1319 lines
41 KiB
1319 lines
41 KiB
(function(f){if(typeof exports==="object"&&typeof module!=="undefined"){module.exports=f()}else if(typeof define==="function"&&define.amd){define([],f)}else{var g;if(typeof window!=="undefined"){g=window}else if(typeof global!=="undefined"){g=global}else if(typeof self!=="undefined"){g=self}else{g=this}g.ytSearch = f()}})(function(){var define,module,exports;return (function(){function r(e,n,t){function o(i,f){if(!n[i]){if(!e[i]){var c="function"==typeof require&&require;if(!f&&c)return c(i,!0);if(u)return u(i,!0);var a=new Error("Cannot find module '"+i+"'");throw a.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",a}var p=n[i]={exports:{}};e[i][0].call(p.exports,function(r){var n=e[i][1][r];return o(n||r)},p,p.exports,r,e,n,t)}return n[i].exports}for(var u="function"==typeof require&&require,i=0;i<t.length;i++)o(t[i]);return o}return r})()({1:[function(require,module,exports){
"use strict";
function _typeof(obj) { "@babel/helpers - typeof"; if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }
var _cheerio = require('cheerio');
var _dasu = require('dasu');
var _parallel = require('async.parallellimit'); // auto follow off
_dasu.follow = true;
_dasu.debug = false;
var _require = require('./util.js'),
_getScripts = _require._getScripts,
_findLine = _require._findLine,
_between = _require._between;
var RETRY_INTERVAL = 333; // ms
var jpp = require('jsonpath-plus').JSONPath;
var _jp = {}; // const items = _jp.query( json, '$..itemSectionRenderer..contents.*' )
_jp.query = function (json, path) {
var opts = {
path: path,
json: json,
resultType: 'value'
return jpp(opts);
}; // const listId = hasList && ( _jp.value( item, '$..playlistId' ) )
_jp.value = function (json, path) {
var opts = {
path: path,
json: json,
resultType: 'value'
var r = jpp(opts)[0];
return r;
}; // google bot user-agent
// Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +http://www.google.com/bot.html)
// use fixed user-agent to get consistent html page documents as
// it varies depending on the user-agent
// the string "Googlebot" seems to give us pages without
// warnings to update our browser, which is why we keep it in
var DEFAULT_USER_AGENT = 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +http://www.google.com/bot.html) (yt-search; https://www.npmjs.com/package/yt-search)';
var _userAgent = DEFAULT_USER_AGENT; // mutable global user-agent
var _url = require('url');
var _envs = {};
Object.keys(process.env).forEach(function (key) {
var n = process.env[key];
if (n == '0' || n == 'false' || !n) {
return _envs[key] = false;
_envs[key] = n;
var _debugging = _envs.debug;
function debug() {
if (!_debugging) return;
console.log.apply(this, arguments);
} // used to escape query strings
var _querystring = require('querystring');
var _humanTime = require('human-time');
YT: 'https://youtube.com',
SEARCH_MOBILE: 'https://m.youtube.com/results',
SEARCH_DESKTOP: 'https://www.youtube.com/results'
var ONE_SECOND = 1000;
* Exports
module.exports = function (query, callback) {
return search(query, callback);
module.exports.search = search;
module.exports._parseSearchResultInitialData = _parseSearchResultInitialData;
module.exports._parseVideoInitialData = _parseVideoInitialData;
module.exports._parsePlaylistInitialData = _parsePlaylistInitialData;
module.exports._videoFilter = _videoFilter;
module.exports._playlistFilter = _playlistFilter;
module.exports._channelFilter = _channelFilter;
module.exports._liveFilter = _liveFilter;
module.exports._allFilter = _allFilter;
module.exports._parsePlaylistLastUpdateTime = _parsePlaylistLastUpdateTime;
* Main
function search(query, callback) {
// support promises when no callback given
if (!callback) {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
search(query, function (err, data) {
if (err) return reject(err);
var _options;
if (typeof query === 'string') {
_options = {
query: query
} else {
_options = query;
} // init and increment attempts
_options._attempts = (_options._attempts || 0) + 1; // save unmutated bare necessary options for retry
var retryOptions = Object.assign({}, _options);
function callback_with_retry(err, data) {
if (err) {
if (_options._attempts > MAX_RETRY_ATTEMPTS) {
return callback(err, data);
} else {
// retry
debug(' === ');
debug(' RETRYING: ' + _options._attempts);
debug(' === ');
var n = _options._attempts;
var wait_ms = Math.pow(2, n - 1) * RETRY_INTERVAL;
setTimeout(function () {
search(retryOptions, callback);
}, wait_ms);
} else {
return callback(err, data);
} // override userAgent if set ( not recommended )
if (_options.userAgent) _userAgent = _options.userAgent; // support common alternatives ( mutates )
_options.search = _options.query || _options.search; // initial search text ( _options.search is mutated )
_options.original_search = _options.search; // ignore query, only get metadata from specific video id
if (_options.videoId) {
return getVideoMetaData(_options, callback_with_retry);
} // ignore query, only get metadata from specific playlist id
