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* Copyright (c) 1999
* Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, Inc.
* Copyright (c) 1999
* Boris Fomitchev
* This material is provided "as is", with absolutely no warranty expressed
* or implied. Any use is at your own risk.
* Permission to use or copy this software for any purpose is hereby granted
* without fee, provided the above notices are retained on all copies.
* Permission to modify the code and to distribute modified code is granted,
* provided the above notices are retained, and a notice that the code was
* modified is included with the above copyright notice.
#ifndef _STLP_IOS_BASE_H
#define _STLP_IOS_BASE_H
# include <stl/_stdexcept_base.h>
# include <stl/_pair.h>
# include <stl/_locale.h>
# include <stl/_string.h>
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class ios_base. This is the base class of the ios hierarchy, which
// includes basic_istream and basic_ostream. Classes in the ios
// hierarchy are actually quite simple: they are just glorified
// wrapper classes. They delegate buffering and physical character
// manipulation to the streambuf classes, and they delegate most
// formatting tasks to a locale.
class _STLP_CLASS_DECLSPEC ios_base {
class _STLP_CLASS_DECLSPEC failure : public __Named_exception {
explicit failure(const string&);
virtual ~failure() _STLP_NOTHROW_INHERENTLY;
typedef int fmtflags;
typedef int iostate;
typedef int openmode;
typedef int seekdir;
typedef fmtflags fmt_flags;
# endif
// Formatting flags.
_STLP_STATIC_CONSTANT(int, left = 0x0001);
_STLP_STATIC_CONSTANT(int, right = 0x0002);
_STLP_STATIC_CONSTANT(int, internal = 0x0004);
_STLP_STATIC_CONSTANT(int, dec = 0x0008);
_STLP_STATIC_CONSTANT(int, hex = 0x0010);
_STLP_STATIC_CONSTANT(int, oct = 0x0020);
_STLP_STATIC_CONSTANT(int, fixed = 0x0040);
_STLP_STATIC_CONSTANT(int, scientific = 0x0080);
_STLP_STATIC_CONSTANT(int, boolalpha = 0x0100);
_STLP_STATIC_CONSTANT(int, showbase = 0x0200);
_STLP_STATIC_CONSTANT(int, showpoint = 0x0400);
_STLP_STATIC_CONSTANT(int, showpos = 0x0800);
_STLP_STATIC_CONSTANT(int, skipws = 0x1000);
_STLP_STATIC_CONSTANT(int, unitbuf = 0x2000);
_STLP_STATIC_CONSTANT(int, uppercase = 0x4000);
_STLP_STATIC_CONSTANT(int, adjustfield = left | right | internal);
_STLP_STATIC_CONSTANT(int, basefield = dec | hex | oct);
_STLP_STATIC_CONSTANT(int, floatfield = scientific | fixed);
// State flags.
_STLP_STATIC_CONSTANT(int, goodbit = 0x00);
_STLP_STATIC_CONSTANT(int, badbit = 0x01);
_STLP_STATIC_CONSTANT(int, eofbit = 0x02);
_STLP_STATIC_CONSTANT(int, failbit = 0x04);
// Openmode flags.
_STLP_STATIC_CONSTANT(int, __default_mode = 0x0); /* implementation detail */
_STLP_STATIC_CONSTANT(int, app = 0x01);
_STLP_STATIC_CONSTANT(int, ate = 0x02);
_STLP_STATIC_CONSTANT(int, binary = 0x04);
_STLP_STATIC_CONSTANT(int, in = 0x08);
_STLP_STATIC_CONSTANT(int, out = 0x10);
_STLP_STATIC_CONSTANT(int, trunc = 0x20);
// Seekdir flags
_STLP_STATIC_CONSTANT(int, beg = 0x01);
_STLP_STATIC_CONSTANT(int, cur = 0x02);
_STLP_STATIC_CONSTANT(int, end = 0x04);
public: // Flag-manipulation functions.
