
217 lines
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Raw Normal View History

#include "globals.h"
#include "cardstack.h"
#include "cardlib.h"
class CardWindow;
// This class defines a physical card-stack,
// which draws the cards, supports
class CardRegion
friend class CardWindow;
friend class CardStack;
// Constructor is PRIVATE - only
// a CardWindow can create cardstacks!
CardRegion(CardWindow &parent, int id, bool fVisible,
int x, int y, int xOffset, int yOffset);
void SetBackColor(COLORREF cr);
void SetCardStack(const CardStack &cs);
const CardStack & GetCardStack();
// Event-callback support
bool SetDragRule(UINT uDragType, pCanDragProc proc = 0);
bool SetDropRule(UINT uDropType, pCanDropProc proc = 0);
void SetClickProc (pClickProc proc);
void SetDblClickProc (pClickProc proc);
void SetAddCardProc (pAddProc proc);
void SetRemoveCardProc (pRemoveProc proc);
// Physical attribute support
bool SetThreedCount (int count);
void SetOffsets (int x, int y);
void SetPos (int x, int y);
void Show (bool fShow);
bool IsVisible ();
void SetEmptyImage (UINT uImage);
void SetBackCardIdx (UINT uBackIdx);
void SetPlacement (UINT xJustify, UINT yJustify, int xAdjust, int yAdjust);
void Update();
void Redraw();
void SetFaceDirection(UINT uDirType, int nOption);
UINT GetFaceDirection(int *pnOption);
void Flash(int count, int timeout);
void StopFlash();
int Id();
CardWindow &GetCardWindow() { return parentWnd; }
bool PlayCard(CardRegion *pDestStack, int value, int num);
bool MoveCard(CardRegion *pDestStack, int nNumCards, bool fAnimate);
bool SimulateDrag(CardRegion *pDestStack, int nNumCards, bool fAnimate);
bool Lock();
bool UnLock();
// Common wrappers for the CardStack object
int NumCards() const;
void NewDeck() { cardstack.NewDeck(); }
void Shuffle() { cardstack.Shuffle(); }
void Clear() { cardstack.Clear(); }
void Reverse() { cardstack.Reverse(); }
void Push(const Card card) { cardstack.Push(card); }
void Push(const CardStack &cs) { cardstack.Push(cs); }
Card Pop() { return cardstack.Pop(); }
CardStack Pop(int items) { return cardstack.Pop(items); }
Card Top() { return cardstack.Top(); }
CardStack Top(int items) { return cardstack.Top(items); }
void DoFlash();
void RedrawIfNotDim(CardRegion *compare, bool fFullRedraw);
void UpdateFaceDir(CardStack &cards);
void Clip(HDC hdc);
void Render(HDC hdc);
int GetOverlapRatio(int x, int y, int width, int height);
void MoveDragCardTo(HDC hdc, int x, int y);
void ZoomCard(HDC hdc, int xpos, int ypos, CardRegion *dest);
void RenderBottomMost(HDC hdc, int minustopmost = 0);
void PrepareDragBitmaps(int numtodrag);
void PrepareDragBitmapsThreed(int numtodrag);
void ReleaseDragBitmaps(void);
bool CanDragCards(int iNumCards);
bool CanDropCards(CardStack &cards);
void CalcApparentCards();
int CalcApparentCards(int realnum);
void UpdateSize();
void AdjustPosition(int winwidth, int winheight);
bool IsPointInStack(int x, int y);
int GetNumDragCards(int x, int y);
bool OnLButtonDown(int x, int y);
bool OnLButtonDblClk(int x, int y);
bool OnMouseMove(int x, int y);
bool OnLButtonUp(int x, int y);
// Private data members
int id;
CardWindow &parentWnd;
CardStack cardstack; //cards in this stack
CardStack dragstack; //cards which we might be dragging
bool fMouseDragging;
int xpos; //coordinates of stack
int ypos;
int xoffset; //direction that cards take
int yoffset;
int width; //stack-size of all cards
int height;
// justify / placement vars
int xjustify;
int yjustify;
int xadjust;
int yadjust;
// Used for mouse-dragging / moving cards
int iNumDragCards;
int mousexoffset;
int mouseyoffset;
int oldx;
int oldy;
int nDragCardWidth;
int nDragCardHeight;
HDC hdcBackGnd;
HBITMAP hbmBackGnd;
HDC hdcDragCard;
HBITMAP hbmDragCard;
int nNumApparentCards;
int nThreedCount;
bool fVisible;
int nFlashCount;
bool fFlashVisible;
UINT uFlashTimer;
COLORREF crBackgnd;
UINT uEmptyImage;
UINT uFaceDirType;
int nFaceDirOption;
int nBackCardIdx;
UINT uDragRule;
UINT uDropRule;
// Stack callback support
pCanDragProc CanDragCallback;
pCanDropProc CanDropCallback;
pClickProc ClickCallback;
pClickProc DblClickCallback;
pAddProc AddCallback;
pRemoveProc RemoveCallback;
//locking mechanism to prevent user dragging etc
HANDLE mxlock;