if (_options.listId) {
return getPlaylistMetaData(_options, callback_with_retry);
if (!_options.search) {
return callback(Error('yt-search: no query given'));
function work() {
getSearchResults(_options, callback_with_retry);
function _videoFilter(video, index, videos) {
if (video.type !== 'video') return false; // filter duplicates
var videoId = video.videoId;
var firstIndex = videos.findIndex(function (el) {
return videoId === el.videoId;
return firstIndex === index;
function _playlistFilter(result, index, results) {
if (result.type !== 'list') return false; // filter duplicates
var id = result.listId;
var firstIndex = results.findIndex(function (el) {
return id === el.listId;
return firstIndex === index;
function _channelFilter(result, index, results) {
if (result.type !== 'channel') return false; // filter duplicates
var url = result.url;
var firstIndex = results.findIndex(function (el) {
return url === el.url;
return firstIndex === index;
function _liveFilter(result, index, results) {
if (result.type !== 'live') return false; // filter duplicates
var videoId = result.videoId;
var firstIndex = results.findIndex(function (el) {
return videoId === el.videoId;
return firstIndex === index;
function _allFilter(result, index, results) {
switch (result.type) {
case 'video':
case 'list':
case 'channel':
case 'live':
// unsupported type
return false;
} // filter duplicates
var url = result.url;
var firstIndex = results.findIndex(function (el) {
return url === el.url;
return firstIndex === index;
/* Request search page results with provided
* search_query term
function getSearchResults(_options, callback) {
// querystring variables
var q = _querystring.escape(_options.search).split(/\s+/);
var hl = _options.hl || 'en';
var gl = _options.gl || 'US';
var category = _options.category || ''; // music
var pageStart = Number(_options.pageStart) || 1;
var pageEnd = Number(_options.pageEnd) || Number(_options.pages) || 1; // handle zero-index start
if (pageStart <= 0) {
pageStart = 1;
if (pageEnd >= 1) {
pageEnd += 1;
if (Number.isNaN(pageEnd)) {
callback('error: pageEnd must be a number');
_options.pageStart = pageStart;
_options.pageEnd = pageEnd;
_options.currentPage = _options.currentPage || pageStart;
var queryString = '?';
queryString += 'search_query=' + q.join('+'); // language
// queryString += '&'
if (queryString.indexOf('&hl=') === -1) {
queryString += '&hl=' + hl;
} // location
// queryString += '&'
if (queryString.indexOf('&gl=') === -1) {
queryString += '&gl=' + gl;
if (category) {
// ex. "music"
queryString += '&category=' + category;
if (_options.sp) {
queryString += '&sp=' + _options.sp;
var uri = TEMPLATES.SEARCH_DESKTOP + queryString;
var params = _url.parse(uri);
params.headers = {
'user-agent': _userAgent,
'accept': 'text/html',
'accept-encoding': 'gzip',
'accept-language': 'en-US'
debug('getting results: ' + _options.currentPage);
_dasu.req(params, function (err, res, body) {
if (err) {
} else {
if (res.status !== 200) {
return callback('http status: ' + res.status);
if (_debugging) {
var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
fs.writeFileSync('dasu.response', res.responseText, 'utf8');
try {
_parseSearchResultInitialData(body, function (err, results) {
if (err) return callback(err);
var list = results;
var videos = list.filter(_videoFilter);
var playlists = list.filter(_playlistFilter);
var channels = list.filter(_channelFilter);
var live = list.filter(_liveFilter);
var all = list.filter(_allFilter); // keep saving results into temporary memory while
// we get more results
_options._data = _options._data || {}; // init memory
_options._data.videos = _options._data.videos || [];
_options._data.playlists = _options._data.playlists || [];
_options._data.channels = _options._data.channels || [];
_options._data.live = _options._data.live || [];
_options._data.all = _options._data.all || []; // push received results into memory
videos.forEach(function (item) {
playlists.forEach(function (item) {
channels.forEach(function (item) {
live.forEach(function (item) {
all.forEach(function (item) {
var getMoreResults = _options.currentPage <= _options.pageEnd;
if (getMoreResults && results._sp) {
_options.sp = results._sp;
setTimeout(function () {
getSearchResults(_options, callback);
}, 2500); // delay a bit to try and prevent throttling
} else {
var _videos = _options._data.videos.filter(_videoFilter);
var _playlists = _options._data.playlists.filter(_playlistFilter);
var _channels = _options._data.channels.filter(_channelFilter);
var _live = _options._data.live.filter(_liveFilter);
var _all = _options._data.all.slice(_allFilter); // return all found videos
callback(null, {
all: _all,
videos: _videos,
live: _live,
playlists: _playlists,
lists: _playlists,
accounts: _channels,
channels: _channels
} catch (err) {
/* For "modern" user-agents the html document returned from
* YouTube contains initial json data that is used to populate
* the page with JavaScript. This function will aim to find and
* parse such data.
