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/* ftp.c
* Copyright (c) 1996-2001 Mike Gleason, NCEMRSoft.
* All rights reserved.
#define _libncftp_ftp_c_
#include "syshdrs.h"
char gLibNcFTPVersion[64] = kLibraryVersion;
static char gNoSignalsMarker[] = "@(#) LibNcFTP - NO_SIGNALS";
static int gGotSig = 0;
static sigjmp_buf gCancelConnectJmp;
static jmp_buf gCancelConnectJmp;
#endif /* HAVE_SIGSETJMP */
#endif /* NO_SIGNALS */
#ifndef lint
static char gCopyright[] = "@(#) LibNcFTP Copyright 1995-2000, by Mike Gleason. All rights reserved.";
# define SOCKS 5
# include <socks.h>
# define accept Raccept
# define connect Rconnect
# define getsockname Rgetsockname
# define listen Rlisten
# endif
/* On entry, you should have 'host' be set to a symbolic name (like
*, or set to a numeric address (like
* If the function fails, it will return NULL, but if the host was
* a numeric style address, you'll have the ip_address to fall back on.
static struct hostent *
GetHostEntry(char *host, struct in_addr *ip_address)
struct in_addr ip;
struct hostent *hp;
/* See if the host was given in the dotted IP format, like ""
* If it was, inet_addr will convert that to a 32-bit binary value;
* it not, inet_addr will return (-1L).
ip.s_addr = inet_addr(host);
if (ip.s_addr != INADDR_NONE) {
hp = NULL;
} else {
/* No IP address, so it must be a hostname, like */
hp = gethostbyname(host);
if (hp != NULL)
(void) memcpy(&ip.s_addr, hp->h_addr_list[0], (size_t) hp->h_length);
if (ip_address != NULL)
*ip_address = ip;
return (hp);
} /* GetHostEntry */
/* Makes every effort to return a fully qualified domain name. */
GetOurHostName(char *host, size_t siz)
/* You can hardcode in the name if this routine doesn't work
* the way you want it to.
Strncpy(host, HOSTNAME, siz);
return (1); /* Success */
struct hostent *hp;
int result;
char **curAlias;
char domain[64];
char *cp;
int rc;
host[0] = '\0';
result = gethostname(host, (int) siz);
if ((result < 0) || (host[0] == '\0')) {
return (-1);
if (strchr(host, '.') != NULL) {
/* gethostname returned full name (like ""), instead
* of just the node name (like "cse").
return (2); /* Success */
hp = gethostbyname(host);
if (hp != NULL) {
/* Maybe the host entry has the full name. */
cp = strchr((char *) hp->h_name, '.');
if ((cp != NULL) && (cp[1] != '\0')) {
/* The 'name' field for the host entry had full name. */
(void) Strncpy(host, (char *) hp->h_name, siz);
return (3); /* Success */
/* Now try the list of aliases, to see if any of those look real. */
for (curAlias = hp->h_aliases; *curAlias != NULL; curAlias++) {
cp = strchr(*curAlias, '.');
if ((cp != NULL) && (cp[1] != '\0')) {
(void) Strncpy(host, *curAlias, siz);
return (4); /* Success */
/* Otherwise, we just have the node name. See if we can get the
* domain name ourselves.
(void) STRNCPY(domain, DOMAINNAME);
rc = 5;
rc = -1;
domain[0] = '\0';
# if defined(HAVE_RES_INIT) && defined(HAVE__RES_DEFDNAME)
if (domain[0] == '\0') {
(void) res_init();
if ((_res.defdname != NULL) && (_res.defdname[0] != '\0')) {
(void) STRNCPY(domain, _res.defdname);
rc = 6;
if (domain[0] == '\0') {
FILE *fp;
char line[256];
char *tok;
fp = fopen("/etc/resolv.conf", "r");
if (fp != NULL) {
(void) memset(line, 0, sizeof(line));
while (fgets(line, sizeof(line) - 1, fp) != NULL) {
if (!isalpha((int) line[0]))
continue; /* Skip comment lines. */
tok = strtok(line, " \t\n\r");
if (tok == NULL)
continue; /* Impossible */
if (strcmp(tok, "domain") == 0) {
tok = strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r");
if (tok == NULL)
continue; /* syntax error */
(void) STRNCPY(domain, tok);
rc = 7;
break; /* Done. */
(void) fclose(fp);
#endif /* DOMAINNAME */
if (domain[0] != '\0') {
/* Supposedly, it's legal for a domain name with
* a period at the end.
cp = domain + strlen(domain) - 1;
if (*cp == '.')
*cp = '\0';
if (domain[0] != '.')
