 and UTF-8 RTF documents are working now. - Replaced slow and outdated character set handling in RTF reader by Unicode/codepages support. Added charset->codepage conversion. - Implemented hash table lookup for RTF keywords in RTF reader. - Added "generator" RTF destination handling. - Initial implementation of EM_STREAMOUT and RTF writer. - Fixed \u keyword to output signed 16-bit values. Also fixed CP_SYMBOL conversion and the detection of the default font's codepage. - Improved RTF export. Mike McCormack <> - Remove casts and unused code. Hannu Valtonen <> - Added mousewheel support. Vincent Beron <> - Use "" for Windows includes in dlls, instead of <>. Jakob Eriksson <> - Get rid of HeapAlloc casts. Jason Edmeades <> - Correct memory allocation macro. svn path=/trunk/; revision=15014
2005-05-05 19:00:49 +00:00
assert(pCursor->pRun->type == diRun);
Sync to Wine-20050725: Phil Krylov <> - Added some useful TRACEs. - Allow NULL parameter for WM_SETTEXT in RichEdit. - Implemented EM_LINELENGTH RichEdit message. - Fixed EM_LINEINDEX handler and added EM_LINEFROMCHAR handler. - Implemented EM_EXLINEFROMCHAR, EM_LINEINDEX, EM_FINDTEXT, EM_FINDTEXTW, EM_FINDTEXTEX, and EM_FINDTEXTEXW messages. - Fixed a comment about EM_STREAMIN. - Implemented EM_GETLINECOUNT RichEdit message. - Fixed EM_GETCHARFORMAT for selection containing a single character. - Fixed an off-by-one error in EM_GETLINECOUNT handler. - Fixed an off-by-one error in EM_STREAMOUT handler for non-Unicode plain text output. - Fixed another couple of EM_STREAMOUT bugs. - Removed junk from UTF-8 RTF output. - Added emulation of RichEdit 1.0 behaviour when the 1.0 window class is being used. This emulation (introduced in M$ RichEdit 3.0) counts paragraph endings as 2 characters (CR+LF) instead of 1 (CR). - Added EM_GETZOOM and EM_SETZOOM RichEdit message handlers. - Added some missing but useful items to the TODO list. Felix Nawothnig <> - Check structure size and fix return values in EM_GETCHARFORMAT. Aric Stewart <> - Implementation for EM_GETTEXTEX. Daniel Remenak <> - Basic handling of EM_SETTEXTEX. Stefan Huehner <> - Make functions static to fix -Wmissing-declarations warnings. - Change some char* to const char* to fix warnigns. - Make some function static. - Fix -Wmissing-declarations warnings. svn path=/trunk/; revision=17335
2005-08-12 17:41:40 +00:00
static void ME_ArrowPageDown(ME_TextEditor *editor, ME_Cursor *pCursor)
Sync to Wine-20050419: Krzysztof Foltman <> - removed trailing spaces from some files - tab support - indent support - PageUp key support. - Support for "normal" scroll bar functionality (line and page scrolling). - made string operations consistent wrt whitespace handling (which should greatly improve stability of the wrap code and eliminate regressions of the most recent versions) - completely new scrollbar handling (much more reliable) and related redraw fixes - Page Down handler (no Page Up yet, fixing wrap/redraw/scrollbar bugs was of higher priority) - RTF reader doesn't use RichEdit messages anymore (which saves on unnecessary repaints) - added unicode character support to RTF import (like: \u12345 ?) - small fixes - fixed whitespace identification bug - removed drawing of paragraph marks - improved stub implementations for IRichEditOle - Unknown destinations are now correctly skipped (so loading an RTF file generated by, for example, OpenOffice doesn't produce lots of garbage anymore). - Format stack for RTF groups (so that RTF reader can correctly read what RTF writer wrote :) ) - EM_STREAMIN can now deal with undo in a reasonable manner (no multiple undo actions in one EM_STREAMIN). - Related changes to undo code (umIgnore mode is now handled correctly). - Numerous improvements in the RTF reader: it reads some character attributes now (you will have proper small print in license agreements now). - Fixed a memory overwrite bug in conversion from CHARFORMAT2A to CHARFORMAT2W. - Optimized repaint of the area below the text. - ME_JoinRuns didn't mark the paragraph for rewrapping, fixed. - Removed PostQuitMessage(0) from WM_DESTROY handler (duh!). - Use of EM_GETOLEINTERFACE is reported