function _parseSearchResultInitialData(responseText, callback) {
var re = /{.*}/;
var $ = _cheerio.load(responseText);
var initialData = $('div#initial-data').html() || '';
initialData = re.exec(initialData) || '';
if (!initialData) {
var scripts = $('script');
for (var i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) {
var script = $(scripts[i]).html();
var lines = script.split('\n');
lines.forEach(function (line) {
var i;
while ((i = line.indexOf('ytInitialData')) >= 0) {
line = line.slice(i + 'ytInitialData'.length);
var match = re.exec(line);
if (match && match.length > initialData.length) {
initialData = match;
if (!initialData) {
return callback('could not find inital data in the html document');
var errors = [];
var results = [];
var json = JSON.parse(initialData[0]);
var items = _jp.query(json, '$..itemSectionRenderer..contents.*'); // support newer richGridRenderer html structure
_jp.query(json, '$..primaryContents..contents.*').forEach(function (item) {
debug('items.length: ' + items.length);
for (var _i = 0; _i < items.length; _i++) {
var item = items[_i];
var result = undefined;
var type = 'unknown';
var hasList = _jp.value(item, '$..compactPlaylistRenderer') || _jp.value(item, '$..playlistRenderer');
var hasChannel = _jp.value(item, '$..compactChannelRenderer') || _jp.value(item, '$..channelRenderer');
var hasVideo = _jp.value(item, '$..compactVideoRenderer') || _jp.value(item, '$..videoRenderer');
var listId = hasList && _jp.value(item, '$..playlistId');
var channelId = hasChannel && _jp.value(item, '$..channelId');
var videoId = hasVideo && _jp.value(item, '$..videoId');
var watchingLabel = _jp.query(item, '$..viewCountText..text').join('');
var isUpcoming = // if scheduled livestream (has not started yet)
_jp.query(item, '$..thumbnailOverlayTimeStatusRenderer..style').join('').toUpperCase().trim() === 'UPCOMING';
var isLive = watchingLabel.indexOf('watching') >= 0 || _jp.query(item, '$..badges..label').join('').toUpperCase().trim() === 'LIVE NOW' || _jp.query(item, '$..thumbnailOverlayTimeStatusRenderer..text').join('').toUpperCase().trim() === 'LIVE' || isUpcoming;
if (videoId) {
type = 'video';
if (channelId) {
type = 'channel';
if (listId) {
type = 'list';
if (isLive) {
type = 'live';
try {
switch (type) {
case 'video':
var thumbnail = _normalizeThumbnail(_jp.value(item, '$..thumbnail..url')) || _normalizeThumbnail(_jp.value(item, '$..thumbnails..url')) || _normalizeThumbnail(_jp.value(item, '$..thumbnails'));
var title = _jp.value(item, '$..title..text') || _jp.value(item, '$..title..simpleText');
var author_name = _jp.value(item, '$..shortBylineText..text') || _jp.value(item, '$..longBylineText..text');
var author_url = _jp.value(item, '$..shortBylineText..url') || _jp.value(item, '$..longBylineText..url'); // publish/upload date
var agoText = _jp.value(item, '$..publishedTimeText..text') || _jp.value(item, '$..publishedTimeText..simpleText');
var viewCountText = _jp.value(item, '$..viewCountText..text') || _jp.value(item, '$..viewCountText..simpleText') || "0";
var viewsCount = Number(viewCountText.split(/\s+/)[0].split(/[,.]/).join('').trim());
var lengthText = _jp.value(item, '$..lengthText..text') || _jp.value(item, '$..lengthText..simpleText');
var duration = _parseDuration(lengthText || '0:00');
var description = _jp.query(item, '$..detailedMetadataSnippets..snippetText..text').join('') || _jp.query(item, '$..description..text').join('') || _jp.query(item, '$..descriptionSnippet..text').join(''); // url ( playlist )
// const url = _jp.value( item, '$..navigationEndpoint..url' )
var url = TEMPLATES.YT + '/watch?v=' + videoId;
result = {
type: 'video',
videoId: videoId,
url: url,
title: title.trim(),
description: description,
image: thumbnail,
thumbnail: thumbnail,
seconds: Number(duration.seconds),
timestamp: duration.timestamp,
duration: duration,
ago: agoText,
views: Number(viewsCount),
author: {
name: author_name,
url: TEMPLATES.YT + author_url
case 'list':
var _thumbnail = _normalizeThumbnail(_jp.value(item, '$..thumbnail..url')) || _normalizeThumbnail(_jp.value(item, '$..thumbnails..url')) || _normalizeThumbnail(_jp.value(item, '$..thumbnails'));
