2008-12-29 09:41:56 +00:00
* Copyright 2008 Jacek Caban for CodeWeavers
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
var tmp;
ok(true, "true is not true?");
ok(!false, "!false is not true");
ok(!undefined, "!undefined is not true");
ok(!null, "!null is not true");
ok(!0, "!0 is not true");
ok(!0.0, "!0.0 is not true");
ok(1 === 1, "1 === 1 is false");
ok(!(1 === 2), "!(1 === 2) is false");
ok(1.0 === 1, "1.0 === 1 is false");
ok("abc" === "abc", "\"abc\" === \"abc\" is false");
ok(true === true, "true === true is false");
ok(null === null, "null === null is false");
ok(undefined === undefined, "undefined === undefined is false");
ok(!(undefined === null), "!(undefined === null) is false");
2009-06-06 15:59:11 +00:00
ok(1E0 === 1, "1E0 === 1 is false");
ok(1000000*1000000 === 1000000000000, "1000000*1000000 === 1000000000000 is false");
2009-10-19 17:03:40 +00:00
ok(8.64e15 === 8640000000000000, "8.64e15 !== 8640000000000000");
2009-06-06 15:59:11 +00:00
ok(1e2147483648 === Infinity, "1e2147483648 !== Infinity");
2008-12-29 09:41:56 +00:00
ok(1 !== 2, "1 !== 2 is false");
ok(null !== undefined, "null !== undefined is false");
ok(1 == 1, "1 == 1 is false");
ok(!(1 == 2), "!(1 == 2) is false");
ok(1.0 == 1, "1.0 == 1 is false");
ok("abc" == "abc", "\"abc\" == \"abc\" is false");
ok(true == true, "true == true is false");
ok(null == null, "null == null is false");
ok(undefined == undefined, "undefined == undefined is false");
ok(undefined == null, "undefined == null is false");
ok(true == 1, "true == 1 is false");
ok(!(true == 2), "true == 2");
ok(0 == false, "0 == false is false");
ok(1 != 2, "1 != 2 is false");
ok(false != 1, "false != 1 is false");
var trueVar = true;
ok(trueVar, "trueVar is not true");
ok(ScriptEngine.length === 0, "ScriptEngine.length is not 0");
function testFunc1(x, y) {
ok(this !== undefined, "this is undefined");
2009-10-19 17:03:40 +00:00
ok(x === true, "x is not true");
2008-12-29 09:41:56 +00:00
ok(y === "test", "y is not \"test\"");
ok(arguments.length === 2, "arguments.length is not 2");
ok(arguments["0"] === true, "arguments[0] is not true");
ok(arguments["1"] === "test", "arguments[1] is not \"test\"");
2009-10-19 17:03:40 +00:00
ok(arguments.callee === testFunc1, "arguments.calee !== testFunc1");
2008-12-29 09:41:56 +00:00
return true;
ok(testFunc1.length === 2, "testFunc1.length is not 2");
ok(Object.prototype !== undefined, "Object.prototype is undefined");
ok(Object.prototype.prototype === undefined, "Object.prototype is not undefined");
ok(String.prototype !== undefined, "String.prototype is undefined");
ok(Array.prototype !== undefined, "Array.prototype is undefined");
ok(Boolean.prototype !== undefined, "Boolean.prototype is undefined");
ok(Number.prototype !== undefined, "Number.prototype is undefined");
ok(RegExp.prototype !== undefined, "RegExp.prototype is undefined");
ok(Math !== undefined, "Math is undefined");
ok(Math.prototype === undefined, "Math.prototype is not undefined");
ok(Function.prototype !== undefined, "Function.prototype is undefined");
2009-08-08 07:34:31 +00:00
ok(Function.prototype.prototype === undefined, "Function.prototype.prototype is not undefined");
2008-12-29 09:41:56 +00:00
ok(Date.prototype !== undefined, "Date.prototype is undefined");
ok(Date.prototype.prototype === undefined, "Date.prototype is not undefined");
Function.prototype.test = true;
ok(testFunc1.test === true, "testFunc1.test !== true");
ok(Function.test === true, "Function.test !== true");
ok(typeof(0) === "number", "typeof(0) is not number");
ok(typeof(1.5) === "number", "typeof(1.5) is not number");
ok(typeof("abc") === "string", "typeof(\"abc\") is not string");
ok(typeof("") === "string", "typeof(\"\") is not string");
ok(typeof(true) === "boolean", "typeof(true) is not boolean");
ok(typeof(null) === "object", "typeof(null) is not object");
ok(typeof(undefined) === "undefined", "typeof(undefined) is not undefined");
ok(typeof(Math) === "object", "typeof(Math) is not object");
ok(typeof(String.prototype) === "object", "typeof(String.prototype) is not object");
ok(typeof(testFunc1) === "function", "typeof(testFunc1) is not function");
ok(typeof(String) === "function", "typeof(String) is not function");
ok(typeof(ScriptEngine) === "function", "typeof(ScriptEngine) is not function");
ok(typeof(this) === "object", "typeof(this) is not object");
ok(testFunc1(true, "test") === true, "testFunc1 not returned true");
2010-03-02 19:52:22 +00:00
tmp = (function() {1;})();