with FIXME instead of TRACE (any app using this message is likely to encounter major problems). - WM_COPY (and WM_CUT) can now put both Unicode and RTF format (thanks to Phil Krylov's RTF generator code). - New message implemented - WM_PASTE. - RTF reader: rtfPlain implemented (kind of). - RTF writer: rewritten main loop (the old one crashed in some circumstances when SFF_SELECTION was used). - The meaning of the rewrap flag got inverted (MEPF_REWRAP instead of MEPF_WRAPPED) for consistency. - Major code cleanups in rewrap/repaint code, leading to "smarter" behaviour wrt repainting selections. - Old font management replaced by the cache-based one, which keeps maximum of 10 HFONTs at once, instead of one per a couple of runs. - EM_CANPASTE implemented - updated TODO list (including list of (un)implemented messages) - fixed WM_PASTE (the previous version might not close the clipboard if it didn't contain a usable format) - scrollbar operations (like clicking on arrows) should update scrollbar's current position Gerald Pfeifer <> - Make ME_ArrowLeft() return a value in every case. Phil Krylov <> - Make RTF reader fall back to simple text if a correct RTF header is not detected. This should fix some installers. - Made RTF reader and writer handle codepages mostly similar to the original riched20.dll. - Fixed support for RTF documents using ANSI charset and added support for multibyte charsets, so that BIG5 and UTF-8 RTF documents are working now. - Replaced slow and outdated character set handling in RTF reader by Unicode/codepages support. Added charset->codepage conversion. - Implemented hash table lookup for RTF keywords in RTF reader. - Added "generator" RTF destination handling. - Initial implementation of EM_STREAMOUT and RTF writer. - Fixed \u keyword to output signed 16-bit values. Also fixed CP_SYMBOL conversion and the detection of the default font's codepage. - Improved RTF export. Mike McCormack <> - Remove casts and unused code. Hannu Valtonen <> - Added mousewheel support. Vincent Beron <> - Use "" for Windows includes in dlls, instead of <>. Jakob Eriksson <> - Get rid of HeapAlloc casts. Jason Edmeades <> - Correct memory allocation macro. svn path=/trunk/; revision=15014
2005-05-05 19:00:49 +00:00
ME_DisplayItem *pLast;
int x, y;
/* Find y position of the last row */
pLast = editor->pBuffer->pLast;
y = pLast->member.para.prev_para->
+ ME_FindItemBack(pLast, diStartRow)->;
Sync to Wine-20050419: Krzysztof Foltman <> - removed trailing spaces from some files - tab support - indent support - PageUp key support. - Support for "normal" scroll bar functionality (line and page scrolling). - made string operations consistent wrt whitespace handling (which should greatly improve stability of the wrap code and eliminate regressions of the most recent versions) - completely new scrollbar handling (much more reliable) and related redraw fixes - Page Down handler (no Page Up yet, fixing wrap/redraw/scrollbar bugs was of higher priority) - RTF reader doesn't use RichEdit messages anymore (which saves on unnecessary repaints) - added unicode character support to RTF import (like: \u12345 ?) - small fixes - fixed whitespace identification bug - removed drawing of paragraph marks - improved stub implementations for IRichEditOle - Unknown destinations are now correctly skipped (so loading an RTF file generated by, for example, OpenOffice doesn't produce lots of garbage anymore). - Format stack for RTF groups (so that RTF reader can correctly read what RTF writer wrote :) ) - EM_STREAMIN can now deal with undo in a reasonable manner (no multiple undo actions in one EM_STREAMIN). - Related changes to undo code (umIgnore mode is now handled correctly). - Numerous improvements in the RTF reader: it reads some character attributes now (you will have proper small print in license agreements now). - Fixed a memory overwrite bug in conversion from CHARFORMAT2A to CHARFORMAT2W. - Optimized repaint of the area below the text. - ME_JoinRuns didn't mark the paragraph for rewrapping, fixed. - Removed PostQuitMessage(0) from WM_DESTROY handler (duh!). - Use of EM_GETOLEINTERFACE is