fmtflags flags() const { return _M_fmtflags; }
fmtflags flags(fmtflags __flags) {
fmtflags __tmp = _M_fmtflags;
_M_fmtflags = __flags;
return __tmp;
fmtflags setf(fmtflags __flag) {
fmtflags __tmp = _M_fmtflags;
_M_fmtflags |= __flag;
return __tmp;
fmtflags setf(fmtflags __flag, fmtflags __mask) {
fmtflags __tmp = _M_fmtflags;
_M_fmtflags &= ~__mask;
_M_fmtflags |= __flag & __mask;
return __tmp;
void unsetf(fmtflags __mask) { _M_fmtflags &= ~__mask; }
streamsize precision() const { return _M_precision; }
streamsize precision(streamsize __newprecision) {
streamsize __tmp = _M_precision;
_M_precision = __newprecision;
return __tmp;
streamsize width() const { return _M_width; }
streamsize width(streamsize __newwidth) {
streamsize __tmp = _M_width;
_M_width = __newwidth;
return __tmp;
public: // Locales
locale imbue(const locale&);
locale getloc() const { return _M_locale; }
public: // Auxiliary storage.
static int _STLP_CALL xalloc();
long& iword(int __index);
void*& pword(int __index);
public: // Destructor.
virtual ~ios_base();
public: // Callbacks.
enum event { erase_event, imbue_event, copyfmt_event };
typedef void (*event_callback)(event, ios_base&, int __index);
void register_callback(event_callback __fn, int __index);
public: // This member function affects only
// the eight predefined ios objects:
// cin, cout, etc.
static bool _STLP_CALL sync_with_stdio(bool __sync = true);
public: // The C++ standard requires only that these
// member functions be defined in basic_ios.
// We define them in the non-template
// base class to avoid code duplication.
operator void*() const { return !fail() ? (void*) __CONST_CAST(ios_base*,this) : (void*) 0; }
bool operator!() const { return fail(); }
iostate rdstate() const { return _M_iostate; }
bool good() const { return _M_iostate == 0; }
bool eof() const { return (_M_iostate & eofbit) != 0; }
bool fail() const { return (_M_iostate & (failbit | badbit)) != 0; }
bool bad() const { return (_M_iostate & badbit) != 0; }
protected: // The functional protected interface.
// Copies the state of __x to *this. This member function makes it
// possible to implement basic_ios::copyfmt without having to expose
// ios_base's private data members. Does not copy _M_exception_mask
// or _M_iostate.
void _M_copy_state(const ios_base& __x);
void _M_setstate_nothrow(iostate __state) { _M_iostate |= __state; }
void _M_clear_nothrow(iostate __state) { _M_iostate = __state; }
iostate _M_get_exception_mask() const { return _M_exception_mask; }
void _M_set_exception_mask(iostate __mask) { _M_exception_mask = __mask; }
void _M_check_exception_mask() {
if (_M_iostate & _M_exception_mask)
void _M_invoke_callbacks(event);
void _STLP_FUNCTION_THROWS _M_throw_failure();
ios_base(); // Default constructor.
protected: // Initialization of the I/O system
static void _STLP_CALL _S_initialize();
static void _STLP_CALL _S_uninitialize();
static bool _S_is_synced;
private: // Invalidate the copy constructor and
// assignment operator.
ios_base(const ios_base&);
void operator=(const ios_base&);
private: // Data members.
fmtflags _M_fmtflags; // Flags
iostate _M_iostate;
openmode _M_openmode;
seekdir _M_seekdir;
iostate _M_exception_mask;
streamsize _M_precision;
streamsize _M_width;
locale _M_locale;
pair<event_callback, int>* _M_callbacks;
size_t _M_num_callbacks; // Size of the callback array.
size_t _M_callback_index; // Index of the next available callback;
// initially zero.
long* _M_iwords; // Auxiliary storage. The count is zero
size_t _M_num_iwords; // if and only if the pointer is null.
void** _M_pwords;
size_t _M_num_pwords;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Nested initializer class. This is an implementation detail, but it's
// prescribed by the standard. The static initializer object (on
// implementations where such a thing is required) is declared in
// <iostream>
static long _S_count;
friend class ios_base;
friend class Init;
// 31.6 Old iostreams members [depr.ios.members]
typedef iostate io_state;
typedef openmode open_mode;
typedef seekdir seek_dir;
typedef _STLP_STD::streamoff streamoff;
typedef _STLP_STD::streampos streampos;
# endif
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ios_base manipulator functions, from section 27.4.5 of the C++ standard.
