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* FreeLoader
* Copyright (C) 1998-2003 Brian Palmer <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
#pragma once
extern ULONG UiScreenWidth; // Screen Width
extern ULONG UiScreenHeight; // Screen Height
extern UCHAR UiStatusBarFgColor; // Status bar foreground color
extern UCHAR UiStatusBarBgColor; // Status bar background color
extern UCHAR UiBackdropFgColor; // Backdrop foreground color
extern UCHAR UiBackdropBgColor; // Backdrop background color
extern UCHAR UiBackdropFillStyle; // Backdrop fill style
extern UCHAR UiTitleBoxFgColor; // Title box foreground color
extern UCHAR UiTitleBoxBgColor; // Title box background color
extern UCHAR UiMessageBoxFgColor; // Message box foreground color
extern UCHAR UiMessageBoxBgColor; // Message box background color
extern UCHAR UiMenuFgColor; // Menu foreground color
extern UCHAR UiMenuBgColor; // Menu background color
extern UCHAR UiTextColor; // Normal text color
extern UCHAR UiSelectedTextColor; // Selected text color
extern UCHAR UiSelectedTextBgColor; // Selected text background color
extern UCHAR UiEditBoxTextColor; // Edit box text color
extern UCHAR UiEditBoxBgColor; // Edit box text background color
extern CHAR UiTitleBoxTitleText[260]; // Title box's title text
extern BOOLEAN UiUseSpecialEffects; // Tells us if we should use fade effects
extern BOOLEAN UiCenterMenu;
extern BOOLEAN UiMenuBox;
extern CHAR UiTimeText[];
extern BOOLEAN UiDrawTime;
extern const CHAR UiMonthNames[12][15];
// User Interface Functions
BOOLEAN UiInitialize(BOOLEAN ShowGui); // Initialize User-Interface
VOID UiUnInitialize(PCSTR BootText); // Un-initialize User-Interface
VOID UiDrawBackdrop(VOID); // Fills the entire screen with a backdrop
VOID UiFillArea(ULONG Left, ULONG Top, ULONG Right, ULONG Bottom, CHAR FillChar, UCHAR Attr /* Color Attributes */); // Fills the area specified with FillChar and Attr
VOID UiDrawShadow(ULONG Left, ULONG Top, ULONG Right, ULONG Bottom); // Draws a shadow on the bottom and right sides of the area specified
VOID UiDrawBox(ULONG Left, ULONG Top, ULONG Right, ULONG Bottom, UCHAR VertStyle, UCHAR HorzStyle, BOOLEAN Fill, BOOLEAN Shadow, UCHAR Attr); // Draws a box around the area specified
VOID UiDrawText(ULONG X, ULONG Y, PCSTR Text, UCHAR Attr); // Draws text at coordinates specified
VOID UiDrawText2(ULONG X, ULONG Y, ULONG MaxNumChars, PCSTR Text, UCHAR Attr); // Draws text at coordinates specified
VOID UiDrawCenteredText(ULONG Left, ULONG Top, ULONG Right, ULONG Bottom, PCSTR TextString, UCHAR Attr); // Draws centered text at the coordinates specified and clips the edges
VOID UiDrawStatusText(PCSTR StatusText); // Draws text at the very bottom line on the screen
VOID UiUpdateDateTime(VOID); // Updates the date and time
VOID UiInfoBox(PCSTR MessageText); // Displays a info box on the screen
VOID UiMessageBox(PCSTR Format, ...); // Displays a message box on the screen with an ok button
VOID UiMessageBoxCritical(PCSTR MessageText); // Displays a message box on the screen with an ok button using no system resources
VOID UiDrawProgressBarCenter(ULONG Position, ULONG Range, PCHAR ProgressText); // Draws the progress bar showing nPos percent filled
VOID UiDrawProgressBar(ULONG Left, ULONG Top, ULONG Right, ULONG Bottom, ULONG Position, ULONG Range, PCHAR ProgressText); // Draws the progress bar showing nPos percent filled