var _title = _jp.value(item, '$..title..text') || _jp.value(item, '$..title..simpleText');
var _author_name = _jp.value(item, '$..shortBylineText..text') || _jp.value(item, '$..longBylineText..text') || _jp.value(item, '$..shortBylineText..simpleText') || _jp.value(item, '$..longBylineText..simpleTextn') || 'YouTube';
var _author_url = _jp.value(item, '$..shortBylineText..url') || _jp.value(item, '$..longBylineText..url') || '';
var video_count = _jp.value(item, '$..videoCountShortText..text') || _jp.value(item, '$..videoCountText..text') || _jp.value(item, '$..videoCountShortText..simpleText') || _jp.value(item, '$..videoCountText..simpleText') || _jp.value(item, '$..thumbnailText..text') || _jp.value(item, '$..thumbnailText..simpleText'); // url ( playlist )
// const url = _jp.value( item, '$..navigationEndpoint..url' )
var _url2 = TEMPLATES.YT + '/playlist?list=' + listId;
result = {
type: 'list',
listId: listId,
url: _url2,
title: _title.trim(),
image: _thumbnail,
thumbnail: _thumbnail,
videoCount: video_count,
author: {
name: _author_name,
url: TEMPLATES.YT + _author_url
case 'channel':
var _thumbnail2 = _normalizeThumbnail(_jp.value(item, '$..thumbnail..url')) || _normalizeThumbnail(_jp.value(item, '$..thumbnails..url')) || _normalizeThumbnail(_jp.value(item, '$..thumbnails'));
var _title2 = _jp.value(item, '$..title..text') || _jp.value(item, '$..title..simpleText') || _jp.value(item, '$..displayName..text');
var _author_name2 = _jp.value(item, '$..shortBylineText..text') || _jp.value(item, '$..longBylineText..text') || _jp.value(item, '$..displayName..text') || _jp.value(item, '$..displayName..simpleText');
var video_count_label = _jp.value(item, '$..videoCountText..text') || _jp.value(item, '$..videoCountText..simpleText') || '0';
var sub_count_label = _jp.value(item, '$..subscriberCountText..text') || _jp.value(item, '$..subscriberCountText..simpleText'); // first space separated word that has digits
if (typeof sub_count_label === 'string') {
sub_count_label = sub_count_label.split(/\s+/).filter(function (w) {
return w.match(/\d/);
} // url ( playlist )
// const url = _jp.value( item, '$..navigationEndpoint..url' )
var _url3 = _jp.value(item, '$..navigationEndpoint..url') || '/user/' + _title2;
result = {
type: 'channel',
name: _author_name2,
url: TEMPLATES.YT + _url3,
title: _title2.trim(),
image: _thumbnail2,
thumbnail: _thumbnail2,
videoCount: Number(video_count_label.replace(/\D+/g, '')),
videoCountLabel: video_count_label,
subCount: _parseSubCountLabel(sub_count_label),
subCountLabel: sub_count_label
case 'live':
var _thumbnail3 = _normalizeThumbnail(_jp.value(item, '$..thumbnail..url')) || _normalizeThumbnail(_jp.value(item, '$..thumbnails..url')) || _normalizeThumbnail(_jp.value(item, '$..thumbnails'));
var _title3 = _jp.value(item, '$..title..text') || _jp.value(item, '$..title..simpleText');
var _author_name3 = _jp.value(item, '$..shortBylineText..text') || _jp.value(item, '$..longBylineText..text');
var _author_url2 = _jp.value(item, '$..shortBylineText..url') || _jp.value(item, '$..longBylineText..url');
var _watchingLabel = _jp.query(item, '$..viewCountText..text').join('') || _jp.query(item, '$..viewCountText..simpleText').join('') || '0';
var watchCount = Number(_watchingLabel.split(/\s+/)[0].split(/[,.]/).join('').trim());
var _description = _jp.query(item, '$..detailedMetadataSnippets..snippetText..text').join('') || _jp.query(item, '$..description..text').join('') || _jp.query(item, '$..descriptionSnippet..text').join('');
var scheduledEpochTime = _jp.value(item, '$..upcomingEventData..startTime');
var scheduledTime = Date.now() > scheduledEpochTime ? scheduledEpochTime * 1000 : scheduledEpochTime;
var scheduledDateString = _toInternalDateString(scheduledTime); // url ( playlist )
// const url = _jp.value( item, '$..navigationEndpoint..url' )
var _url4 = TEMPLATES.YT + '/watch?v=' + videoId;
result = {
type: 'live',
videoId: videoId,
url: _url4,
title: _title3.trim(),
description: _description,
image: _thumbnail3,
thumbnail: _thumbnail3,
