const dc = require("discord.js"); const client = new dc.Client({intents: ["GUILDS"]}); const fs = require("fs"); client.login(JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("token.json").toString())["token"]); function readJson(path){ return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path).toString()); } function writeJson(path, content){ fs.writeFileSync(path, JSON.stringify(content)); } var inter; function startLoop(){ try { clearInterval(int); console inter = setInterval(()=>{ client.user.setActivity("over " + client.users.cache.length, {type: "WATCHING"}); },5000); } catch(e){} } function stopLoop(){ try { clearInterval(int); } catch(e){} } client.on("ready", () => { console.log("I'm alive"); client.guilds.cache.get("879081086817288264").commands.set([ { name: "ping", description: "Am alive???" }, { name: "activity", description: "Sets funny activity", options: [ { name: "type", description: "The type, for example playing or watching or listening or streaming or competing.", type: 3, required: true }, { name: "activity", description: "What you want it to say", type: 3, required: false } ] } ]).then(cmds => { console.log("Finished loading all commands"); }); }); client.on("interactionCreate", (int) => { if(int.isCommand()){ if(int.commandName == "ping"){ int.reply(`Yup, I'm alive (${} ms)`); } else if(int.commandName == "activity"){ var devs = readJson("devs.json"); if(!devs.devlist.includes( return int.reply("You shall not pass"); if(int.options.getString("activity") !== null){ stopLoop(); client.user.setActivity(int.options.getString("activity"), {type: int.options.getString("type")}); int.reply("Stopped activity loop, and switched to custom set status."); } else { startLoop(); int.reply("Resat activity, and started activity loop."); } } } });