ok(tmp === undefined, "tmp = " + tmp);
tmp = eval("1;");
ok(tmp === 1, "tmp = " + tmp);
2008-12-29 09:41:56 +00:00
var obj1 = new Object();
ok(typeof(obj1) === "object", "typeof(obj1) is not object");
2010-03-02 19:52:22 +00:00
ok(obj1.constructor === Object, "unexpected obj1.constructor");
2008-12-29 09:41:56 +00:00
obj1.test = true;
obj1.func = function () {
ok(this === obj1, "this is not obj1");
ok(this.test === true, "this.test is not true");
ok(arguments.length === 1, "arguments.length is not 1");
ok(arguments["0"] === true, "arguments[0] is not true");
2009-10-19 17:03:40 +00:00
ok(typeof(arguments.callee) === "function", "typeof(arguments.calee) = " + typeof(arguments.calee));
2008-12-29 09:41:56 +00:00
return "test";
ok(obj1.func(true) === "test", "obj1.func(true) is not \"test\"");
function testConstr1() {
this.var1 = 1;
ok(this !== undefined, "this is undefined");
ok(arguments.length === 1, "arguments.length is not 1");
ok(arguments["0"] === true, "arguments[0] is not 1");
2009-10-19 17:03:40 +00:00
ok(arguments.callee === testConstr1, "arguments.calee !== testConstr1");
2008-12-29 09:41:56 +00:00
return false;
testConstr1.prototype.pvar = 1;
var obj2 = new testConstr1(true);
ok(typeof(obj2) === "object", "typeof(obj2) is not object");
2010-03-02 19:52:22 +00:00
ok(obj2.constructor === testConstr1, "unexpected obj2.constructor");
2008-12-29 09:41:56 +00:00
ok(obj2.pvar === 1, "obj2.pvar is not 1");
testConstr1.prototype.pvar = 2;
ok(obj2.pvar === 2, "obj2.pvar is not 2");
obj2.pvar = 3;
testConstr1.prototype.pvar = 1;
ok(obj2.pvar === 3, "obj2.pvar is not 3");
2010-03-02 19:52:22 +00:00
obj1 = new Object();
function testConstr3() {
return obj1;
obj2 = new testConstr3();
ok(obj1 === obj2, "obj1 != obj2");
function testConstr4() {
return 2;
obj2 = new testConstr3();
ok(typeof(obj2) === "object", "typeof(obj2) = " + typeof(obj2));
2008-12-29 09:41:56 +00:00
var obj3 = new Object;
ok(typeof(obj3) === "object", "typeof(obj3) is not object");
for(var iter in "test")
ok(false, "unexpected forin call, test = " + iter);
for(var iter in null)
ok(false, "unexpected forin call, test = " + iter);
for(var iter in false)
ok(false, "unexpected forin call, test = " + iter);
tmp = 0;
tmp = 1;
ok(false, "else evaluated");
ok(tmp === 1, "tmp !== 1, if not evaluated?");
tmp = 0;
if(1 === 0)
ok(false, "if evaluated");
tmp = 1;
ok(tmp === 1, "tmp !== 1, if not evaluated?");
ok(false, "if(false) evaluated");
tmp = 0;
tmp = 1;
ok(tmp === 1, "tmp !== 1, if(true) not evaluated?");
if(false) {
}else {
var obj3 = { prop1: 1, prop2: typeof(false) };
ok(obj3.prop1 === 1, "obj3.prop1 is not 1");
ok(obj3.prop2 === "boolean", "obj3.prop2 is not \"boolean\"");
2010-03-02 19:52:22 +00:00
ok(obj3.constructor === Object, "unexpected obj3.constructor");
2008-12-29 09:41:56 +00:00
var blockVar = 1;
blockVar = 2;
ok(blockVar === 2, "blockVar !== 2");
ok((true ? 1 : 2) === 1, "conditional expression true is not 1");
ok((0 === 2 ? 1 : 2) === 2, "conditional expression true is not 2");
ok(getVT(undefined) === "VT_EMPTY", "getVT(undefined) is not VT_EMPTY");
ok(getVT(null) === "VT_NULL", "getVT(null) is not VT_NULL");
ok(getVT(0) === "VT_I4", "getVT(0) is not VT_I4");
ok(getVT(0.5) === "VT_R8", "getVT(1.5) is not VT_R8");
ok(getVT("test") === "VT_BSTR", "getVT(\"test\") is not VT_BSTR");
ok(getVT(Math) === "VT_DISPATCH", "getVT(Math) is not VT_DISPATCH");
ok(getVT(false) === "VT_BOOL", "getVT(false) is not VT_BOOL");
tmp = 2+2;
ok(tmp === 4, "2+2 !== 4");
ok(getVT(tmp) === "VT_I4", "getVT(2+2) !== VT_I4");
tmp = 2+2.5;
ok(tmp === 4.5, "2+2.5 !== 4.5");
ok(getVT(tmp) === "VT_R8", "getVT(2+2.5) !== VT_R8");
tmp = 1.5+2.5;
ok(tmp === 4, "1.4+2.5 !== 4");
ok(getVT(tmp) === "VT_I4", "getVT(1.5+2.5) !== VT_I4");
tmp = 4-2;
ok(tmp === 2, "4-2 !== 2");
ok(getVT(tmp) === "VT_I4", "getVT(4-2) !== VT_I4");
tmp = 4.5-2;
ok(tmp === 2.5, "4.5-2 !== 2.5");
ok(getVT(tmp) === "VT_R8", "getVT(4-2) !== VT_R8");
tmp = -2;
ok(tmp === 0-2, "-2 !== 0-2");
ok(getVT(tmp) === "VT_I4", "getVT(-2) !== VT_I4");
tmp = 2*3;
ok(tmp === 6, "2*3 !== 6");
ok(getVT(tmp) === "VT_I4", "getVT(2*3) !== VT_I4");
tmp = 2*3.5;
ok(tmp === 7, "2*3.5 !== 7");
ok(getVT(tmp) === "VT_I4", "getVT(2*3.5) !== VT_I4");
tmp = 2.5*3.5;
Sync advapi32, comctl32, crypt32, cryptui, cryptnet, fusion, gdi32, gdiplus, hlink, imm32, jscript, kernel32, localspl, msacm32, mscms, msi, mstask, msvcrtd, msxml3, ntdll, ole32, pdh, psapi, quartz, rasapi32, riched20 AND rsaenh Winetests.