(void) Strncat(host, ".", siz);
(void) Strncat(host, domain, siz);
if (rc < 0)
host[0] = '\0';
return(rc); /* Success */
#endif /* !HOSTNAME */
} /* GetOurHostName */
CloseControlConnection(const FTPCIPtr cip)
/* This will close each file, if it was open. */
SClose(cip->ctrlSocketR, 3);
cip->ctrlSocketR = kClosedFileDescriptor;
cip->ctrlSocketW = kClosedFileDescriptor;
#else /* NO_SIGNALS */
if (cip->ctrlTimeout > 0)
(void) alarm(cip->ctrlTimeout);
cip->ctrlSocketR = kClosedFileDescriptor;
cip->ctrlSocketW = kClosedFileDescriptor;
if (cip->ctrlTimeout > 0)
(void) alarm(0);
#endif /* NO_SIGNALS */
cip->connected = 0;
cip->loggedIn = 0;
} /* CloseControlConnection */
static int
GetSocketAddress(const FTPCIPtr cip, int sockfd, struct sockaddr_in *saddr)
int len = (int) sizeof (struct sockaddr_in);
int result = 0;
if (getsockname(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)saddr, &len) < 0) {
Error(cip, kDoPerror, "Could not get socket name.\n");
cip->errNo = kErrGetSockName;
result = kErrGetSockName;
return (result);
} /* GetSocketAddress */
SetKeepAlive(const FTPCIPtr cip, int sockfd)
cip->errNo = kErrSetKeepAlive;
return (kErrSetKeepAlive);
int opt;
opt = 1;
if (setsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, (char *) &opt, (int) sizeof(opt)) < 0) {
/* Error(cip, kDoPerror, "Could not set keep-alive mode.\n"); */
cip->errNo = kErrSetKeepAlive;
return (kErrSetKeepAlive);
return (kNoErr);
#endif /* SO_KEEPALIVE */
} /* SetKeepAlive */
SetLinger(const FTPCIPtr cip, int sockfd, int onoff)
#ifndef SO_LINGER
cip->errNo = kErrSetLinger;
return (kErrSetLinger);
struct linger li;
if (onoff != 0) {
li.l_onoff = 1;
li.l_linger = 120; /* 2 minutes, but system ignores field. */
} else {
li.l_onoff = 0;
li.l_linger = 0;
/* Have the system make an effort to deliver any unsent data,
* even after we close the connection.
if (setsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, (char *) &li, (int) sizeof(li)) < 0) {
/* Error(cip, kDoPerror, "Could not set linger mode.\n"); */
cip->errNo = kErrSetLinger;
return (kErrSetLinger);
return (kNoErr);
#endif /* SO_LINGER */
} /* SetLinger */
#ifdef IP_TOS
SetTypeOfService(const FTPCIPtr cip, int sockfd, int tosType)
/* Specify to the router what type of connection this is, so it
* can prioritize packets.
if (setsockopt(sockfd, IPPROTO_IP, IP_TOS, (char *) &tosType, (int) sizeof(tosType)) < 0) {
/* Error(cip, kDoPerror, "Could not set type of service.\n"); */
cip->errNo = kErrSetTypeOfService;
return (kErrSetTypeOfService);
return (kNoErr);
} /* SetTypeOfService */
#endif /* IP_TOS */
SetInlineOutOfBandData(const FTPCIPtr cip, int sockfd)
int on = 1;
if (setsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_OOBINLINE, (char *) &on, (int) sizeof(on)) < 0) {
Error(cip, kDoPerror, "Could not set out of band inline mode.\n");
cip->errNo = kErrSetOutOfBandInline;
return (kErrSetOutOfBandInline);
return (kNoErr);
} /* SetInlineOutOfBandData */
#endif /* SO_OOBINLINE */
#ifndef NO_SIGNALS
static void
CancelConnect(int signum)
gGotSig = signum;
siglongjmp(gCancelConnectJmp, 1);
longjmp(gCancelConnectJmp, 1);
#endif /* HAVE_SIGSETJMP */
} /* CancelConnect */
#endif /* NO_SIGNALS */
OpenControlConnection(const FTPCIPtr cip, char *host, unsigned int port)
struct in_addr ip_address;
int err = 0;
int result;
int oerrno;
volatile int sockfd = -1;
volatile int sock2fd = -1;
ResponsePtr rp;
char **volatile curaddr;
struct hostent *hp;
char *volatile fhost;
unsigned int fport;
#ifndef NO_SIGNALS
volatile FTPSigProc osigint;
volatile FTPSigProc osigalrm;
volatile FTPCIPtr vcip;
int sj;
#endif /* NO_SIGNALS */
const char *firstLine, *secondLine, *srvr;
#endif /* NO_SIGNALS */
if (cip->firewallType == kFirewallNotInUse) {
fhost = host;
fport = port;
} else {
fhost = cip->firewallHost;
fport = cip->firewallPort;
if (fport == 0)
fport = cip->lip->defaultPort;
/* Since we're the client, we just have to get a socket() and
* connect() it.