watching: Number(watchCount),
author: {
name: _author_name3,
url: TEMPLATES.YT + _author_url2
if (scheduledTime) {
result.startTime = scheduledTime;
result.startDate = scheduledDateString;
result.status = 'UPCOMING';
} else {
result.status = 'LIVE';
default: // ignore other stuff
if (result) {
} catch (err) {
var ctoken = _jp.value(json, '$..continuation');
results._ctoken = ctoken;
if (errors.length) {
return callback(errors.pop(), results);
return callback(null, results);
/* Get metadata of a single video
function getVideoMetaData(opts, callback) {
debug('fn: getVideoMetaData');
var videoId;
if (typeof opts === 'string') {
videoId = opts;
if (_typeof(opts) === 'object') {
videoId = opts.videoId;
var _opts$hl = opts.hl,
hl = _opts$hl === void 0 ? 'en' : _opts$hl,
_opts$gl = opts.gl,
gl = _opts$gl === void 0 ? 'US' : _opts$gl;
var uri = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?hl=".concat(hl, "&gl=").concat(gl, "&v=").concat(videoId);
var params = _url.parse(uri);
params.headers = {
'user-agent': _userAgent,
'accept': 'text/html',
'accept-encoding': 'gzip',
'accept-language': "".concat(hl, "-").concat(gl)
params.headers['user-agent'] = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_6) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/13.1.1 Safari/605.1.15';
_dasu.req(params, function (err, res, body) {
if (err) {
} else {
if (res.status !== 200) {
return callback('http status: ' + res.status);
if (_debugging) {
var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
fs.writeFileSync('dasu.response', res.responseText, 'utf8');
try {
_parseVideoInitialData(body, callback);
} catch (err) {
function _parseVideoInitialData(responseText, callback) {
debug('_parseVideoInitialData'); // const fs = require( 'fs' )
// fs.writeFileSync( 'tmp.file', responseText )
responseText = _getScripts(responseText);
var initialData = _between(_findLine(/ytInitialData.*=\s*{/, responseText), '{', '}');
if (!initialData) {
return callback('could not find inital data in the html document');
var initialPlayerData = _between(_findLine(/ytInitialPlayerResponse.*=\s*{/, responseText), '{', '}');
if (!initialPlayerData) {
return callback('could not find inital player data in the html document');
} // debug( initialData[ 0 ] )
// debug( '\n------------------\n' )
// debug( initialPlayerData[ 0 ] )
var idata = JSON.parse(initialData);
var ipdata = JSON.parse(initialPlayerData);
var videoId = _jp.value(idata, '$..currentVideoEndpoint..videoId');
if (!videoId) {
return callback('video unavailable');
if (_jp.value(ipdata, '$..status') === 'ERROR' || _jp.value(ipdata, '$..reason') === 'Video unavailable') {
return callback('video unavailable');
var title = _parseVideoMeataDataTitle(idata);
var description = _jp.query(idata, '$..description..text').join('') || _jp.query(ipdata, '$..description..simpleText').join('') || _jp.query(ipdata, '$..microformat..description..simpleText').join('') || _jp.query(ipdata, '$..videoDetails..shortDescription').join('');
var author_name = _jp.value(idata, '$..owner..title..text') || _jp.value(idata, '$..owner..title..simpleText');
var author_url = _jp.value(idata, '$..owner..navigationEndpoint..url') || _jp.value(idata, '$..owner..title..url');
var thumbnailUrl = 'https://i.ytimg.com/vi/' + videoId + '/hqdefault.jpg';
var seconds = Number(_jp.value(ipdata, '$..videoDetails..lengthSeconds'));
var timestamp = _msToTimestamp(seconds * 1000);
var duration = _parseDuration(timestamp); // TODO some video's have likes/dislike ratio hidden (ex: 62ezXENOuIA)
// which makes this value undefined
// const sentimentBar = (
// // ex. "tooltip": "116,701 / 8,930"
// _jp.value( idata, '$..sentimentBar..tooltip' )
// .split( /[,.]/ ).join( '' )
// .split( /\D+/ )
// )
// TODO currently not in use
// const likes = Number( sentimentBar[ 0 ] )
// const dislikes = Number( sentimentBar[ 1 ] )
var uploadDate = _jp.value(idata, '$..uploadDate') || _jp.value(idata, '$..dateText..simpleText');
var agoText = uploadDate && _humanTime(new Date(uploadDate)) || '';
var video = {
title: title,
description: description,
url: TEMPLATES.YT + '/watch?v=' + videoId,
videoId: videoId,
seconds: Number(duration.seconds),
timestamp: duration.timestamp,
duration: duration,
views: Number(_jp.value(ipdata, '$..videoDetails..viewCount')),
genre: (_jp.value(ipdata, '$..category') || '').toLowerCase(),
uploadDate: _toInternalDateString(uploadDate),
ago: agoText,
// ex: 10 years ago
image: thumbnailUrl,
thumbnail: thumbnailUrl,
author: {
name: author_name,
url: TEMPLATES.YT + author_url
callback(null, video);
/* Get metadata from a playlist page
function getPlaylistMetaData(opts, callback) {
debug('fn: getPlaylistMetaData');
var listId;
if (typeof opts === 'string') {
listId = opts;
if (_typeof(opts) === 'object') {
listId = opts.listId || opts.playlistId;
var _opts$hl2 = opts.hl,
hl = _opts$hl2 === void 0 ? 'en' : _opts$hl2,
_opts$gl2 = opts.gl,
gl = _opts$gl2 === void 0 ? 'US' : _opts$gl2;
var uri = "https://www.youtube.com/playlist?hl=".concat(hl, "&gl=").concat(gl, "&list=").concat(listId);
var params = _url.parse(uri);
params.headers = {
'user-agent': _userAgent,
'accept': 'text/html',
'accept-encoding': 'gzip',
'accept-language': "".concat(hl, "-").concat(gl)
_dasu.req(params, function (err, res, body) {
if (err) {
} else {
if (res.status !== 200) {
return callback('http status: ' + res.status);
if (_debugging) {
var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
fs.writeFileSync('dasu.response', res.responseText, 'utf8');
try {
_parsePlaylistInitialData(body, callback);
} catch (err) {
function _parsePlaylistInitialData(responseText, callback) {
debug('fn: parsePlaylistBody');
responseText = _getScripts(responseText);
var jsonString = responseText.match(/ytInitialData.*=\s*({.*});/)[1]; // console.log( jsonString )
if (!jsonString) {
throw new Error('failed to parse ytInitialData json data');
var json = JSON.parse(jsonString); //console.log( json )
// check for errors (ex: noexist/unviewable playlist)
var plerr = _jp.value(json, '$..alerts..alertRenderer');
if (plerr && typeof plerr.type === 'string' && plerr.type.toLowerCase() === 'error') {
var plerrtext = 'playlist error, not found?';
if (_typeof(plerr.text) === 'object') {
plerrtext = _jp.query(plerr.text, '$..text').join('');
if (typeof plerr.text === 'string') {
plerrtext = plerr.text;
throw new Error('playlist error: ' + plerrtext);
var alertInfo = '';
_jp.query(json, '$..alerts..text').forEach(function (val) {
if (typeof val === 'string') alertInfo += val;
if (_typeof(val) === 'object') {
// try grab simpletex
var simpleText = _jp.value(val, '$..simpleText');
if (simpleText) alertInfo += simpleText;
var listId = _jp.value(json, '$..microformat..urlCanonical').split('=')[1]; // console.log( 'listId: ' + listId )
var viewCount = 0;
try {
var viewCountLabel = _jp.value(json, '$..sidebar.playlistSidebarRenderer.items[0]..stats[1].simpleText');
if (viewCountLabel.toLowerCase() === 'no views') {
viewCount = 0;
} else {
viewCount = viewCountLabel.match(/\d+/g).join('');
} catch (err) {
/* ignore */
var size = (_jp.value(json, '$..sidebar.playlistSidebarRenderer.items[0]..stats[0].simpleText') || _jp.query(json, '$..sidebar.playlistSidebarRenderer.items[0]..stats[0]..text').join('')).match(/\d+/g).join(''); // playlistVideoListRenderer contents
var list = _jp.query(json, '$..playlistVideoListRenderer..contents')[0]; // TODO unused atm
var listHasContinuation = _typeof(list[list.length - 1].continuationItemRenderer) === 'object'; // const list = _jp.query( json, '$..contents..tabs[0]..contents[0]..contents[0]..contents' )[ 0 ]
var videos = [];
list.forEach(function (item) {
if (!item.playlistVideoRenderer) return; // skip
var json = item;
var duration = _parseDuration(_jp.value(json, '$..lengthText..simpleText') || _jp.value(json, '$..thumbnailOverlayTimeStatusRenderer..simpleText') || _jp.query(json, '$..lengthText..text').join('') || _jp.query(json, '$..thumbnailOverlayTimeStatusRenderer..text').join(''));
var video = {
title: _jp.value(json, '$..title..simpleText') || _jp.value(json, '$..title..text') || _jp.query(json, '$..title..text').join(''),
videoId: _jp.value(json, '$..videoId'),
listId: listId,