TBD mshtml, shell32, oleaut32 which still fail to build here
svn path=/trunk/; revision=47931
2010-07-03 12:45:23 +00:00
/* FIXME: the parser loses precision */
/* ok(tmp === 8.75, "2.5*3.5 !== 8.75"); */
ok(tmp > 8.749999 && tmp < 8.750001, "2.5*3.5 !== 8.75");
2008-12-29 09:41:56 +00:00
ok(getVT(tmp) === "VT_R8", "getVT(2.5*3.5) !== VT_R8");
tmp = 4/2;
ok(tmp === 2, "4/2 !== 2");
ok(getVT(tmp) === "VT_I4", "getVT(4/2) !== VT_I4");
tmp = 4.5/1.5;
ok(tmp === 3, "4.5/1.5 !== 3");
ok(getVT(tmp) === "VT_I4", "getVT(4.5/1.5) !== VT_I4");
tmp = 3/2;
ok(tmp === 1.5, "3/2 !== 1.5");
ok(getVT(tmp) === "VT_R8", "getVT(3/2) !== VT_R8");
tmp = 3%2;
ok(tmp === 1, "3%2 = " + tmp);
tmp = 4%2;
ok(tmp ===0, "4%2 = " + tmp);
tmp = 3.5%1.5;
ok(tmp === 0.5, "3.5%1.5 = " + tmp);
tmp = 3%true;
ok(tmp === 0, "3%true = " + tmp);
tmp = "ab" + "cd";
ok(tmp === "abcd", "\"ab\" + \"cd\" !== \"abcd\"");
tmp = 1;
ok((tmp += 1) === 2, "tmp += 1 !== 2");
ok(tmp === 2, "tmp !== 2");
tmp = 2;
ok((tmp -= 1) === 1, "tmp -= 1 !== 1");
ok(tmp === 1, "tmp !=== 1");
tmp = 2;
ok((tmp *= 1.5) === 3, "tmp *= 1.5 !== 3");
ok(tmp === 3, "tmp !=== 3");
tmp = 5;
ok((tmp /= 2) === 2.5, "tmp /= 2 !== 2.5");
ok(tmp === 2.5, "tmp !=== 2.5");
tmp = 3;
ok((tmp %= 2) === 1, "tmp %= 2 !== 1");
ok(tmp === 1, "tmp !== 1");
tmp = 8;
ok((tmp <<= 1) === 16, "tmp <<= 1 !== 16");
tmp = 8;
ok((tmp >>= 1) === 4, "tmp >>= 1 !== 4");
tmp = 8;
ok((tmp >>>= 1) === 4, "tmp >>>= 1 !== 4");
tmp = 3 || ok(false, "second or expression called");
ok(tmp === 3, "3 || (...) is not 3");
tmp = false || 2;
ok(tmp === 2, "false || 2 is not 2");
tmp = 0 && ok(false, "second and expression called");
ok(tmp === 0, "0 && (...) is not 0");
tmp = true && "test";
ok(tmp === "test", "true && \"test\" is not \"test\"");
tmp = true && 0;
ok(tmp === 0, "true && 0 is not 0");
tmp = 3 | 4;
ok(tmp === 7, "3 | 4 !== 7");
ok(getVT(tmp) === "VT_I4", "getVT(3|4) = " + getVT(tmp));
tmp = 3.5 | 0;
ok(tmp === 3, "3.5 | 0 !== 3");
ok(getVT(tmp) === "VT_I4", "getVT(3.5|0) = " + getVT(tmp));
tmp = -3.5 | 0;
ok(tmp === -3, "-3.5 | 0 !== -3");
ok(getVT(tmp) === "VT_I4", "getVT(3.5|0) = " + getVT(tmp));
2010-03-02 19:52:22 +00:00
tmp = 0 | NaN;
ok(tmp === 0, "0 | NaN = " + tmp);
tmp = 0 | Infinity;
ok(tmp === 0, "0 | NaN = " + tmp);
tmp = 0 | (-Infinity);
ok(tmp === 0, "0 | NaN = " + tmp);
2008-12-29 09:41:56 +00:00
tmp = 10;
ok((tmp |= 0x10) === 26, "tmp(10) |= 0x10 !== 26");
ok(getVT(tmp) === "VT_I4", "getVT(tmp |= 10) = " + getVT(tmp));
tmp = 3 & 5;
ok(tmp === 1, "3 & 5 !== 1");
ok(getVT(tmp) === "VT_I4", "getVT(3|5) = " + getVT(tmp));
tmp = 3.5 & 0xffff;
ok(tmp === 3, "3.5 & 0xffff !== 3 ");
ok(getVT(tmp) === "VT_I4", "getVT(3.5&0xffff) = " + getVT(tmp));
tmp = (-3.5) & 0xffffffff;
ok(tmp === -3, "-3.5 & 0xffff !== -3");
ok(getVT(tmp) === "VT_I4", "getVT(3.5&0xffff) = " + getVT(tmp));
tmp = 2 << 3;
ok(tmp === 16, "2 << 3 = " + tmp);
tmp = 2 << 35;
ok(tmp === 16, "2 << 35 = " + tmp);
tmp = 8 >> 2;
ok(tmp === 2, "8 >> 2 = " + tmp);
tmp = -64 >> 4;
ok(tmp === -4, "-64 >> 4 = " + tmp);
tmp = 8 >>> 2;
ok(tmp === 2, "8 >> 2 = " + tmp);
tmp = -64 >>> 4;
ok(tmp === 0x0ffffffc, "-64 >>> 4 = " + tmp);
2010-03-02 19:52:22 +00:00
tmp = 4 >>> NaN;
ok(tmp === 4, "4 >>> NaN = " + tmp);
2008-12-29 09:41:56 +00:00
tmp = 10;
ok((tmp &= 8) === 8, "tmp(10) &= 8 !== 8");
ok(getVT(tmp) === "VT_I4", "getVT(tmp &= 8) = " + getVT(tmp));
tmp = 0xf0f0^0xff00;
ok(tmp === 0x0ff0, "0xf0f0^0xff00 !== 0x0ff0");
ok(getVT(tmp) === "VT_I4", "getVT(0xf0f0^0xff00) = " + getVT(tmp));
tmp = 5;
ok((tmp ^= 3) === 6, "tmp(5) ^= 3 !== 6");