reported with FIXME instead of TRACE (any app using this message is likely to encounter major problems). - WM_COPY (and WM_CUT) can now put both Unicode and RTF format (thanks to Phil Krylov's RTF generator code). - New message implemented - WM_PASTE. - RTF reader: rtfPlain implemented (kind of). - RTF writer: rewritten main loop (the old one crashed in some circumstances when SFF_SELECTION was used). - The meaning of the rewrap flag got inverted (MEPF_REWRAP instead of MEPF_WRAPPED) for consistency. - Major code cleanups in rewrap/repaint code, leading to "smarter" behaviour wrt repainting selections. - Old font management replaced by the cache-based one, which keeps maximum of 10 HFONTs at once, instead of one per a couple of runs. - EM_CANPASTE implemented - updated TODO list (including list of (un)implemented messages) - fixed WM_PASTE (the previous version might not close the clipboard if it didn't contain a usable format) - scrollbar operations (like clicking on arrows) should update scrollbar's current position Gerald Pfeifer <> - Make ME_ArrowLeft() return a value in every case. Phil Krylov <> - Make RTF reader fall back to simple text if a correct RTF header is not detected. This should fix some installers. - Made RTF reader and writer handle codepages mostly similar to the original riched20.dll. - Fixed support for RTF documents using ANSI charset and added support for multibyte charsets, so that BIG5 and UTF-8 RTF documents are working now. - Replaced slow and outdated character set handling in RTF reader by Unicode/codepages support. Added charset->codepage conversion. - Implemented hash table lookup for RTF keywords in RTF reader. - Added "generator" RTF destination handling. - Initial implementation of EM_STREAMOUT and RTF writer. - Fixed \u keyword to output signed 16-bit values. Also fixed CP_SYMBOL conversion and the detection of the default font's codepage. - Improved RTF export. Mike McCormack <> - Remove casts and unused code. Hannu Valtonen <> - Added mousewheel support. Vincent Beron <> - Use "" for Windows includes in dlls, instead of <>. Jakob Eriksson <> - Get rid of HeapAlloc casts. Jason Edmeades <> - Correct memory allocation macro. svn path=/trunk/; revision=15014
2005-05-05 19:00:49 +00:00
x = ME_GetXForArrow(editor, pCursor);
if (editor->vert_si.nPos >= y - editor->
ME_SetCursorToEnd(editor, pCursor);
editor->bCaretAtEnd = FALSE;
} else {
ME_DisplayItem *pRun = pCursor->pRun;
ME_DisplayItem *p;
int yd, yp;
int yOldScrollPos = editor->vert_si.nPos;
if (!pCursor->nOffset && editor->bCaretAtEnd)
pRun = ME_FindItemBack(pRun, diRun);
p = ME_FindItemBack(pRun, diStartRowOrParagraph);
assert(p->type == diStartRow);
yp = ME_FindItemBack(p, diParagraph)->;
y = yp + p->;
/* For native richedit controls:
* v1.0 - v3.1 can only scroll down as far as the scrollbar lets us
* v4.1 can scroll past this position here. */
ME_ScrollDown(editor, editor->;
/* Only move the cursor by the amount scrolled. */
yd = y + editor->vert_si.nPos - yOldScrollPos;
pLast = p;
do {
p = ME_FindItemFwd(p, diStartRowOrParagraph);
if (!p)
if (p->type == diParagraph) {
yp = p->;
y = yp + p->;
if (y >= yd)
pLast = p;
} while(1);
pCursor->pRun = ME_FindRunInRow(editor, pLast, x, &pCursor->nOffset,
pCursor->pPara = ME_GetParagraph(pCursor->pRun);
Sync to Wine-20050419: Krzysztof Foltman <> - removed trailing spaces from some files - tab support - indent support - PageUp key support. - Support for "normal" scroll bar functionality (line and page scrolling). - made string operations consistent wrt whitespace handling (which should greatly improve stability of the wrap code and eliminate regressions of the most recent versions) - completely new scrollbar handling (much more reliable) and related redraw fixes - Page Down handler (no Page Up yet, fixing wrap/redraw/scrollbar bugs was of higher priority) - RTF reader doesn't use RichEdit messages anymore (which saves on unnecessary repaints) - added unicode character support to RTF import (like: \u12345 ?) - small fixes - fixed whitespace identification bug - removed drawing of paragraph marks - improved stub implementations for IRichEditOle - Unknown destinations are now correctly skipped (so loading an RTF file generated by, for example, OpenOffice doesn't produce lots of garbage anymore). - Format stack for RTF groups (so that RTF reader can correctly read what RTF writer wrote :) ) - EM_STREAMIN can now deal with undo in a reasonable manner (no multiple undo actions in one EM_STREAMIN). - Related changes to undo code (umIgnore mode is now handled correctly). - Numerous improvements in the RTF reader: it reads some character attributes now (you will have proper small print in license agreements now). - Fixed a memory overwrite bug in conversion from CHARFORMAT2A to CHARFORMAT2W. - Optimized repaint of the area below the text. - ME_JoinRuns didn't mark the paragraph for rewrapping, fixed. - Removed PostQuitMessage(0) from WM_DESTROY handler (duh!). - Use of EM_GETOLEINTERFACE is reported with FIXME instead of TRACE (any app using this message is likely to encounter major problems). - WM_COPY (and WM_CUT) can now put both Unicode and RTF format (thanks to Phil Krylov's RTF generator code). - New message implemented - WM_PASTE. - RTF reader: rtfPlain implemented (kind of). - RTF writer: rewritten main loop (the old one crashed in some circumstances when SFF_SELECTION was used). - The meaning of the rewrap flag got inverted (MEPF_REWRAP instead of MEPF_WRAPPED) for consistency. - Major code cleanups in rewrap/repaint code, leading to "smarter" behaviour wrt repainting selections. - Old font management replaced by the cache-based one, which keeps maximum of 10 HFONTs at once, instead of one per a couple of runs. - EM_CANPASTE implemented - updated TODO list (including list of (un)implemented messages) - fixed WM_PASTE (the previous version might not close the clipboard if it didn't contain a usable format) - scrollbar operations (like clicking on arrows) should update scrollbar's current position Gerald Pfeifer <> - Make ME_ArrowLeft() return a value in every case. Phil Krylov <> - Make RTF reader fall back to simple text if a correct RTF header is not detected. This should fix some installers. - Made RTF reader and writer handle codepages mostly similar to the original riched20.dll. - Fixed support for RTF documents using ANSI charset and added support for multibyte charsets, so that BIG5 and UTF-8 RTF documents are working now. - Replaced slow and outdated character set handling in RTF reader by Unicode/codepages support. Added charset->codepage conversion. - Implemented hash table lookup for RTF keywords in RTF reader. - Added "generator" RTF destination handling. - Initial implementation of EM_STREAMOUT and RTF writer. - Fixed \u keyword to output signed 16-bit values. Also fixed CP_SYMBOL conversion and the detection of the default font's codepage. - Improved RTF export. Mike McCormack <> - Remove casts and unused code. Hannu Valtonen <> - Added mousewheel support. Vincent Beron <> - Use "" for Windows includes in dlls, instead of <>. Jakob Eriksson <> - Get rid of HeapAlloc casts. Jason Edmeades <> - Correct memory allocation macro. svn path=/trunk/; revision=15014
2005-05-05 19:00:49 +00:00
assert(pCursor->pRun->type == diRun);
Sync to Wine-20050725: Phil Krylov <> - Added some useful TRACEs. - Allow NULL parameter for WM_SETTEXT in RichEdit. - Implemented EM_LINELENGTH RichEdit message. - Fixed EM_LINEINDEX handler and added EM_LINEFROMCHAR handler. - Implemented EM_EXLINEFROMCHAR, EM_LINEINDEX, EM_FINDTEXT, EM_FINDTEXTW, EM_FINDTEXTEX, and EM_FINDTEXTEXW messages. - Fixed a comment about EM_STREAMIN. - Implemented EM_GETLINECOUNT RichEdit message. - Fixed EM_GETCHARFORMAT for selection containing a single character. - Fixed an off-by-one error in EM_GETLINECOUNT handler. - Fixed an off-by-one error in EM_STREAMOUT handler for non-Unicode plain text output. - Fixed another couple of EM_STREAMOUT bugs. - Removed junk from UTF-8 RTF output. - Added emulation of RichEdit 1.0 behaviour when the 1.0 window class is being used. This emulation (introduced in M$ RichEdit 3.0) counts paragraph endings as 2 characters (CR+LF) instead of 1 (CR). - Added EM_GETZOOM and EM_SETZOOM RichEdit message handlers. - Added some missing but useful items to the TODO list. Felix Nawothnig <> - Check structure size and fix return values in EM_GETCHARFORMAT. Aric Stewart <> - Implementation for EM_GETTEXTEX. Daniel Remenak <> - Basic handling of EM_SETTEXTEX. Stefan Huehner <> - Make functions static to fix -Wmissing-declarations warnings. - Change some char* to const char* to fix warnigns. - Make some function static. - Fix -Wmissing-declarations warnings. svn path=/trunk/; revision=17335