(void) ZERO(cip->servCtlAddr);
cip->cin = NULL;
cip->cout = NULL;
/* Make sure we use network byte-order. */
fport = (unsigned int) htons((unsigned short) fport);
cip->servCtlAddr.sin_port = (unsigned short) fport;
hp = GetHostEntry(fhost, &ip_address);
if (hp == NULL) {
/* Okay, no Host entry, but maybe we have a numeric address
* in ip_address we can try.
if (ip_address.s_addr == INADDR_NONE) {
Error(cip, kDontPerror, "%s: unknown host.\n", fhost);
cip->errNo = kErrHostUnknown;
return (kErrHostUnknown);
cip->servCtlAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
cip->servCtlAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = ip_address.s_addr;
} else {
cip->servCtlAddr.sin_family = hp->h_addrtype;
/* We'll fill in the rest of the structure below. */
/* After obtaining a socket, try to connect it to a remote
* address. If we didn't get a host entry, we will only have
* one thing to try (ip_address); if we do have one, we can try
* every address in the list from the host entry.
if (hp == NULL) {
/* Since we're given a single raw address, and not a host entry,
* we can only try this one address and not any other addresses
* that could be present for a site with a host entry.
if ((sockfd = socket(cip->servCtlAddr.sin_family, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) {
Error(cip, kDoPerror, "Could not get a socket.\n");
cip->errNo = kErrNewStreamSocket;
return (kErrNewStreamSocket);
/* This doesn't do anything if you left these
* at their defaults (zero). Otherwise it
* tries to set the buffer size to the
* size specified.
(void) SetSockBufSize(sockfd, cip->ctrlSocketRBufSize, cip->ctrlSocketSBufSize);
err = SConnect(sockfd, &cip->servCtlAddr, (int) cip->connTimeout);
if (err < 0) {
oerrno = errno;
(void) SClose(sockfd, 3);
errno = oerrno;
sockfd = -1;
#else /* NO_SIGNALS */
osigint = (volatile FTPSigProc) signal(SIGINT, CancelConnect);
if (cip->connTimeout > 0) {
osigalrm = (volatile FTPSigProc) signal(SIGALRM, CancelConnect);
(void) alarm(cip->connTimeout);
vcip = cip;
sj = sigsetjmp(gCancelConnectJmp, 1);
sj = setjmp(gCancelConnectJmp);
#endif /* HAVE_SIGSETJMP */
if (sj != 0) {
/* Interrupted by a signal. */
(void) closesocket(sockfd);
(void) signal(SIGINT, (FTPSigProc) osigint);
if (vcip->connTimeout > 0) {
(void) alarm(0);
(void) signal(SIGALRM, (FTPSigProc) osigalrm);
if (gGotSig == SIGINT) {
result = vcip->errNo = kErrConnectMiscErr;
Error(vcip, kDontPerror, "Connection attempt canceled.\n");
(void) kill(getpid(), SIGINT);
} else if (gGotSig == SIGALRM) {
result = vcip->errNo = kErrConnectRetryableErr;
Error(vcip, kDontPerror, "Connection attempt timed-out.\n");
(void) kill(getpid(), SIGALRM);
} else {
result = vcip->errNo = kErrConnectMiscErr;
Error(vcip, kDontPerror, "Connection attempt failed due to an unexpected signal (%d).\n", gGotSig);
return (result);
} else {
err = connect(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &cip->servCtlAddr,
(int) sizeof (cip->servCtlAddr));
if (cip->connTimeout > 0) {
(void) alarm(0);
(void) signal(SIGALRM, (FTPSigProc) osigalrm);
(void) signal(SIGINT, (FTPSigProc) osigint);
if (err < 0) {
oerrno = errno;
(void) closesocket(sockfd);
errno = oerrno;
sockfd = -1;
#endif /* NO_SIGNALS */
} else {
/* We can try each address in the list. We'll quit when we
* run out of addresses to try or get a successful connection.
for (curaddr = hp->h_addr_list; *curaddr != NULL; curaddr++) {
if ((sockfd = socket(cip->servCtlAddr.sin_family, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) {
Error(cip, kDoPerror, "Could not get a socket.\n");
cip->errNo = kErrNewStreamSocket;
return (kErrNewStreamSocket);
/* This could overwrite the address field in the structure,
* but this is okay because the structure has a junk field
* just for this purpose.
(void) memcpy(&cip->servCtlAddr.sin_addr, *curaddr, (size_t) hp->h_length);
/* This doesn't do anything if you left these
* at their defaults (zero). Otherwise it
* tries to set the buffer size to the
* size specified.
(void) SetSockBufSize(sockfd, cip->ctrlSocketRBufSize, cip->ctrlSocketSBufSize);
err = SConnect(sockfd, &cip->servCtlAddr, (int) cip->connTimeout);
if (err == 0)
oerrno = errno;
(void) SClose(sockfd, 3);
errno = oerrno;
sockfd = -1;
#else /* NO_SIGNALS */
osigint = (volatile FTPSigProc) signal(SIGINT, CancelConnect);
if (cip->connTimeout > 0) {
osigalrm = (volatile FTPSigProc) signal(SIGALRM, CancelConnect);
(void) alarm(cip->connTimeout);
vcip = cip;
sj = sigsetjmp(gCancelConnectJmp, 1);
sj = setjmp(gCancelConnectJmp);
#endif /* HAVE_SIGSETJMP */
if (sj != 0) {
/* Interrupted by a signal. */
(void) closesocket(sockfd);
(void) signal(SIGINT, (FTPSigProc) osigint);
if (vcip->connTimeout > 0) {
(void) alarm(0);
(void) signal(SIGALRM, (FTPSigProc) osigalrm);
if (gGotSig == SIGINT) {
result = vcip->errNo = kErrConnectMiscErr;
Error(vcip, kDontPerror, "Connection attempt canceled.\n");
(void) kill(getpid(), SIGINT);
} else if (gGotSig == SIGALRM) {
result = vcip->errNo = kErrConnectRetryableErr;
Error(vcip, kDontPerror, "Connection attempt timed-out.\n");
(void) kill(getpid(), SIGALRM);
} else {
result = vcip->errNo = kErrConnectMiscErr;
Error(vcip, kDontPerror, "Connection attempt failed due to an unexpected signal (%d).\n", gGotSig);
return (result);
} else {
err = connect(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &cip->servCtlAddr,
(int) sizeof (cip->servCtlAddr));
if (cip->connTimeout > 0) {
(void) alarm(0);
(void) signal(SIGALRM, (FTPSigProc) osigalrm);
(void) signal(SIGINT, (FTPSigProc) osigint);
if (err == 0)
oerrno = errno;
(void) closesocket(sockfd);
errno = oerrno;
sockfd = -1;
#endif /* NO_SIGNALS */
if (err < 0) {
/* Could not connect. Close up shop and go home. */
/* If possible, tell the caller if they should bother
* calling back later.
switch (errno) {
#elif defined(WSAENETDOWN)
#elif defined(WSAENETUNREACH)
#elif defined(WSAECONNABORTED)
#elif defined(WSAETIMEDOUT)
#elif defined(WSAEHOSTDOWN)
#elif defined(WSAECONNRESET)
Error(cip, kDoPerror, "Could not connect to %s -- try again later.\n", fhost);
result = cip->errNo = kErrConnectRetryableErr;
#elif defined(WSAECONNREFUSED)
Error(cip, kDoPerror, "Could not connect to %s.\n", fhost);
result = cip->errNo = kErrConnectRefused;
Error(cip, kDoPerror, "Could not connect to %s.\n", fhost);
result = cip->errNo = kErrConnectMiscErr;
goto fatal;
/* Get our end of the socket address for later use. */
if ((result = GetSocketAddress(cip, sockfd, &cip->ourCtlAddr)) < 0)
goto fatal;
/* We want Out-of-band data to appear in the regular stream,
* since we can handle TELNET.
(void) SetInlineOutOfBandData(cip, sockfd);
(void) SetKeepAlive(cip, sockfd);
(void) SetLinger(cip, sockfd, 0); /* Don't need it for ctrl. */
#if defined(IP_TOS) && defined(IPTOS_LOWDELAY)
/* Control connection is somewhat interactive, so quick response
* is desired.
(void) SetTypeOfService(cip, sockfd, IPTOS_LOWDELAY);
cip->ctrlSocketR = sockfd;
cip->ctrlSocketW = sockfd;
cip->cout = NULL;
cip->cin = NULL;
sock2fd = kClosedFileDescriptor;
if (InitSReadlineInfo(&cip->ctrlSrl, sockfd, cip->srlBuf, sizeof(cip->srlBuf), (int) cip->ctrlTimeout, 1) < 0) {
result = kErrFdopenW;
cip->errNo = kErrFdopenW;
Error(cip, kDoPerror, "Could not fdopen.\n");
goto fatal;
#else /* NO_SIGNALS */
if ((sock2fd = dup(sockfd)) < 0) {
result = kErrDupSocket;
cip->errNo = kErrDupSocket;
Error(cip, kDoPerror, "Could not duplicate a file descriptor.\n");
goto fatal;
/* Now setup the FILE pointers for use with the Std I/O library
* routines.
if ((cip->cin = fdopen(sockfd, "r")) == NULL) {
result = kErrFdopenR;
cip->errNo = kErrFdopenR;
Error(cip, kDoPerror, "Could not fdopen.\n");
goto fatal;
if ((cip->cout = fdopen(sock2fd, "w")) == NULL) {
result = kErrFdopenW;
cip->errNo = kErrFdopenW;
Error(cip, kDoPerror, "Could not fdopen.\n");
sockfd = kClosedFileDescriptor;
goto fatal;
cip->ctrlSocketR = sockfd;
cip->ctrlSocketW = sockfd;
/* We'll be reading and writing lines, so use line buffering. This
* is necessary since the stdio library will use full buffering
* for all streams not associated with the tty.