ok(getVT(tmp) === "VT_I4", "getVT(tmp ^= 3) = " + getVT(tmp));
tmp = ~1;
ok(tmp === -2, "~1 !== -2");
ok(getVT(tmp) === "VT_I4", "getVT(~1) = " + getVT(tmp));
ok((3,4) === 4, "(3,4) !== 4");
ok(+3 === 3, "+3 !== 3");
ok(+true === 1, "+true !== 1");
ok(+false === 0, "+false !== 0");
ok(+null === 0, "+null !== 0");
ok(+"0" === 0, "+'0' !== 0");
ok(+"3" === 3, "+'3' !== 3");
ok(+"-3" === -3, "+'-3' !== -3");
ok(+"0xff" === 255, "+'0xff' !== 255");
ok(+"3e3" === 3000, "+'3e3' !== 3000");
tmp = new Number(1);
2009-10-19 17:03:40 +00:00
ok(+tmp === 1, "+(new Number(1)) = " + (+tmp));
2010-03-02 19:52:22 +00:00
ok(tmp.constructor === Number, "unexpected tmp.constructor");
2008-12-29 09:41:56 +00:00
tmp = new String("1");
2009-10-19 17:03:40 +00:00
ok(+tmp === 1, "+(new String('1')) = " + (+tmp));
2010-03-02 19:52:22 +00:00
ok(tmp.constructor === String, "unexpected tmp.constructor");
2008-12-29 09:41:56 +00:00
ok("" + 0 === "0", "\"\" + 0 !== \"0\"");
ok("" + 123 === "123", "\"\" + 123 !== \"123\"");
ok("" + (-5) === "-5", "\"\" + (-5) !== \"-5\"");
ok("" + null === "null", "\"\" + null !== \"null\"");
ok("" + undefined === "undefined", "\"\" + undefined !== \"undefined\"");
ok("" + true === "true", "\"\" + true !== \"true\"");
ok("" + false === "false", "\"\" + false !== \"false\"");
ok("" + 0.5 === "0.5", "'' + 0.5 = " + 0.5);
ok("" + (-0.5432) === "-0.5432", "'' + (-0.5432) = " + (-0.5432));
ok(1 < 3.4, "1 < 3.4 failed");
ok(!(3.4 < 1), "3.4 < 1");
ok("abc" < "abcd", "abc < abcd failed");
ok("abcd" < "abce", "abce < abce failed");
ok("" < "x", "\"\" < \"x\" failed");
ok(!(0 < 0), "0 < 0");
ok(1 <= 3.4, "1 <= 3.4 failed");
ok(!(3.4 <= 1), "3.4 <= 1");
ok("abc" <= "abcd", "abc <= abcd failed");
ok("abcd" <= "abce", "abce <= abce failed");
ok("" <= "x", "\"\" <= \"x\" failed");
ok(0 <= 0, "0 <= 0 failed");
ok(3.4 > 1, "3.4 > 1 failed");
ok(!(1 > 3.4), "1 > 3.4");
ok("abcd" > "abc", "abc > abcd failed");
ok("abce" > "abcd", "abce > abce failed");
ok("x" > "", "\"x\" > \"\" failed");
ok(!(0 > 0), "0 > 0");
ok(3.4 >= 1, "3.4 >= 1 failed");
ok(!(1 >= 3.4), "1 >= 3.4");
ok("abcd" >= "abc", "abc >= abcd failed");
ok("abce" >= "abcd", "abce >= abce failed");
ok("x" >= "", "\"x\" >= \"\" failed");
ok(0 >= 0, "0 >= 0");
tmp = 1;
ok(++tmp === 2, "++tmp (1) is not 2");
ok(tmp === 2, "incremented tmp is not 2");
ok(--tmp === 1, "--tmp (2) is not 1");
ok(tmp === 1, "decremented tmp is not 1");
ok(tmp++ === 1, "tmp++ (1) is not 1");
ok(tmp === 2, "incremented tmp(1) is not 2");
ok(tmp-- === 2, "tmp-- (2) is not 2");
ok(tmp === 1, "decremented tmp is not 1");
String.prototype.test = true;
ok("".test === true, "\"\".test is not true");
Boolean.prototype.test = true;
ok(true.test === true, "true.test is not true");
Number.prototype.test = true;
ok((0).test === true, "(0).test is not true");
ok((0.5).test === true, "(0.5).test is not true");
var state = "";
try {
ok(state === "", "try: state = " + state);
state = "try";
}catch(ex) {
ok(false, "unexpected catch");
ok(state === "try", "state = " + state + " expected try");
state = "";
try {
ok(state === "", "try: state = " + state);
state = "try";
}finally {
2009-10-19 17:03:40 +00:00
ok(state === "try", "finally: state = " + state);
2008-12-29 09:41:56 +00:00
state = "finally";
ok(state === "finally", "state = " + state + " expected finally");
state = "";
try {
ok(state === "", "try: state = " + state);
state = "try";
}catch(ex) {
ok(false, "unexpected catch");
}finally {
2009-10-19 17:03:40 +00:00
ok(state === "try", "finally: state = " + state);
