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This file describes all the environment variables and options that are
available in TELNET.INI. If you are having problems with a terminal setting,
this is the file you want to read first. If this file does not help you,
please send a bug report to Paul Brannan <>.
Environment variables
Before there was a telnet.ini file, all the options were controlled
through environment variables. These have been left in for compatibility
with previous versions, and for specifying locations of files. They
override any values in telnet.ini.
TELNET_CFG Specifies the location of the keys.cfg file
TELNET_REDIR Specifies whether file redirection needs to be supported
INPUT_REDIR Specicies only to redirect input
OUTPUT_REDIR Specifies only to redirect output
TELNET_INI Specifies the location of the telnet.ini file
Configuration options
These are the options that you can specify in telnet.ini. This file is in
the same format as any normal Windows ini file. You can also change some
of these options using the SET command at the telnet> prompt.
[Terminal] section
Specifies the filename of a file to dump output to. (Default = "")
The name of the terminal type to send to the server. You
can use this if Telnet is sending "ANSI" but you have a
vt100 terminal. If you use this options, please read about
some of the other options below. (Default = ansi)
Some machines use the ASCII characters 128 to 155 for ANSI
sequences. These are usually the newer VAX systems. Turning
this option on may cause problems with certain foreign
(non-American) character sets. (Default = FALSE)
This option turns on VT100 mode. There are a few minor
differences between ANSI terminals and DEC VT100 terminals.
I recommend trying TERM=vt220 or TERM=vt102 before trying
this option, but if you must have true VT100 emulation,
this is the only way to get it. (Default = FALSE)
This will probably cause problems with most programs, but if you need the
backspace to erase the previous character (as with some BBSes), use this
option. (Default = FALSE)
If you set this to true you will hear beeps through the PC speaker; setting
it to false will play the default system beep sound through your sound
card. (Default = TRUE)
Setting this to false turns off all beeps; setting this to true turns on
all beeps. (Default = TRUE)
This turns on color preservation for systems that require it (like SCO).
(Default = FALSE)
This turns on/off line wrap. (Default = TRUE)
Turning on this option disables the ability of the remote end to control
line wrap, and "locks" it into whatever it is set to in the ini file.
(Default = FALSE)
This turns on/off fast screen write. Turning it off allows you to see
control characters if your application requires it. (Default = TRUE)
These options specify the size of the terminal. You can specify non-standard
sizes if you are running telnet in a window. You may want to specify
a font size if you use these (using "Auto" can cause display problems).
Specifying -1 means use the settings for the parent console.
(Default = -1, -1)
This is to allow the ANSI parser to change the screen size when sent certain
escape sequences. This is for vt100 compatibility. (Default = FALSE)
This is the size of the ANSI buffer used for parsing sequences. Increasing
this value speeds up the parser, and decreasing it allows the mouse to
respond faster. (Default = 2048)
These are for redirecting input and output. (Default = 0, 0)
Any value greater than 0 turns redir on. Turn Output_redir on to bypass
the Console Telnet screen writing and positioning functions and simply
pass the data stream as received from the host straight through.
If enabled, this option will attempt to strip the stream before passing it on
through redirected output. This will have no effect on non-redirected output.
[Colors] section
Setting the following to -1 disables them:
Blink_bg Background color to use for blink (default = -1)
Blink_fg Foreground color to use for blink (default = -1)
Underline_bg Background color to use for underline (default = -1)
Underline_fg Foreground color to use for underline (default = -1)
UlBlink_bg Background color to use for blink+uline (default = -1)
UlBlink_fg Foreground color to use for blink+uline (default = -1)
Setting the following to -1 uses colors detected at startup:
Normal_bg Normal text background color (default = -1)
Normal_fg Normal text foreground color (default = -1)
Please do not set these values to -1:
Scroll_bg Background color for scrollback mode (default = 0)
Scroll_fg Foreground color for scrollback mode (default = 7)
Status_bg Bg color of status line in scrollback (default = 1)
Status_fg Fg color of status line in scrollback (default = 15)
Here's a list of colors:
0 - black, 1 - blue, 2 - green, 3 - cyan, 4 - red, 5 - magenta, 6 - brown
7 - lt. grey (dk. white), 8 - dk. grey, 9 - bright blue, 10 - bright green,
11 - bright cyan, 12 - bright red, 13 - bright magenta, 14 - yellow
15 - bright white
[Mouse] section
Turns on mouse support. (Default = TRUE)
[Printer] section
The DOS name for the printer. (Default = LPT1)
[Keyboard] section
Many of these options are also available from telnet.cfg.
The key to break out of a telnet session. (Default = ])
The key for switching to scrollback mode. (Default = [)
You can start a new telnet session with this key. (Default = \)
If you set this to true, it will swap backspace and delete.
(Default = FALSE)
This option allows pasting to the screen via shift-insert. (Default = FALSE)
Selects an alternate telnet.cfg file. (Default = TELNET.CFG)
Selects a different keyboard definition. All of these are defined in
[Scrollback] section
Selects the default mode for scrollback. Valid selections are:
HEX Hex dump
DUMP Dump, control characters are shown as "."
DUMPB Binary dump
TEXT Text mode
Note: you can press TAB in scrollback mode to cycle through these.
(Default = DUMP)
Command-line Options
-d<filename> Specifies the name of the dumpfile.
-h Gives a help screen.