(void) SETVBUF(cip->cin, NULL, _IOLBF, (size_t) BUFSIZ);
(void) SETVBUF(cip->cout, NULL, _IOLBF, (size_t) BUFSIZ);
#endif /* NO_SIGNALS */
#ifdef HAVE_INET_NTOP /* Mostly to workaround bug in IRIX 6.5's inet_ntoa */
(void) memset(cip->ip, 0, sizeof(cip->ip));
(void) inet_ntop(AF_INET, &cip->servCtlAddr.sin_addr, cip->ip, sizeof(cip->ip) - 1);
(void) STRNCPY(cip->ip, inet_ntoa(cip->servCtlAddr.sin_addr));
if ((hp == NULL) || (hp->h_name == NULL))
(void) STRNCPY(cip->actualHost, fhost);
(void) STRNCPY(cip->actualHost, (char *) hp->h_name);
/* Read the startup message from the server. */
rp = InitResponse();
if (rp == NULL) {
Error(cip, kDontPerror, "Malloc failed.\n");
cip->errNo = kErrMallocFailed;
result = cip->errNo;
goto fatal;
result = GetResponse(cip, rp);
if ((result < 0) && (rp->msg.first == NULL)) {
goto fatal;
if (rp->msg.first != NULL) {
cip->serverType = kServerTypeUnknown;
srvr = NULL;
firstLine = rp->msg.first->line;
secondLine = NULL;
if (rp->msg.first->next != NULL)
secondLine = rp->msg.first->next->line;
if (strstr(firstLine, "Version wu-") != NULL) {
cip->serverType = kServerTypeWuFTPd;
srvr = "wu-ftpd";
} else if (strstr(firstLine, "NcFTPd") != NULL) {
cip->serverType = kServerTypeNcFTPd;
srvr = "NcFTPd Server";
} else if (STRNEQ("ProFTPD", firstLine, 7)) {
cip->serverType = kServerTypeProFTPD;
srvr = "ProFTPD";
} else if (strstr(firstLine, "Microsoft FTP Service") != NULL) {
cip->serverType = kServerTypeMicrosoftFTP;
srvr = "Microsoft FTP Service";
} else if (strstr(firstLine, "(NetWare ") != NULL) {
cip->serverType = kServerTypeNetWareFTP;
srvr = "NetWare FTP Service";
} else if (STRNEQ("WFTPD", firstLine, 5)) {
cip->serverType = kServerTypeWFTPD;
srvr = "WFTPD";
} else if (STRNEQ("Serv-U FTP", firstLine, 10)) {
cip->serverType = kServerTypeServ_U;
srvr = "Serv-U FTP-Server";
} else if (strstr(firstLine, "VFTPD") != NULL) {
cip->serverType = kServerTypeVFTPD;
srvr = "VFTPD";
} else if (STRNEQ("FTP-Max", firstLine, 7)) {
cip->serverType = kServerTypeFTP_Max;
srvr = "FTP-Max";
} else if (strstr(firstLine, "Roxen") != NULL) {
cip->serverType = kServerTypeRoxen;
srvr = "Roxen";
} else if (strstr(firstLine, "WS_FTP") != NULL) {
cip->serverType = kServerTypeWS_FTP;
srvr = "WS_FTP Server";
} else if ((secondLine != NULL) && (strstr(secondLine, "WarFTP") != NULL)) {
cip->serverType = kServerTypeWarFTPd;
srvr = "WarFTPd";
if (srvr != NULL)
PrintF(cip, "Remote server is running %s.\n", srvr);
/* Do the application's connect message callback, if present. */
if ((cip->onConnectMsgProc != 0) && (rp->codeType < 4))
(*cip->onConnectMsgProc)(cip, rp);
if (rp->codeType >= 4) {
/* They probably hung up on us right away. That's too bad,
* but we can tell the caller that they can call back later
* and try again.
DoneWithResponse(cip, rp);
result = kErrConnectRetryableErr;
Error(cip, kDontPerror, "Server hungup immediately after connect.\n");
cip->errNo = kErrConnectRetryableErr;
goto fatal;
if (result < 0) /* Some other error occurred during connect message */
goto fatal;
cip->connected = 1;
DoneWithResponse(cip, rp);
return (kNoErr);
if (sockfd > 0)
(void) closesocket(sockfd);
if (sock2fd > 0)
(void) closesocket(sock2fd);
cip->ctrlSocketR = kClosedFileDescriptor;
cip->ctrlSocketW = kClosedFileDescriptor;
return (result);
} /* OpenControlConnection */
CloseDataConnection(const FTPCIPtr cip)
if (cip->dataSocket != kClosedFileDescriptor) {
SClose(cip->dataSocket, 3);
#else /* NO_SIGNALS */
if (cip->xferTimeout > 0)
(void) alarm(cip->xferTimeout);
(void) closesocket(cip->dataSocket);
if (cip->xferTimeout > 0)
(void) alarm(0);
#endif /* NO_SIGNALS */
cip->dataSocket = kClosedFileDescriptor;
memset(&cip->ourDataAddr, 0, sizeof(cip->ourDataAddr));
memset(&cip->servDataAddr, 0, sizeof(cip->servDataAddr));
} /* CloseDataConnection */
SetStartOffset(const FTPCIPtr cip, longest_int restartPt)
ResponsePtr rp;
int result;
if (restartPt != (longest_int) 0) {
rp = InitResponse();
if (rp == NULL) {
Error(cip, kDontPerror, "Malloc failed.\n");
cip->errNo = kErrMallocFailed;
return (cip->errNo);
/* Force reset to offset zero. */
if (restartPt == (longest_int) -1)
restartPt = (longest_int) 0;
result = RCmd(cip, rp,
result = RCmd(cip, rp, "REST %ld", (long) restartPt);
if (result < 0) {
return (result);
} else if (result == 3) {
cip->hasREST = kCommandAvailable;
DoneWithResponse(cip, rp);
} else if (UNIMPLEMENTED_CMD(rp->code)) {
cip->hasREST = kCommandNotAvailable;
DoneWithResponse(cip, rp);
cip->errNo = kErrSetStartPoint;
return (kErrSetStartPoint);
} else {
DoneWithResponse(cip, rp);
cip->errNo = kErrSetStartPoint;
return (kErrSetStartPoint);
return (0);
} /* SetStartOffset */
static int
SendPort(const FTPCIPtr cip, struct sockaddr_in *saddr)
char *a, *p;
int result;
ResponsePtr rp;
rp = InitResponse();
if (rp == NULL) {
Error(cip, kDontPerror, "Malloc failed.\n");
cip->errNo = kErrMallocFailed;
return (cip->errNo);
/* These will point to data in network byte order. */
a = (char *) &saddr->sin_addr;
p = (char *) &saddr->sin_port;
#define UC(x) (int) (((int) x) & 0xff)
/* Need to tell the other side which host (the address) and
* which process (port) on that host to send data to.