2008-12-29 09:41:56 +00:00
state = "finally";
ok(state === "finally", "state = " + state + " expected finally");
var state = "";
try {
ok(state === "", "try: state = " + state);
state = "try";
throw "except";
}catch(ex) {
ok(state === "try", "catch: state = " + state);
ok(ex === "except", "ex is not \"except\"");
state = "catch";
ok(state === "catch", "state = " + state + " expected catch");
var state = "";
try {
ok(state === "", "try: state = " + state);
state = "try";
throw true;
}catch(ex) {
ok(state === "try", "catch: state = " + state);
ok(ex === true, "ex is not true");
state = "catch";
}finally {
2009-10-19 17:03:40 +00:00
ok(state === "catch", "finally: state = " + state);
2008-12-29 09:41:56 +00:00
state = "finally";
ok(state === "finally", "state = " + state + " expected finally");
var state = "";
try {
ok(state === "", "try: state = " + state);
state = "try";
try { throw true; } finally {}
}catch(ex) {
ok(state === "try", "catch: state = " + state);
ok(ex === true, "ex is not true");
state = "catch";
}finally {
2009-10-19 17:03:40 +00:00
ok(state === "catch", "finally: state = " + state);
2008-12-29 09:41:56 +00:00
state = "finally";
ok(state === "finally", "state = " + state + " expected finally");
var state = "";
try {
ok(state === "", "try: state = " + state);
state = "try";
try { throw "except"; } catch(ex) { throw true; }
}catch(ex) {
ok(state === "try", "catch: state = " + state);
ok(ex === true, "ex is not true");
state = "catch";
}finally {
2009-10-19 17:03:40 +00:00
ok(state === "catch", "finally: state = " + state);
2008-12-29 09:41:56 +00:00
state = "finally";
ok(state === "finally", "state = " + state + " expected finally");
function throwFunc(x) {
throw x;
var state = "";
try {
ok(state === "", "try: state = " + state);
state = "try";
}catch(ex) {
ok(state === "try", "catch: state = " + state);
ok(ex === true, "ex is not true");
state = "catch";
}finally {
2009-10-19 17:03:40 +00:00
ok(state === "catch", "finally: state = " + state);
2008-12-29 09:41:56 +00:00
state = "finally";
ok(state === "finally", "state = " + state + " expected finally");
state = "";
switch(1) {
case "1":
ok(false, "unexpected case \"1\"");
case 1:
ok(state === "", "case 1: state = " + state);
state = "1";
ok(state === "1", "default: state = " + state);
state = "default";
case false:
ok(state === "default", "case false: state = " + state);
state = "false";
ok(state === "false", "state = " + state);
state = "";
switch("") {
case "1":
case 1:
ok(false, "unexpected case 1");
ok(state === "", "default: state = " + state);
state = "default";
case false:
ok(state === "default", "case false: state = " + state);
state = "false";
ok(state === "false", "state = " + state);
state = "";
switch(1) {
case "1":
ok(false, "unexpected case \"1\"");
case 1:
ok(state === "", "case 1: state = " + state);
state = "1";
ok(state === "1", "default: state = " + state);
state = "default";
case false:
ok(false, "unexpected case false");
ok(state === "default", "state = " + state);
tmp = eval("1");
ok(tmp === 1, "eval(\"1\") !== 1");
eval("{ ok(tmp === 1, 'eval: tmp !== 1'); } tmp = 2;");
ok(tmp === 2, "tmp !== 2");
ok(eval(false) === false, "eval(false) !== false");
ok(eval() === undefined, "eval() !== undefined");
tmp = eval("1", "2");
ok(tmp === 1, "eval(\"1\", \"2\") !== 1");
var state = "";
try {
ok(state === "", "try: state = " + state);
state = "try";
}catch(ex) {
ok(state === "try", "catch: state = " + state);
ok(ex === true, "ex is not true");
state = "catch";
}finally {
2009-10-19 17:03:40 +00:00