[FREELDR] Some ARC-spec compatibility refactoring + simplifications & fixes. CORE-9023 - During loading and initialization of the list of operating systems available in freeldr.ini, convert any legacy operating system entry encountered -- they are like those in NTLDR's boot.ini file, i.e.: ArcOsLoadPartition="LoadIdentifier" /List /of /Options into a new operating system INI entry, like those used by default in FreeLoader. This allows us to avoid treating this corner-case later in different parts of the code. Also, the "BootType" value is now determined there, only once. - Convert the OS loaders entry-points to ARC-compatible ones, following the "Advanced RISC Computing Specification, Version 1.2" specification - Introduce helpers for retrieving options values from the argument vector in a simple way. - Simplify LoadOperatingSystem(), since now the "BootType" value has been determined once while loading the list of OSes (see above) and is well-defined there. Use the BuildArgvForOsLoader() helper to build the ARC-compatible argument vector from the corresponding INI settings for the selected operating system entry, and use it when calling the corresponding OS loader. - In the OS loaders, since we can now directly read the settings from the argument vector (instead of using INI settings), we can avoid using a bunch of fixed-size string buffers, and avoid potentially failing IniOpenSection() calls as well. - Simplify code in the Linux loader (and the RemoveQuotes() function). - Add UiShowMessageBoxesInArgv() that acts on the "MessageBox=" settings passed through the argument vector (equivalent to UiShowMessageBoxesInSection() ). - Use string-safe functions where needed (copy/concatenation/printf on fixed-size buffers).
2019-08-06 20:30:54 +00:00
VOID UiShowMessageBoxesInSection(PCSTR SectionName); // Displays all the message boxes in a given section
[FREELDR] Some ARC-spec compatibility refactoring + simplifications & fixes. CORE-9023 - During loading and initialization of the list of operating systems available in freeldr.ini, convert any legacy operating system entry encountered -- they are like those in NTLDR's boot.ini file, i.e.: ArcOsLoadPartition="LoadIdentifier" /List /of /Options into a new operating system INI entry, like those used by default in FreeLoader. This allows us to avoid treating this corner-case later in different parts of the code. Also, the "BootType" value is now determined there, only once. - Convert the OS loaders entry-points to ARC-compatible ones, following the "Advanced RISC Computing Specification, Version 1.2" specification - Introduce helpers for retrieving options values from the argument vector in a simple way. - Simplify LoadOperatingSystem(), since now the "BootType" value has been determined once while loading the list of OSes (see above) and is well-defined there. Use the BuildArgvForOsLoader() helper to build the ARC-compatible argument vector from the corresponding INI settings for the selected operating system entry, and use it when calling the corresponding OS loader. - In the OS loaders, since we can now directly read the settings from the argument vector (instead of using INI settings), we can avoid using a bunch of fixed-size string buffers, and avoid potentially failing IniOpenSection() calls as well. - Simplify code in the Linux loader (and the RemoveQuotes() function). - Add UiShowMessageBoxesInArgv() that acts on the "MessageBox=" settings passed through the argument vector (equivalent to UiShowMessageBoxesInSection() ). - Use string-safe functions where needed (copy/concatenation/printf on fixed-size buffers).
2019-08-06 20:30:54 +00:00
IN PCHAR Argv[]);
VOID UiEscapeString(PCHAR String); // Processes a string and changes all occurrences of "\n" to '\n'
BOOLEAN UiEditBox(PCSTR MessageText, PCHAR EditTextBuffer, ULONG Length);
UCHAR UiTextToColor(PCSTR ColorText); // Converts the text color into it's equivalent color value
UCHAR UiTextToFillStyle(PCSTR FillStyleText); // Converts the text fill into it's equivalent fill value
VOID UiTruncateStringEllipsis(PCHAR StringText, ULONG MaxChars); // Truncates a string to MaxChars by adding an ellipsis on the end '...'