2005-08-12 17:41:40 +00:00
static void ME_ArrowHome(ME_TextEditor *editor, ME_Cursor *pCursor)
ME_DisplayItem *pRow = ME_FindItemBack(pCursor->pRun, diStartRow);
if (pRow) {
ME_DisplayItem *pRun;
if (editor->bCaretAtEnd && !pCursor->nOffset) {
pRow = ME_FindItemBack(pRow, diStartRow);
if (!pRow)
pRun = ME_FindItemFwd(pRow, diRun);
if (pRun) {
pCursor->pRun = pRun;
assert(pCursor->pPara == ME_GetParagraph(pRun));
pCursor->nOffset = 0;
editor->bCaretAtEnd = FALSE;
Sync to Wine-20050725: Phil Krylov <> - Added some useful TRACEs. - Allow NULL parameter for WM_SETTEXT in RichEdit. - Implemented EM_LINELENGTH RichEdit message. - Fixed EM_LINEINDEX handler and added EM_LINEFROMCHAR handler. - Implemented EM_EXLINEFROMCHAR, EM_LINEINDEX, EM_FINDTEXT, EM_FINDTEXTW, EM_FINDTEXTEX, and EM_FINDTEXTEXW messages. - Fixed a comment about EM_STREAMIN. - Implemented EM_GETLINECOUNT RichEdit message. - Fixed EM_GETCHARFORMAT for selection containing a single character. - Fixed an off-by-one error in EM_GETLINECOUNT handler. - Fixed an off-by-one error in EM_STREAMOUT handler for non-Unicode plain text output. - Fixed another couple of EM_STREAMOUT bugs. - Removed junk from UTF-8 RTF output. - Added emulation of RichEdit 1.0 behaviour when the 1.0 window class is being used. This emulation (introduced in M$ RichEdit 3.0) counts paragraph endings as 2 characters (CR+LF) instead of 1 (CR). - Added EM_GETZOOM and EM_SETZOOM RichEdit message handlers. - Added some missing but useful items to the TODO list. Felix Nawothnig <> - Check structure size and fix return values in EM_GETCHARFORMAT. Aric Stewart <> - Implementation for EM_GETTEXTEX. Daniel Remenak <> - Basic handling of EM_SETTEXTEX. Stefan Huehner <> - Make functions static to fix -Wmissing-declarations warnings. - Change some char* to const char* to fix warnigns. - Make some function static. - Fix -Wmissing-declarations warnings. svn path=/trunk/; revision=17335
2005-08-12 17:41:40 +00:00
static void ME_ArrowCtrlHome(ME_TextEditor *editor, ME_Cursor *pCursor)
ME_SetCursorToStart(editor, pCursor);
editor->bCaretAtEnd = FALSE;
Sync to Wine-20050725: Phil Krylov <> - Added some useful TRACEs. - Allow NULL parameter for WM_SETTEXT in RichEdit. - Implemented EM_LINELENGTH RichEdit message. - Fixed EM_LINEINDEX handler and added EM_LINEFROMCHAR handler. - Implemented EM_EXLINEFROMCHAR, EM_LINEINDEX, EM_FINDTEXT, EM_FINDTEXTW, EM_FINDTEXTEX, and EM_FINDTEXTEXW messages. - Fixed a comment about EM_STREAMIN. - Implemented EM_GETLINECOUNT RichEdit message. - Fixed EM_GETCHARFORMAT for selection containing a single character. - Fixed an off-by-one error in EM_GETLINECOUNT handler. - Fixed an off-by-one error in EM_STREAMOUT handler for non-Unicode plain text output. - Fixed another couple of EM_STREAMOUT bugs. - Removed junk from UTF-8 RTF output. - Added emulation of RichEdit 1.0 behaviour when the 1.0 window class is being used. This emulation (introduced in M$ RichEdit 3.0) counts paragraph endings as 2 characters (CR+LF) instead of 1 (CR). - Added EM_GETZOOM and EM_SETZOOM RichEdit message handlers. - Added some missing but useful items to the TODO list. Felix Nawothnig <> - Check structure size and fix return values in EM_GETCHARFORMAT. Aric Stewart <> - Implementation for EM_GETTEXTEX. Daniel Remenak <> - Basic handling of EM_SETTEXTEX. Stefan Huehner <> - Make functions static to fix -Wmissing-declarations warnings. - Change some char* to const char* to fix warnigns. - Make some function static. - Fix -Wmissing-declarations warnings. svn path=/trunk/; revision=17335
2005-08-12 17:41:40 +00:00
static void ME_ArrowEnd(ME_TextEditor *editor, ME_Cursor *pCursor)