ok(state === "catch", "finally: state = " + state);
2008-12-29 09:41:56 +00:00
state = "finally";
ok(state === "finally", "state = " + state + " expected finally");
tmp = [,,1,2,,,true];
ok(tmp.length === 7, "tmp.length !== 7");
ok(tmp["0"] === undefined, "tmp[0] is not undefined");
ok(tmp["3"] === 2, "tmp[3] !== 2");
ok(tmp["6"] === true, "tmp[6] !== true");
ok(tmp[2] === 1, "tmp[2] !== 1");
ok([1,].length === 2, "[1,].length !== 2");
ok([,,].length === 3, "[,,].length !== 3");
ok([,].length === 2, "[].length != 2");
ok([].length === 0, "[].length != 0");
tmp = 0;
while(tmp < 4) {
ok(tmp < 4, "tmp >= 4");
ok(tmp === 4, "tmp !== 4");
tmp = 0;
while(true) {
ok(tmp < 4, "tmp >= 4");
if(tmp === 4) {
ok(false, "break did not break");
ok(tmp === 4, "tmp !== 4");
tmp = 0;
do {
ok(tmp < 4, "tmp >= 4");
} while(tmp < 4);
ok(tmp === 4, "tmp !== 4");
tmp = 0;
do {
ok(tmp === 0, "tmp !=== 0");
} while(false);
ok(tmp === 1, "tmp !== 1");
2009-08-08 07:34:31 +00:00
tmp = 0;
do {
ok(tmp < 4, "tmp >= 4");
} while(tmp < 4)
ok(tmp === 4, "tmp !== 4")
2008-12-29 09:41:56 +00:00
tmp = 0;
while(tmp < 4) {
if(tmp === 2) {
ok(false, "break did not break");
ok(tmp <= 4 && tmp != 2, "tmp = " + tmp);
ok(tmp === 4, "tmp !== 4");
for(tmp=0; tmp < 4; tmp++)
ok(tmp < 4, "tmp = " + tmp);
ok(tmp === 4, "tmp !== 4");
for(tmp=0; tmp < 4; tmp++) {
if(tmp === 2)
ok(tmp < 2, "tmp = " + tmp);
ok(tmp === 2, "tmp !== 2");
for(tmp=0; tmp < 4; tmp++) {
if(tmp === 2)
ok(tmp < 4 && tmp != 2, "tmp = " + tmp);
ok(tmp === 4, "tmp !== 4");
for(var fi=0; fi < 4; fi++)
ok(fi < 4, "fi = " + fi);
ok(fi === 4, "fi !== 4");
ok((void 1) === undefined, "(void 1) !== undefined");
var inobj = new Object();
for(var iter in inobj)
ok(false, "unexpected iter = " + iter);
inobj.test = true;
tmp = 0;
for(iter in inobj) {
ok(iter == "test", "unexpected iter = " + iter);
ok(tmp === 1, "for..in tmp = " + tmp);
function forinTestObj() {}
forinTestObj.prototype.test3 = true;
var arr = new Array();
inobj = new forinTestObj();
inobj.test1 = true;
inobj.test2 = true;
tmp = 0;
for(iter in inobj) {
arr[iter] = true;
ok(tmp === 3, "for..in tmp = " + tmp);
ok(arr["test1"] === true, "arr[test1] !== true");
ok(arr["test2"] === true, "arr[test2] !== true");
ok(arr["test3"] === true, "arr[test3] !== true");
tmp = new Object();
tmp.test = false;
ok((delete tmp.test) === true, "delete returned false");
ok(typeof(tmp.test) === "undefined", "tmp.test type = " + typeof(tmp.test));
for(iter in tmp)
ok(false, "tmp has prop " + iter);
tmp.testWith = true;
ok(testWith === true, "testWith !== true");
if(false) {
var varTest1 = true;
ok(varTest1 === undefined, "varTest1 = " + varTest1);
ok(varTest2 === undefined, "varTest2 = " + varTest1);
var varTest2;
function varTestFunc(varTest3) {
var varTest3;
ok(varTest3 === 3, "varTest3 = " + varTest3);
ok(varTest4 === undefined, "varTest4 = " + varTest4);
var varTest4;
deleteTest = 1;
delete deleteTest;
try {
tmp = deleteTest;
ok(false, "deleteTest not throwed exception?");
}catch(ex) {}
if (false)
if (true)
ok(false, "if evaluated");
ok(false, "else should be associated with nearest if statement");
if (true)
if (false)
ok(false, "if evaluated");
ok(true, "else should be associated with nearest if statement");
2009-10-19 17:03:40 +00:00
function instanceOfTest() {}
tmp = new instanceOfTest();
ok((tmp instanceof instanceOfTest) === true, "tmp is not instance of instanceOfTest");
ok((tmp instanceof Object) === true, "tmp is not instance of Object");
ok((tmp instanceof String) === false, "tmp is instance of String");
instanceOfTest.prototype = new Object();
