const dc = require("discord.js"); const axios = require("axios").default; const client = new dc.Client({intents: ["GUILDS"]}); const fs = require("fs"); client.login(JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("token.json").toString())["token"]); function readJson(path){ return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path).toString()); } function writeJson(path, content){ fs.writeFileSync(path, JSON.stringify(content)); } function getUserCount(){ var memCount = 0; client.guilds.cache.forEach(guild => { memCount += guild.memberCount; }); return memCount; } var int; function startLoop(){ try { clearInterval(int); int = setInterval(()=>{ client.user.setActivity(getUserCount() + " people", {type: "STREAMING", name: "funny", url: ""}); },5000); } catch(e){console.log(e)} } function stopLoop(){ try { clearInterval(int); } catch(e){} } var Eco = client.users.cache.random(); client.users.fetch("831598877320413244").then(usr => { Eco = usr; }); var Helixu = client.users.cache.random(); client.users.fetch("287885666941927424").then(usr => { Helixu = usr; }); client.on("ready", () => { startLoop(); console.log("I'm alive"); var obj = client.application.commands; if(process.argv[2]) obj = client.guilds.cache.get(process.argv[2]).commands; obj.set([ { name: "ping", description: "Am alive???" }, { name: "activity", description: "Sets funny activity", options: [ { name: "type", description: "The type, for example playing or watching or listening or streaming or competing.", type: 3, required: true }, { name: "activity", description: "What you want it to say", type: 3, required: false } ] }, { name: "eval", description: "Evaluation of JS", options: [ { name: "code", description: "Code to exec", type: 3 } ] }, { name: "kick", description: "Kick members.", options: [ { name: "user", description: "User to kick", type: 6, required: true }, { name: "reason", description: "Reason to kick them", type: 3, required: false } ] }, { name: "ban", description: "Ban members.", options: [ { name: "user", description: "User to ban", type: 6, required: true }, { name: "reason", description: "Reason to ban them", type: 3, required: false } ] }, { name: "bonk", description: "Bonks someone", options: [ { name: "user", description: "Whomst to bonk", type: 6, required: true } ] }, { name: "cat", description: "Meow" }, { name: "fox", description: "What does it say?" }, { name: "apis", description: "Shows all APIs" }, { name: "invite", description: "Provides an invite link for the bot" } ]).then(cmds => { console.log("Finished loading all commands"); }); }); client.on("interactionCreate", (int) => { if(int.isCommand()){ if(int.commandName == "ping"){ int.reply(`Yup, I'm alive (${} ms)`); } else if(int.commandName == "activity"){ var devs = readJson("devs.json"); if(!devs.devlist.includes( return int.reply(":x: Access denied"); if(int.options.getString("activity") !== null){ stopLoop(); client.user.setActivity(int.options.getString("activity"), {type: int.options.getString("type")}); int.reply("Stopped activity loop, and switched to custom set status."); } else { startLoop(); int.reply("Resat activity, and started activity loop."); } } else if(int.commandName == "eval"){ var devs = readJson("devs.json"); if(!devs.devlist.includes( return int.reply(":x: Access denied"); try{ int.reply(new String(eval(int.options.getString("code"))).valueOf()).catch(e => {}); } catch(e){ int.reply(e.stack).catch(e => {}); }; } else if(int.commandName == "kick"){ if(!int.guild) return int.reply(":x: This command cannot be used outside a guild."); var mem = int.guild.members.cache.get(; if(!mem.permissions.has("KICK_MEMBERS")) return int.reply(":x: You do not have permissions to kick users."); var mem2 = int.guild.members.cache.get(int.options.getUser("user").id); mem2.kick(int.options.getString("reason")).then(() => { var reason = "No reason specified."; if(int.options.getString("reason") !== null) reason = int.options.getString("reason"); int.reply("Successfully kicked <@!" + int.options.getUser("user").id + "> with reason `" + reason + "`."); }).catch(e => { int.reply("An error occured with my code, please report this to " + Eco.tag + " or " + Helixu.tag + ": ```js\n" + e.stack + "```"); }); } else if(int.commandName == "ban"){ if(!int.guild) return int.reply(":x: This command cannot be used outside a guild."); var mem = int.guild.members.cache.get(; if(!mem.permissions.has("BAN_MEMBERS")) return int.reply(":x: You do not have the permissions to ban users."); var mem2 = int.guild.members.cache.get(int.options.getUser("user").id); var reason = "No reason specified."; if(int.options.getString("reason") !== null) reason = int.options.getString("reason"); mem2.ban({reason}).then(() => { int.reply("Successfully banned <@!" + int.options.getUser("user").id + "> with reason `" + reason + "`."); }).catch(e => { int.reply("An error occured with my code, please report this to " + Eco.tag + " or " + Helixu.tag + ": ```js\n" + e.stack + "```"); }); } else if(int.commandName == "bonk"){ int.reply(`*${int.user.username} bonked ${int.options.getUser("user").username}* `); } else if(int.commandName == "cat"){ const row = new dc.MessageActionRow(); const btn = new dc.MessageButton(); btn.setCustomId("cat-" + Math.round(Math.random()*99999)); btn.setLabel("New Image"); btn.setStyle("PRIMARY"); row.addComponents(btn); axios("").then((res) => { int.reply({embeds: [{title: "Meow", image: {url:[0].url}, color: "#ec76fd"}], components: [row]}); }); } else if(int.commandName == "fox"){ const row = new dc.MessageActionRow(); const btn = new dc.MessageButton(); btn.setCustomId("fox-" + Math.round(Math.random()*99999)); btn.setLabel("New Image"); btn.setStyle("PRIMARY"); row.addComponents(btn); axios("").then(res => { int.reply({embeds: [{title: "uwu", image: {url:}, color: "#ffa500"}], components: [row]}); }); } else if(int.commandName == "apis"){ var apis = { "Cat API": "", "Fox API": "" }; var apiArray = []; Object.keys(apis).forEach(key => { apiArray.push(key + ": " + apis[key]); }); int.reply("Here are all the APIs used in the bot: \n" + apiArray.join("\n")); } else if(int.commandName == "invite"){ var invite = ""; int.reply("To invite me to your own server, click [here](" + invite + ")."); } } else if(int.isButton()){ if(int.customId.startsWith("cat")){ const row = new dc.MessageActionRow(); const btn = new dc.MessageButton(); btn.setCustomId("cat-" + Math.round(Math.random()*99999)); btn.setLabel("New Image"); btn.setStyle("PRIMARY"); row.addComponents(btn); axios("").then((res) => { int.message.edit({embeds: [{title: "Meow", image: {url:[0].url}, color: "#ec76fd"}], components: [row]}); }); } else if(int.customId.startsWith("fox")){ const row = new dc.MessageActionRow(); const btn = new dc.MessageButton(); btn.setCustomId("fox-" + Math.round(Math.random()*99999)); btn.setLabel("New Image"); btn.setStyle("PRIMARY"); row.addComponents(btn); axios("").then(res => { int.message.edit({embeds: [{title: "uwu", image: {url:}, color: "#ffa500"}], components: [row]}); }); } } });