result = RCmd(cip, rp, "PORT %d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d",
UC(a[0]), UC(a[1]), UC(a[2]), UC(a[3]), UC(p[0]), UC(p[1]));
if (result < 0) {
return (result);
} else if (result != 2) {
/* A 500'ish response code means the PORT command failed. */
DoneWithResponse(cip, rp);
cip->errNo = kErrPORTFailed;
return (cip->errNo);
DoneWithResponse(cip, rp);
return (kNoErr);
} /* SendPort */
static int
Passive(const FTPCIPtr cip, struct sockaddr_in *saddr, int *weird)
ResponsePtr rp;
int i[6], j;
unsigned char n[6];
char *cp;
int result;
rp = InitResponse();
if (rp == NULL) {
Error(cip, kDontPerror, "Malloc failed.\n");
cip->errNo = kErrMallocFailed;
return (cip->errNo);
result = RCmd(cip, rp, "PASV");
if (result < 0)
goto done;
if (rp->codeType != 2) {
/* Didn't understand or didn't want passive port selection. */
cip->errNo = result = kErrPASVFailed;
goto done;
/* The other side returns a specification in the form of
* an internet address as the first four integers (each
* integer stands for 8-bits of the real 32-bit address),
* and two more integers for the port (16-bit port).
* It should give us something like:
* "Entering Passive Mode (129,93,33,1,10,187)", so look for
* digits with sscanf() starting 24 characters down the string.
for (cp = rp->msg.first->line; ; cp++) {
if (*cp == '\0') {
Error(cip, kDontPerror, "Cannot parse PASV response: %s\n", rp->msg.first->line);
goto done;
if (isdigit((int) *cp))
if (sscanf(cp, "%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d",
&i[0], &i[1], &i[2], &i[3], &i[4], &i[5]) != 6) {
Error(cip, kDontPerror, "Cannot parse PASV response: %s\n", rp->msg.first->line);
goto done;
for (j=0, *weird = 0; j<6; j++) {
/* Some ftp servers return bogus port octets, such as
* Let the caller know if we got a
* weird looking octet.
if ((i[j] < 0) || (i[j] > 255))
*weird = *weird + 1;
n[j] = (unsigned char) (i[j] & 0xff);
(void) memcpy(&saddr->sin_addr, &n[0], (size_t) 4);
(void) memcpy(&saddr->sin_port, &n[4], (size_t) 2);
result = kNoErr;
DoneWithResponse(cip, rp);
return (result);
} /* Passive */
static int
BindToEphemeralPortNumber(int sockfd, struct sockaddr_in *addrp, int ephemLo, int ephemHi)
int i;
int result;
int rangesize;
unsigned short port;
addrp->sin_family = AF_INET;
if (((int) ephemLo == 0) || ((int) ephemLo >= (int) ephemHi)) {
/* Do it the normal way. System will
* pick one, typically in the range
* of 1024-4999.
addrp->sin_port = 0; /* Let system pick one. */
result = bind(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *) addrp, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
} else {
rangesize = (int) ((int) ephemHi - (int) ephemLo);
result = 0;
for (i=0; i<10; i++) {
port = (unsigned short) (((int) rand() % rangesize) + (int) ephemLo);
addrp->sin_port = port;
result = bind(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *) addrp, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
if (result == 0)
if ((errno != 999)
/* This next line is just fodder to
* shut the compiler up about variable
* not being used.