ME_DisplayItem *pRow;
if (editor->bCaretAtEnd && !pCursor->nOffset)
pRow = ME_FindItemFwd(pCursor->pRun, diStartRowOrParagraphOrEnd);
if (pRow->type == diStartRow) {
ME_DisplayItem *pRun = ME_FindItemFwd(pRow, diRun);
pCursor->pRun = pRun;
assert(pCursor->pPara == ME_GetParagraph(pCursor->pRun));
pCursor->nOffset = 0;
editor->bCaretAtEnd = TRUE;
pCursor->pRun = ME_FindItemBack(pRow, diRun);
assert(pCursor->pRun && pCursor->pRun-> & MERF_ENDPARA);
assert(pCursor->pPara == ME_GetParagraph(pCursor->pRun));
pCursor->nOffset = 0;
editor->bCaretAtEnd = FALSE;
Sync to Wine-20050725: Phil Krylov <> - Added some useful TRACEs. - Allow NULL parameter for WM_SETTEXT in RichEdit. - Implemented EM_LINELENGTH RichEdit message. - Fixed EM_LINEINDEX handler and added EM_LINEFROMCHAR handler. - Implemented EM_EXLINEFROMCHAR, EM_LINEINDEX, EM_FINDTEXT, EM_FINDTEXTW, EM_FINDTEXTEX, and EM_FINDTEXTEXW messages. - Fixed a comment about EM_STREAMIN. - Implemented EM_GETLINECOUNT RichEdit message. - Fixed EM_GETCHARFORMAT for selection containing a single character. - Fixed an off-by-one error in EM_GETLINECOUNT handler. - Fixed an off-by-one error in EM_STREAMOUT handler for non-Unicode plain text output. - Fixed another couple of EM_STREAMOUT bugs. - Removed junk from UTF-8 RTF output. - Added emulation of RichEdit 1.0 behaviour when the 1.0 window class is being used. This emulation (introduced in M$ RichEdit 3.0) counts paragraph endings as 2 characters (CR+LF) instead of 1 (CR). - Added EM_GETZOOM and EM_SETZOOM RichEdit message handlers. - Added some missing but useful items to the TODO list. Felix Nawothnig <> - Check structure size and fix return values in EM_GETCHARFORMAT. Aric Stewart <> - Implementation for EM_GETTEXTEX. Daniel Remenak <> - Basic handling of EM_SETTEXTEX. Stefan Huehner <> - Make functions static to fix -Wmissing-declarations warnings. - Change some char* to const char* to fix warnigns. - Make some function static. - Fix -Wmissing-declarations warnings. svn path=/trunk/; revision=17335
2005-08-12 17:41:40 +00:00
static void ME_ArrowCtrlEnd(ME_TextEditor *editor, ME_Cursor *pCursor)
ME_SetCursorToEnd(editor, pCursor);
editor->bCaretAtEnd = FALSE;
BOOL ME_IsSelection(ME_TextEditor *editor)
return editor->pCursors[0].pRun != editor->pCursors[1].pRun ||
editor->pCursors[0].nOffset != editor->pCursors[1].nOffset;
void ME_DeleteSelection(ME_TextEditor *editor)
int from, to;
int nStartCursor = ME_GetSelectionOfs(editor, &from, &to);
ME_DeleteTextAtCursor(editor, nStartCursor, to - from);
ME_Style *ME_GetSelectionInsertStyle(ME_TextEditor *editor)
return ME_GetInsertStyle(editor, 0);
void ME_SendSelChange(ME_TextEditor *editor)
if (!(editor->nEventMask & ENM_SELCHANGE))
sc.nmhdr.hwndFrom = NULL;
sc.nmhdr.idFrom = 0;
sc.nmhdr.code = EN_SELCHANGE;
ME_GetSelectionOfs(editor, &sc.chrg.cpMin, &sc.chrg.cpMax);
sc.seltyp = SEL_EMPTY;
if (sc.chrg.cpMin != sc.chrg.cpMax)
sc.seltyp |= SEL_TEXT;
if (sc.chrg.cpMin < sc.chrg.cpMax+1) /* what were RICHEDIT authors thinking ? */
sc.seltyp |= SEL_MULTICHAR;
TRACE("cpMin=%d cpMax=%d seltyp=%d (%s %s)\n",
sc.chrg.cpMin, sc.chrg.cpMax, sc.seltyp,
(sc.seltyp & SEL_TEXT) ? "SEL_TEXT" : "",
(sc.seltyp & SEL_MULTICHAR) ? "SEL_MULTICHAR" : "");
if (sc.chrg.cpMin != editor->notified_cr.cpMin || sc.chrg.cpMax != editor->notified_cr.cpMax)
editor->notified_cr = sc.chrg;
ITextHost_TxNotify(editor->texthost, sc.nmhdr.code, &sc);
ME_ArrowKey(ME_TextEditor *editor, int nVKey, BOOL extend, BOOL ctrl)
int nCursor = 0;
ME_Cursor *p = &editor->pCursors[nCursor];
ME_Cursor tmp_curs = *p;
BOOL success = FALSE;
switch(nVKey) {
case VK_LEFT:
editor->bCaretAtEnd = 0;
if (ctrl)
success = ME_MoveCursorWords(editor, &tmp_curs, -1);
success = ME_MoveCursorChars(editor, &tmp_curs, -1);
case VK_RIGHT:
editor->bCaretAtEnd = 0;
if (ctrl)
success = ME_MoveCursorWords(editor, &tmp_curs, +1);
success = ME_MoveCursorChars(editor, &tmp_curs, +1);
case VK_UP:
ME_MoveCursorLines(editor, &tmp_curs, -1);
case VK_DOWN:
ME_MoveCursorLines(editor, &tmp_curs, +1);