// All of them are trivial one-line wrapper functions.
// fmtflag manipulators, section
inline ios_base& _STLP_CALL boolalpha(ios_base& __s)
{ __s.setf(ios_base::boolalpha); return __s;}
inline ios_base& _STLP_CALL noboolalpha(ios_base& __s)
{ __s.unsetf(ios_base::boolalpha); return __s;}
inline ios_base& _STLP_CALL showbase(ios_base& __s)
{ __s.setf(ios_base::showbase); return __s;}
inline ios_base& _STLP_CALL noshowbase(ios_base& __s)
{ __s.unsetf(ios_base::showbase); return __s;}
inline ios_base& _STLP_CALL showpoint(ios_base& __s)
{ __s.setf(ios_base::showpoint); return __s;}
inline ios_base& _STLP_CALL noshowpoint(ios_base& __s)
{ __s.unsetf(ios_base::showpoint); return __s;}
inline ios_base& _STLP_CALL showpos(ios_base& __s)
{ __s.setf(ios_base::showpos); return __s;}
inline ios_base& _STLP_CALL noshowpos(ios_base& __s)
{ __s.unsetf(ios_base::showpos); return __s;}
inline ios_base& _STLP_CALL skipws(ios_base& __s)
{ __s.setf(ios_base::skipws); return __s;}
inline ios_base& _STLP_CALL noskipws(ios_base& __s)
{ __s.unsetf(ios_base::skipws); return __s;}
inline ios_base& _STLP_CALL uppercase(ios_base& __s)
{ __s.setf(ios_base::uppercase); return __s;}
inline ios_base& _STLP_CALL nouppercase(ios_base& __s)
{ __s.unsetf(ios_base::uppercase); return __s;}
inline ios_base& _STLP_CALL unitbuf(ios_base& __s)
{ __s.setf(ios_base::unitbuf); return __s;}
inline ios_base& _STLP_CALL nounitbuf(ios_base& __s)
{ __s.unsetf(ios_base::unitbuf); return __s;}
// adjustfield manipulators, section
inline ios_base& _STLP_CALL internal(ios_base& __s)
{ __s.setf(ios_base::internal, ios_base::adjustfield); return __s; }
inline ios_base& _STLP_CALL left(ios_base& __s)
{ __s.setf(ios_base::left, ios_base::adjustfield); return __s; }
inline ios_base& _STLP_CALL right(ios_base& __s)
{ __s.setf(ios_base::right, ios_base::adjustfield); return __s; }
// basefield manipulators, section
inline ios_base& _STLP_CALL dec(ios_base& __s)
{ __s.setf(ios_base::dec, ios_base::basefield); return __s; }
inline ios_base& _STLP_CALL hex(ios_base& __s)
{ __s.setf(ios_base::hex, ios_base::basefield); return __s; }
inline ios_base& _STLP_CALL oct(ios_base& __s)
{ __s.setf(ios_base::oct, ios_base::basefield); return __s; }
// floatfield manipulators, section
inline ios_base& _STLP_CALL fixed(ios_base& __s)
{ __s.setf(ios_base::fixed, ios_base::floatfield); return __s; }
inline ios_base& _STLP_CALL scientific(ios_base& __s)
{ __s.setf(ios_base::scientific, ios_base::floatfield); return __s; }
#endif /* _STLP_IOS_BASE */
// Local Variables:
// mode:C++
// End: