MSG_COPYRIGHT "Telnet Win32 v2.1b2, Copyright (C) 2000 Paul Brannan <>\nand the team. This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details\nread LICENSE.TXT. "
MSG_COPYRIGHT_1 "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute\nit under certain conditions.\n\n"
MSG_USAGE "Usage: TELNET [params][host [port]]\n\n params\n -d:FILENAME.EXT Dumps all incoming data to FILENAME.EXT.\n host Host name or IP address of the remote host to connect to.\n"
MSG_USAGE_1 " port Service port to open (default is telnet port 23).\n\n"
MSG_HELP "Commands may be abbreviated. Commands are:\n \ncl[ose] close current connection\nop[en] connect to a site\nq[uit] exit telnet\n"
MSG_HELP_1 "ke[ys] changes/displays keymaps (write keys to see the options)\nse[t] displays/alters configuration options\nz suspend\n? h[elp] print help information\n"
MSG_INVCMD "Invalid command. Type ? for help.\n"
MSG_ERROR "%1 failed.\n"
MSG_INFO "%1\n"
MSG_TRYING "Trying %1.%2.%3.%4:%5...\n"
MSG_CONNECTED "Connected to %1. Escape key is ALT-%2.\n"
MSG_TERMBYREM "Connection terminated.\n"
MSG_KEYMAP "Loading %1 from %2.\n"
MSG_ERRKEYMAP "Error loading keymap.\n"
MSG_DUMPFILE "Writing output to file %1.\n"
MSG_CONFIG "Loading configuration options from %1.\n"