&& (gCopyright[0] != '\0'))
return (result);
} /* BindToEphemeralPortNumber */
OpenDataConnection(const FTPCIPtr cip, int mode)
int dataSocket;
int weirdPort;
int result;
/* Before we can transfer any data, and before we even ask the
* remote server to start transferring via RETR/NLST/etc, we have
* to setup the connection.
weirdPort = 0;
result = 0;
CloseDataConnection(cip); /* In case we didn't before... */
dataSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
if (dataSocket < 0) {
Error(cip, kDoPerror, "Could not get a data socket.\n");
result = kErrNewStreamSocket;
cip->errNo = kErrNewStreamSocket;
return result;
/* This doesn't do anything if you left these
* at their defaults (zero). Otherwise it
* tries to set the buffer size to the
* size specified.
(void) SetSockBufSize(dataSocket, cip->dataSocketRBufSize, cip->dataSocketSBufSize);
if ((cip->hasPASV == kCommandNotAvailable) || (mode == kSendPortMode)) {
cip->ourDataAddr = cip->ourCtlAddr;
cip->ourDataAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
cip->ourDataAddr.sin_port = 0;
if (Rbind(dataSocket, (struct sockaddr *) &cip->ourDataAddr,
(int) sizeof (cip->ourDataAddr),
cip->servCtlAddr.sin_addr.s_addr) < 0)
if (BindToEphemeralPortNumber(dataSocket, &cip->ourDataAddr, (int) cip->ephemLo, (int) cip->ephemHi) < 0)
Error(cip, kDoPerror, "Could not bind the data socket");
result = kErrBindDataSocket;
cip->errNo = kErrBindDataSocket;
goto bad;
/* Need to do this so we can figure out which port the system
* gave to us.
if ((result = GetSocketAddress(cip, dataSocket, &cip->ourDataAddr)) < 0)
goto bad;
if (listen(dataSocket, 1) < 0) {
Error(cip, kDoPerror, "listen failed");
result = kErrListenDataSocket;
cip->errNo = kErrListenDataSocket;
goto bad;
if ((result = SendPort(cip, &cip->ourDataAddr)) < 0)
goto bad;
cip->dataPortMode = kSendPortMode;
} else {
/* Passive mode. Let the other side decide where to send. */
cip->servDataAddr = cip->servCtlAddr;
cip->servDataAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
cip->ourDataAddr = cip->ourCtlAddr;
cip->ourDataAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
if (Passive(cip, &cip->servDataAddr, &weirdPort) < 0) {
Error(cip, kDontPerror, "Passive mode refused.\n");
cip->hasPASV = kCommandNotAvailable;
/* We can try using regular PORT commands, which are required
* by all FTP protocol compliant programs, if you said so.
* We don't do this automatically, because if your host
* is running a firewall you (probably) do not want SendPort
* FTP for security reasons.
if (mode == kFallBackToSendPortMode)
goto tryPort;
result = kErrPassiveModeFailed;
cip->errNo = kErrPassiveModeFailed;
goto bad;
cip->ourDataAddr.sin_port = 0;
if (Rbind(dataSocket, (struct sockaddr *) &cip->ourDataAddr,
(int) sizeof (cip->ourDataAddr),
cip->servCtlAddr.sin_addr.s_addr) < 0)
if (BindToEphemeralPortNumber(dataSocket, &cip->ourDataAddr, (int) cip->ephemLo, (int) cip->ephemHi) < 0)
Error(cip, kDoPerror, "Could not bind the data socket");
result = kErrBindDataSocket;
cip->errNo = kErrBindDataSocket;
goto bad;
result = SConnect(dataSocket, &cip->servDataAddr, (int) cip->connTimeout);
#else /* NO_SIGNALS */
if (cip->connTimeout > 0)
(void) alarm(cip->connTimeout);
result = connect(dataSocket, (struct sockaddr *) &cip->servDataAddr, (int) sizeof(cip->servDataAddr));
if (cip->connTimeout > 0)
(void) alarm(0);
#endif /* NO_SIGNALS */
if (result == kTimeoutErr) {
if (mode == kFallBackToSendPortMode) {
Error(cip, kDontPerror, "Data connection timed out.\n");
Error(cip, kDontPerror, "Falling back to PORT instead of PASV mode.\n");
(void) closesocket(dataSocket);
cip->hasPASV = kCommandNotAvailable;
goto tryPort2;
Error(cip, kDontPerror, "Data connection timed out.\n");
result = kErrConnectDataSocket;
cip->errNo = kErrConnectDataSocket;
} else
#endif /* NO_SIGNALS */
if (result < 0) {
if ((weirdPort > 0) && (errno == ECONNREFUSED)) {
#elif defined(WSAECONNREFUSED)
if ((weirdPort > 0) && (errno == WSAECONNREFUSED)) {
Error(cip, kDontPerror, "Server sent back a bogus port number.\nI will fall back to PORT instead of PASV mode.\n");
if (mode == kFallBackToSendPortMode) {
(void) closesocket(dataSocket);
cip->hasPASV = kCommandNotAvailable;
goto tryPort2;
result = kErrServerSentBogusPortNumber;
cip->errNo = kErrServerSentBogusPortNumber;
goto bad;
if (mode == kFallBackToSendPortMode) {
Error(cip, kDoPerror, "connect failed.\n");
Error(cip, kDontPerror, "Falling back to PORT instead of PASV mode.\n");
(void) closesocket(dataSocket);
cip->hasPASV = kCommandNotAvailable;
goto tryPort2;
Error(cip, kDoPerror, "connect failed.\n");
result = kErrConnectDataSocket;
cip->errNo = kErrConnectDataSocket;
goto bad;
/* Need to do this so we can figure out which port the system
* gave to us.