thumbnail: _normalizeThumbnail(_jp.value(json, '$..thumbnail..url')) || _normalizeThumbnail(_jp.value(json, '$..thumbnails..url')) || _normalizeThumbnail(_jp.value(json, '$..thumbnails')),
// ref: issue #35 https://github.com/talmobi/yt-search/issues/35
duration: duration,
author: {
name: _jp.value(json, '$..shortBylineText..runs[0]..text'),
url: 'https://youtube.com' + _jp.value(json, '$..shortBylineText..runs[0]..url')
}); // console.log( videos )
// console.log( 'videos.length: ' + videos.length )
var plthumbnail = _normalizeThumbnail(_jp.value(json, '$..microformat..thumbnail..url')) || _normalizeThumbnail(_jp.value(json, '$..microformat..thumbnails..url')) || _normalizeThumbnail(_jp.value(json, '$..microformat..thumbnails'));
var playlist = {
title: _jp.value(json, '$..microformat..title'),
listId: listId,
url: 'https://youtube.com/playlist?list=' + listId,
size: Number(size),
views: Number(viewCount),
// lastUpdate: lastUpdate,
date: _parsePlaylistLastUpdateTime(_jp.value(json, '$..sidebar.playlistSidebarRenderer.items[0]..stats[2]..simpleText') || _jp.query(json, '$..sidebar.playlistSidebarRenderer.items[0]..stats[2]..text').join('') || ''),
image: plthumbnail || videos[0].thumbnail,
thumbnail: plthumbnail || videos[0].thumbnail,
// playlist items/videos
videos: videos,
alertInfo: alertInfo,
author: {
name: _jp.value(json, '$..videoOwner..title..runs[0]..text'),
url: 'https://youtube.com' + _jp.value(json, '$..videoOwner..navigationEndpoint..url')
callback && callback(null, playlist);
function _parsePlaylistLastUpdateTime(lastUpdateLabel) {
debug('fn: _parsePlaylistLastUpdateTime');
var DAY_IN_MS = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;
try {
// ex "Last Updated on Jun 25, 2018"
// ex: "Viimeksi päivitetty 25.6.2018"
var words = lastUpdateLabel.toLowerCase().trim().split(/[\s.-]+/);
if (words.length > 0) {
var lastWord = words[words.length - 1].toLowerCase();
if (lastWord === 'yesterday') {
var ms = Date.now() - DAY_IN_MS;
var d = new Date(ms); // a day earlier than today
if (d.toString() !== 'Invalid Date') return _toInternalDateString(d);
if (words.length >= 2) {
// handle strings like "7 days ago"
if (words[0] === 'updated' && words[2].slice(0, 3) === 'day') {
var _ms = Date.now() - DAY_IN_MS * words[1];
var _d = new Date(_ms); // a day earlier than today
if (_d.toString() !== 'Invalid Date') return _toInternalDateString(_d);
for (var i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
var slice = words.slice(i);
var t = slice.join(' ');
var r = slice.reverse().join(' ');
var _a = new Date(t);
var b = new Date(r);
if (_a.toString() !== 'Invalid Date') return _toInternalDateString(_a);
if (b.toString() !== 'Invalid Date') return _toInternalDateString(b);
return '';
} catch (err) {
return '';
function _toInternalDateString(date) {
date = new Date(date);
debug('fn: _toInternalDateString');
return date.getFullYear() + '-' + (date.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + // january gives 0
/* Helper fn to parse duration labels
* ex: Duration: 2:27, Kesto: 1.07.54
function _parseDuration(timestampText) {
var a = timestampText.split(/\s+/);
var lastword = a[a.length - 1]; // ex: Duration: 2:27, Kesto: 1.07.54
// replace all non :, non digits and non .
var timestamp = lastword.replace(/[^:.\d]/g, '');
if (!timestamp) return {
toString: function toString() {
return a[0];
seconds: 0,
timestamp: 0
}; // remove trailing junk that are not digits
while (timestamp[timestamp.length - 1].match(/\D/)) {
timestamp = timestamp.slice(0, -1);
} // replaces all dots with nice ':'
timestamp = timestamp.replace(/\./g, ':');
var t = timestamp.split(/[:.]/);
var seconds = 0;
var exp = 0;
for (var i = t.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (t[i].length <= 0) continue;
var number = t[i].replace(/\D/g, ''); // var exp = (t.length - 1) - i;
seconds += parseInt(number) * (exp > 0 ? Math.pow(60, exp) : 1);
if (exp > 2) break;
return {
toString: function toString() {
return seconds + ' seconds (' + timestamp + ')';
seconds: seconds,
timestamp: timestamp
/* Parses a type of human-like timestamps found on YouTube.