Sync to Wine-20050419: Krzysztof Foltman <> - removed trailing spaces from some files - tab support - indent support - PageUp key support. - Support for "normal" scroll bar functionality (line and page scrolling). - made string operations consistent wrt whitespace handling (which should greatly improve stability of the wrap code and eliminate regressions of the most recent versions) - completely new scrollbar handling (much more reliable) and related redraw fixes - Page Down handler (no Page Up yet, fixing wrap/redraw/scrollbar bugs was of higher priority) - RTF reader doesn't use RichEdit messages anymore (which saves on unnecessary repaints) - added unicode character support to RTF import (like: \u12345 ?) - small fixes - fixed whitespace identification bug - removed drawing of paragraph marks - improved stub implementations for IRichEditOle - Unknown destinations are now correctly skipped (so loading an RTF file generated by, for example, OpenOffice doesn't produce lots of garbage anymore). - Format stack for RTF groups (so that RTF reader can correctly read what RTF writer wrote :) ) - EM_STREAMIN can now deal with undo in a reasonable manner (no multiple undo actions in one EM_STREAMIN). - Related changes to undo code (umIgnore mode is now handled correctly). - Numerous improvements in the RTF reader: it reads some character attributes now (you will have proper small print in license agreements now). - Fixed a memory overwrite bug in conversion from CHARFORMAT2A to CHARFORMAT2W. - Optimized repaint of the area below the text. - ME_JoinRuns didn't mark the paragraph for rewrapping, fixed. - Removed PostQuitMessage(0) from WM_DESTROY handler (duh!). - Use of EM_GETOLEINTERFACE is reported with FIXME instead of TRACE (any app using this message is likely to encounter major problems). - WM_COPY (and WM_CUT) can now put both Unicode and RTF format (thanks to Phil Krylov's RTF generator code). - New message implemented - WM_PASTE. - RTF reader: rtfPlain implemented (kind of). - RTF writer: rewritten main loop (the old one crashed in some circumstances when SFF_SELECTION was used). - The meaning of the rewrap flag got inverted (MEPF_REWRAP instead of MEPF_WRAPPED) for consistency. - Major code cleanups in rewrap/repaint code, leading to "smarter" behaviour wrt repainting selections. - Old font management replaced by the cache-based one, which keeps maximum of 10 HFONTs at once, instead of one per a couple of runs. - EM_CANPASTE implemented - updated TODO list (including list of (un)implemented messages) - fixed WM_PASTE (the previous version might not close the clipboard if it didn't contain a usable format) - scrollbar operations (like clicking on arrows) should update scrollbar's current position Gerald Pfeifer <> - Make ME_ArrowLeft() return a value in every case. Phil Krylov <> - Make RTF reader fall back to simple text if a correct RTF header is not detected. This should fix some installers. - Made RTF reader and writer handle codepages mostly similar to the original riched20.dll. - Fixed support for RTF documents using ANSI charset and added support for multibyte charsets, so that BIG5 and UTF-8 RTF documents are working now. - Replaced slow and outdated character set handling in RTF reader by Unicode/codepages support. Added charset->codepage conversion. - Implemented hash table lookup for RTF keywords in RTF reader. - Added "generator" RTF destination handling. - Initial implementation of EM_STREAMOUT and RTF writer. - Fixed \u keyword to output signed 16-bit values. Also fixed CP_SYMBOL conversion and the detection of the default font's codepage. - Improved RTF export. Mike McCormack <> - Remove casts and unused code. Hannu Valtonen <> - Added mousewheel support. Vincent Beron <> - Use "" for Windows includes in dlls, instead of <>. Jakob Eriksson <> - Get rid of HeapAlloc casts. Jason Edmeades <> - Correct memory allocation macro. svn path=/trunk/; revision=15014
2005-05-05 19:00:49 +00:00
case VK_PRIOR:
ME_ArrowPageUp(editor, &tmp_curs);