ok((tmp instanceof instanceOfTest) === false, "tmp is instance of instanceOfTest");
ok((tmp instanceof Object) === true, "tmp is not instance of Object");
ok((1 instanceof Object) === false, "1 is instance of Object");
ok((false instanceof Boolean) === false, "false is instance of Boolean");
ok(("" instanceof Object) === false, "'' is instance of Object");
(function () {
ok((arguments instanceof Object) === true, "argument is not instance of Object");
ok((arguments instanceof Array) === false, "argument is not instance of Array");
ok(arguments.toString() === "[object Object]", "arguments.toString() = " + arguments.toString());
obj = new String();
ok(("length" in obj) === true, "length is not in obj");
ok(("isPrototypeOf" in obj) === true, "isPrototypeOf is not in obj");
ok(("abc" in obj) === false, "test is in obj");
obj.abc = 1;
ok(("abc" in obj) === true, "test is not in obj");
ok(("1" in obj) === false, "1 is in obj");
obj = [1,2,3];
ok((1 in obj) === true, "1 is not in obj");
2010-03-02 19:52:22 +00:00
obj = new Object();
try {
ok(false, "expected exception");
}catch(e) {}
ok(!("prop" in obj), "prop in obj");
2008-12-29 09:41:56 +00:00
ok(isNaN(NaN) === true, "isNaN(NaN) !== true");
ok(isNaN(0.5) === false, "isNaN(0.5) !== false");
ok(isNaN(Infinity) === false, "isNaN(Infinity) !== false");
ok(isNaN() === true, "isNaN() !== true");
ok(isNaN(NaN, 0) === true, "isNaN(NaN, 0) !== true");
ok(isNaN(0.5, NaN) === false, "isNaN(0.5, NaN) !== false");
ok(isNaN(+undefined) === true, "isNaN(+undefined) !== true");
ok(isFinite(0.5) === true, "isFinite(0.5) !== true");
2009-10-19 17:03:40 +00:00
ok(isFinite(Infinity) === false, "isFinite(Infinity) !== false");
ok(isFinite(-Infinity) === false, "isFinite(Infinity) !== false");
2008-12-29 09:41:56 +00:00
ok(isFinite(NaN) === false, "isFinite(NaN) !== false");
ok(isFinite(0.5, NaN) === true, "isFinite(0.5, NaN) !== true");
ok(isFinite(NaN, 0.5) === false, "isFinite(NaN, 0.5) !== false");
ok(isFinite() === false, "isFinite() !== false");
ok((1 < NaN) === false, "(1 < NaN) !== false");
ok((1 > NaN) === false, "(1 > NaN) !== false");
ok((1 <= NaN) === false, "(1 <= NaN) !== false");
ok((1 >= NaN) === false, "(1 >= NaN) !== false");
ok((NaN < 1) === false, "(NaN < 1) !== false");
ok((NaN > 1) === false, "(NaN > 1) !== false");
ok((NaN <= 1) === false, "(NaN <= 1) !== false");
ok((NaN >= 1) === false, "(NaN >= 1) !== false");
ok((Infinity < 2) === false, "(Infinity < 2) !== false");
ok((Infinity > 2) === true, "(Infinity > 2) !== true");
ok((-Infinity < 2) === true, "(-Infinity < 2) !== true");
ok(isNaN(+"test") === true, "isNaN(+'test') !== true");
ok(isNaN(+"123t") === true, "isNaN(+'123t') !== true");
ok(isNaN(+"Infinity x") === true, "isNaN(+'Infinity x') !== true");
ok(+"Infinity" === Infinity, "+'Infinity' !== Infinity");
ok(+" Infinity " === Infinity, "+' Infinity ' !== Infinity");
ok(+"-Infinity" === -Infinity, "+'-Infinity' !== -Infinity");
ok((NaN !== NaN) === true, "(NaN !== NaN) !== true");
ok((NaN === NaN) === false, "(NaN === NaN) !== false");
ok((Infinity !== NaN) === true, "(Infinity !== NaN) !== true");
ok((Infinity !== NaN) === true, "(Infinity !== NaN) !== true");
ok((0 === NaN) === false, "(0 === NaN) !== false");
ok((NaN != NaN) === true, "(NaN !== NaN) != true");
ok((NaN == NaN) === false, "(NaN === NaN) != false");
ok((Infinity != NaN) === true, "(Infinity != NaN) !== true");
ok((Infinity != NaN) === true, "(Infinity != NaN) !== true");
ok((0 == NaN) === false, "(0 === NaN) != false");
ok(typeof(testFunc2) === "function", "typeof(testFunc2) = " + typeof(testFunc2));