VOID UiFadeInBackdrop(VOID); // Draws the backdrop and fades the screen in
VOID UiFadeOut(VOID); // Fades the screen out
// Menu Functions
typedef struct tagUI_MENU_INFO
PCSTR MenuHeader;
PCSTR MenuFooter;
BOOLEAN ShowBootOptions;
PCSTR* MenuItemList;
ULONG MenuItemCount;
LONG MenuTimeRemaining;
ULONG SelectedMenuItem;
ULONG Right;
ULONG Bottom;
typedef BOOLEAN (*UiMenuKeyPressFilterCallback)(ULONG KeyPress);
BOOLEAN UiDisplayMenu(PCSTR MenuHeader, PCSTR MenuFooter, BOOLEAN ShowBootOptions, PCSTR MenuItemList[], ULONG MenuItemCount, ULONG DefaultMenuItem, LONG MenuTimeOut, ULONG* SelectedMenuItem, BOOLEAN CanEscape, UiMenuKeyPressFilterCallback KeyPressFilter);
// UI virtual table
typedef struct tagUIVTBL
BOOLEAN (*Initialize)(VOID);
VOID (*UnInitialize)(VOID);
VOID (*DrawBackdrop)(VOID);
VOID (*FillArea)(ULONG Left, ULONG Top, ULONG Right, ULONG Bottom, CHAR FillChar, UCHAR Attr);
VOID (*DrawShadow)(ULONG Left, ULONG Top, ULONG Right, ULONG Bottom);
VOID (*DrawBox)(ULONG Left, ULONG Top, ULONG Right, ULONG Bottom, UCHAR VertStyle, UCHAR HorzStyle, BOOLEAN Fill, BOOLEAN Shadow, UCHAR Attr);
VOID (*DrawText2)(ULONG X, ULONG Y, ULONG MaxNumChars, PCSTR Text, UCHAR Attr);
VOID (*DrawCenteredText)(ULONG Left, ULONG Top, ULONG Right, ULONG Bottom, PCSTR TextString, UCHAR Attr);
VOID (*DrawStatusText)(PCSTR StatusText);
VOID (*UpdateDateTime)(VOID);
VOID (*MessageBox)(PCSTR MessageText);
VOID (*MessageBoxCritical)(PCSTR MessageText);
VOID (*DrawProgressBarCenter)(ULONG Position, ULONG Range, PCHAR ProgressText);
VOID (*DrawProgressBar)(ULONG Left, ULONG Top, ULONG Right, ULONG Bottom, ULONG Position, ULONG Range, PCHAR ProgressText);
BOOLEAN (*EditBox)(PCSTR MessageText, PCHAR EditTextBuffer, ULONG Length);
UCHAR (*TextToColor)(PCSTR ColorText);
UCHAR (*TextToFillStyle)(PCSTR FillStyleText);
VOID (*FadeInBackdrop)(VOID);
VOID (*FadeOut)(VOID);
BOOLEAN (*DisplayMenu)(PCSTR MenuHeader, PCSTR MenuFooter, BOOLEAN ShowBootOptions, PCSTR MenuItemList[], ULONG MenuItemCount, ULONG DefaultMenuItem, LONG MenuTimeOut, ULONG* SelectedMenuItem, BOOLEAN CanEscape, UiMenuKeyPressFilterCallback KeyPressFilter);
VOID (*DrawMenu)(PUI_MENU_INFO MenuInfo);
VOID UiInit(const char *CmdLine);
extern UIVTBL UiVtbl;
* Combines the foreground and background colors into a single attribute byte
#define ATTR(cFore, cBack) ((cBack << 4)|cFore)
* Fill styles for DrawBackdrop()
#define LIGHT_FILL 0xB0
#define MEDIUM_FILL 0xB1
#define DARK_FILL 0xB2
* Screen colors
#define COLOR_BLACK 0
#define COLOR_BLUE 1
#define COLOR_GREEN 2
#define COLOR_CYAN 3
#define COLOR_RED 4
#define COLOR_BROWN 6
#define COLOR_GRAY 7
#define COLOR_YELLOW 14
#define COLOR_WHITE 15
/* Add COLOR_BLINK to a background to cause blinking */
//#define COLOR_BLINK 8
* Defines for IBM box drawing characters
#define HORZ (0xc4) /* Single horizontal line */
#define D_HORZ (0xcd) /* Double horizontal line.*/
#define VERT (0xb3) /* Single vertical line */
#define D_VERT (0xba) /* Double vertical line. */