if ((result = GetSocketAddress(cip, dataSocket, &cip->ourDataAddr)) < 0)
goto bad;
cip->dataPortMode = kPassiveMode;
cip->hasPASV = kCommandAvailable;
(void) SetLinger(cip, dataSocket, 1);
(void) SetKeepAlive(cip, dataSocket);
#if defined(IP_TOS) && defined(IPTOS_THROUGHPUT)
/* Data connection is a non-interactive data stream, so
* high throughput is desired, at the expense of low
* response time.
(void) SetTypeOfService(cip, dataSocket, IPTOS_THROUGHPUT);
cip->dataSocket = dataSocket;
return (0);
(void) closesocket(dataSocket);
return (result);
} /* OpenDataConnection */
AcceptDataConnection(const FTPCIPtr cip)
int newSocket;
#ifndef NO_SIGNALS
int len;
unsigned short remoteDataPort;
unsigned short remoteCtrlPort;
/* If we did a PORT, we have some things to finish up.
* If we did a PASV, we're ready to go.
if (cip->dataPortMode == kSendPortMode) {
/* Accept will give us back the server's data address; at the
* moment we don't do anything with it though.
memset(&cip->servDataAddr, 0, sizeof(cip->servDataAddr));
newSocket = SAccept(cip->dataSocket, &cip->servDataAddr, (int) cip->connTimeout);
#else /* NO_SIGNALS */
len = (int) sizeof(cip->servDataAddr);
if (cip->connTimeout > 0)
(void) alarm(cip->connTimeout);
newSocket = accept(cip->dataSocket, (struct sockaddr *) &cip->servDataAddr, &len);
if (cip->connTimeout > 0)
(void) alarm(0);
#endif /* NO_SIGNALS */
(void) closesocket(cip->dataSocket);
if (newSocket < 0) {
Error(cip, kDoPerror, "Could not accept a data connection.\n");
cip->dataSocket = kClosedFileDescriptor;
cip->errNo = kErrAcceptDataSocket;
return (kErrAcceptDataSocket);
if (cip->require20 != 0) {
remoteDataPort = ntohs(cip->servDataAddr.sin_port);
remoteCtrlPort = ntohs(cip->servCtlAddr.sin_port);
if ((int) remoteDataPort != ((int) remoteCtrlPort - 1)) {
Error(cip, kDontPerror, "Data connection did not originate on correct port!\n");
(void) closesocket(newSocket);
cip->dataSocket = kClosedFileDescriptor;
cip->errNo = kErrAcceptDataSocket;
return (kErrAcceptDataSocket);
} else if (memcmp(&cip->servDataAddr.sin_addr.s_addr, &cip->servCtlAddr.sin_addr.s_addr, sizeof(cip->servDataAddr.sin_addr.s_addr)) != 0) {
Error(cip, kDontPerror, "Data connection did not originate from remote server!\n");
(void) closesocket(newSocket);
cip->dataSocket = kClosedFileDescriptor;
cip->errNo = kErrAcceptDataSocket;
return (kErrAcceptDataSocket);
cip->dataSocket = newSocket;
return (0);
} /* AcceptDataConnection */
HangupOnServer(const FTPCIPtr cip)
/* Since we want to close both sides of the connection for each
* socket, we can just have them closed with close() instead of
* using shutdown().
} /* HangupOnServer */
SendTelnetInterrupt(const FTPCIPtr cip)
char msg[4];
/* 1. User system inserts the Telnet "Interrupt Process" (IP) signal
* in the Telnet stream.
if (cip->cout != NULL)
(void) fflush(cip->cout);
msg[0] = (char) (unsigned char) IAC;
msg[1] = (char) (unsigned char) IP;
(void) send(cip->ctrlSocketW, msg, 2, 0);
/* 2. User system sends the Telnet "Sync" signal. */
#if 1
msg[0] = (char) (unsigned char) IAC;
msg[1] = (char) (unsigned char) DM;
if (send(cip->ctrlSocketW, msg, 2, MSG_OOB) != 2)
Error(cip, kDoPerror, "Could not send an urgent message.\n");
/* "Send IAC in urgent mode instead of DM because UNIX places oob mark
* after urgent byte rather than before as now is protocol," says
* the BSD ftp code.
msg[0] = (char) (unsigned char) IAC;
if (send(cip->ctrlSocketW, msg, 1, MSG_OOB) != 1)
Error(cip, kDoPerror, "Could not send an urgent message.\n");
(void) fprintf(cip->cout, "%c", DM);
(void) fflush(cip->cout);
} /* SendTelnetInterrupt */
/* eof FTP.c */