tmp = testFunc2(1);
ok(tmp === 2, "testFunc2(1) = " + tmp);
function testFunc2(x) { return x+1; }
ok(typeof(testFunc3) === "function", "typeof(testFunc3) = " + typeof(testFunc3));
tmp = testFunc3(1);
ok(tmp === 3, "testFunc3(1) = " + tmp);
tmp = function testFunc3(x) { return x+2; };
tmp = testFunc4(1);
ok(tmp === 5, "testFunc4(1) = " + tmp);
tmp = function testFunc4(x) { return x+3; };
tmp = testFunc4(1);
testFunc4 = 1;
ok(testFunc4 === 1, "testFunc4 = " + testFunc4);
ok(tmp === 5, "testFunc4(1) = " + tmp);
tmp = function testFunc4(x) { return x+4; };
ok(testFunc4 === 1, "testFunc4 = " + testFunc4);
function testEmbededFunctions() {
ok(typeof(testFunc5) === "function", "typeof(testFunc5) = " + typeof(testFunc5));
tmp = testFunc5(1);
ok(tmp === 3, "testFunc5(1) = " + tmp);
tmp = function testFunc5(x) { return x+2; };
tmp = testFunc6(1);
ok(tmp === 5, "testFunc6(1) = " + tmp);
tmp = function testFunc6(x) { return x+3; };
tmp = testFunc6(1);
ok(tmp === 5, "testFunc6(1) = " + tmp);
tmp = function testFunc6(x) { return x+4; };
testFunc6 = 1;
ok(testFunc6 === 1, "testFunc4 = " + testFunc6);
2009-08-08 07:34:31 +00:00
date = new Date();
date.toString = function() { return "toString"; }
ok(""+date === "toString", "''+date = " + date);
date.toString = function() { return this; }
ok(""+date === ""+date.valueOf(), "''+date = " + date);
str = new String("test");
str.valueOf = function() { return "valueOf"; }
ok(""+str === "valueOf", "''+str = " + str);
str.valueOf = function() { return new Date(); }
ok(""+str === "test", "''+str = " + str);
ok((function (){return 1;})() === 1, "(function (){return 1;})() = " + (function (){return 1;})());
2009-10-19 17:03:40 +00:00
var re = /=(\?|%3F)/g;
ok(re.source === "=(\\?|%3F)", "re.source = " + re.source);
2010-03-02 19:52:22 +00:00
tmp = new Array();
for(var i=0; i<2; i++)
tmp[i] = /b/;
ok(tmp[0] != tmp[1], "tmp[0] == tmp [1]");
2009-08-08 07:34:31 +00:00
ok(createNullBSTR() === '', "createNullBSTR() !== ''");
2009-10-19 17:03:40 +00:00
ok(getVT(nullDisp) === "VT_DISPATCH", "getVT(nullDisp) = " + getVT(nullDisp));
ok(typeof(nullDisp) === "object", "typeof(nullDisp) = " + typeof(nullDisp));
ok(nullDisp === nullDisp, "nullDisp !== nullDisp");
ok(nullDisp !== re, "nullDisp === re");
ok(nullDisp === null, "nullDisp === null");
ok(nullDisp == null, "nullDisp == null");
ok(getVT(true && nullDisp) === "VT_DISPATCH",
"getVT(0 && nullDisp) = " + getVT(true && nullDisp));
ok(!nullDisp === true, "!nullDisp = " + !nullDisp);
ok(String(nullDisp) === "null", "String(nullDisp) = " + String(nullDisp));
ok(nullDisp != new Object(), "nullDisp == new Object()");
ok(new Object() != nullDisp, "new Object() == nullDisp");
ok((typeof Object(nullDisp)) === "object", "typeof Object(nullDisp) !== 'object'");
tmp = getVT(Object(nullDisp));
ok(tmp === "VT_DISPATCH", "getVT(Object(nullDisp) = " + tmp);
tmp = Object(nullDisp).toString();
ok(tmp === "[object Object]", "Object(nullDisp).toString() = " + tmp);
function do_test() {}
function nosemicolon() {} nosemicolon();
function () {} nosemicolon();
if(false) {
function in_if_false() { return true; } ok(false, "!?");
ok(in_if_false(), "in_if_false failed");
ok(typeof(doesnotexist) === "undefined", "typeof(doesnotexist) = " + typeof(doesnotexist));
(function() { newValue = 1; })();
ok(newValue === 1, "newValue = " + newValue);
2010-03-02 19:52:22 +00:00
obj = {undefined: 3};
/* Keep this test in the end of file */
undefined = 6;
ok(undefined === 6, "undefined = " + undefined);
2008-12-29 09:41:56 +00:00