Sync to Wine-20050419: Krzysztof Foltman <> - removed trailing spaces from some files - tab support - indent support - PageUp key support. - Support for "normal" scroll bar functionality (line and page scrolling). - made string operations consistent wrt whitespace handling (which should greatly improve stability of the wrap code and eliminate regressions of the most recent versions) - completely new scrollbar handling (much more reliable) and related redraw fixes - Page Down handler (no Page Up yet, fixing wrap/redraw/scrollbar bugs was of higher priority) - RTF reader doesn't use RichEdit messages anymore (which saves on unnecessary repaints) - added unicode character support to RTF import (like: \u12345 ?) - small fixes - fixed whitespace identification bug - removed drawing of paragraph marks - improved stub implementations for IRichEditOle - Unknown destinations are now correctly skipped (so loading an RTF file generated by, for example, OpenOffice doesn't produce lots of garbage anymore). - Format stack for RTF groups (so that RTF reader can correctly read what RTF writer wrote :) ) - EM_STREAMIN can now deal with undo in a reasonable manner (no multiple undo actions in one EM_STREAMIN). - Related changes to undo code (umIgnore mode is now handled correctly). - Numerous improvements in the RTF reader: it reads some character attributes now (you will have proper small print in license agreements now). - Fixed a memory overwrite bug in conversion from CHARFORMAT2A to CHARFORMAT2W. - Optimized repaint of the area below the text. - ME_JoinRuns didn't mark the paragraph for rewrapping, fixed. - Removed PostQuitMessage(0) from WM_DESTROY handler (duh!). - Use of EM_GETOLEINTERFACE is reported with FIXME instead of TRACE (any app using this message is likely to encounter major problems). - WM_COPY (and WM_CUT) can now put both Unicode and RTF format (thanks to Phil Krylov's RTF generator code). - New message implemented - WM_PASTE. - RTF reader: rtfPlain implemented (kind of). - RTF writer: rewritten main loop (the old one crashed in some circumstances when SFF_SELECTION was used). - The meaning of the rewrap flag got inverted (MEPF_REWRAP instead of MEPF_WRAPPED) for consistency. - Major code cleanups in rewrap/repaint code, leading to "smarter" behaviour wrt repainting selections. - Old font management replaced by the cache-based one, which keeps maximum of 10 HFONTs at once, instead of one per a couple of runs. - EM_CANPASTE implemented - updated TODO list (including list of (un)implemented messages) - fixed WM_PASTE (the previous version might not close the clipboard if it didn't contain a usable format) - scrollbar operations (like clicking on arrows) should update scrollbar's current position Gerald Pfeifer <> - Make ME_ArrowLeft() return a value in every case. Phil Krylov <> - Make RTF reader fall back to simple text if a correct RTF header is not detected. This should fix some installers. - Made RTF reader and writer handle codepages mostly similar to the original riched20.dll. - Fixed support for RTF documents using ANSI charset and added support for multibyte charsets, so that BIG5 and UTF-8 RTF documents are working now. - Replaced slow and outdated character set handling in RTF reader by Unicode/codepages support. Added charset->codepage conversion. - Implemented hash table lookup for RTF keywords in RTF reader. - Added "generator" RTF destination handling. - Initial implementation of EM_STREAMOUT and RTF writer. - Fixed \u keyword to output signed 16-bit values. Also fixed CP_SYMBOL conversion and the detection of the default font's codepage. - Improved RTF export. Mike McCormack <> - Remove casts and unused code. Hannu Valtonen <> - Added mousewheel support. Vincent Beron <> - Use "" for Windows includes in dlls, instead of <>. Jakob Eriksson <> - Get rid of HeapAlloc casts. Jason Edmeades <> - Correct memory allocation macro. svn path=/trunk/; revision=15014
2005-05-05 19:00:49 +00:00
case VK_NEXT:
ME_ArrowPageDown(editor, &tmp_curs);
case VK_HOME: {
if (ctrl)
ME_ArrowCtrlHome(editor, &tmp_curs);
ME_ArrowHome(editor, &tmp_curs);
editor->bCaretAtEnd = 0;
case VK_END:
if (ctrl)
ME_ArrowCtrlEnd(editor, &tmp_curs);
ME_ArrowEnd(editor, &tmp_curs);
if (!extend)
editor->pCursors[1] = tmp_curs;
*p = tmp_curs;
ITextHost_TxShowCaret(editor->texthost, FALSE);
ME_EnsureVisible(editor, &tmp_curs);
return success;