* ex: "PT4M13S" -> "4:13"
function _parseHumanDuration(timestampText) {
debug('_parseHumanDuration'); // ex: PT4M13S
var pt = timestampText.slice(0, 2);
var timestamp = timestampText.slice(2).toUpperCase();
if (pt !== 'PT') return {
toString: function toString() {
return a[0];
seconds: 0,
timestamp: 0
var h = timestamp.match(/\d?\dH/);
var m = timestamp.match(/\d?\dM/);
var s = timestamp.match(/\d?\dS/);
h = h && h[0].slice(0, -1) || 0;
m = m && m[0].slice(0, -1) || 0;
s = s && s[0].slice(0, -1) || 0;
h = parseInt(h);
m = parseInt(m);
s = parseInt(s);
timestamp = '';
if (h) timestamp += h + ':';
if (m) timestamp += m + ':';
timestamp += s;
var seconds = h * 60 * 60 + m * 60 + s;
return {
toString: function toString() {
return seconds + ' seconds (' + timestamp + ')';
seconds: seconds,
timestamp: timestamp
/* Helper fn to parse sub count labels
* and turn them into Numbers.
* It's an estimate but can be useful for sorting etc.
* ex. "102M subscribers" -> 102000000
* ex. "5.33m subscribers" -> 5330000
function _parseSubCountLabel(subCountLabel) {
if (!subCountLabel) return undefined;
var label = subCountLabel.split(/\s+/).filter(function (w) {
return w.match(/\d/);
var m = label.match(/\d+(\.\d+)?/);
if (m && m[0]) {} else {
var num = Number(m[0]);
var THOUSAND = 1000;
if (label.indexOf('m') >= 0) return MILLION * num;
if (label.indexOf('k') >= 0) return THOUSAND * num;
return num;
/* Helper fn to choose a good thumbnail.
function _normalizeThumbnail(thumbnails) {
var t;
if (typeof thumbnails === 'string') {
t = thumbnails;
} else {
// handle as array
if (thumbnails.length) {
t = thumbnails[0];
return _normalizeThumbnail(t);
} // failed to parse thumbnail
return undefined;
t = t.split('?')[0];
t = t.split('/default.jpg').join('/hqdefault.jpg');
t = t.split('/default.jpeg').join('/hqdefault.jpeg');
if (t.indexOf('//') === 0) {
return 'https://' + t.slice(2);
return t.split('http://').join('https://');
/* Helper fn to transform ms to timestamp
* ex: 253000 -> "4:13"
function _msToTimestamp(ms) {
var t = '';
var MS_HOUR = 1000 * 60 * 60;
var MS_MINUTE = 1000 * 60;
var MS_SECOND = 1000;
var h = Math.floor(ms / MS_HOUR);
var m = Math.floor(ms / MS_MINUTE) % 60;
var s = Math.floor(ms / MS_SECOND) % 60;
if (h) t += h + ':'; // pad with extra zero only if hours are set
if (h && String(m).length < 2) t += '0';
t += m + ':'; // pad with extra zero
if (String(s).length < 2) t += '0';
t += s;
return t;
function _parseVideoMeataDataTitle(idata) {
var t = _jp.query(idata, '$..videoPrimaryInfoRenderer.title..text').join('') || _jp.query(idata, '$..videoPrimaryInfoRenderer.title..simpleText').join('') || _jp.query(idata, '$..videoPrimaryRenderer.title..text').join('') || _jp.query(idata, '$..videoPrimaryRenderer.title..simpleText').join('') || _jp.value(idata, '$..title..text') || _jp.value(idata, '$..title..simpleText'); // remove zero-width chars
return t.replace(/[\u0000-\u001F\u007F-\u009F\u200b]/g, '');
} // run tests is script is run directly
if (require.main === module) {
// https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9vrfEoc8_g
test('superman theme list pewdiepie channel');
function test(query) {
console.log('test: doing list search');
var opts = {
query: query,
pageEnd: 1
search(opts, function (error, r) {
if (error) throw error;
var videos = r.videos;
var playlists = r.playlists;
var channels = r.channels;
console.log('videos: ' + videos.length);
console.log('playlists: ' + playlists.length);
console.log('channels: ' + channels.length);
for (var i = 0; i < videos.length; i++) {
var song = videos[i];
var time = " (".concat(song.timestamp, ")");
console.log(song.title + time);
playlists.forEach(function (p) {
console.log("playlist: ".concat(p.title, " | ").concat(p.listId));
channels.forEach(function (c) {
console.log("channel: ".concat(c.title, " | ").concat(c.description));
"use strict";
var _cheerio = require('cheerio');
var util = {};
module.exports = util;
util._getScripts = _getScripts;
util._findLine = _findLine;
util._between = _between;
function _getScripts(text) {
// match all contents within html script tags
var $ = _cheerio.load(text);
var scripts = $('script');
var buffer = ''; // combine all scripts
for (var i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) {
var el = scripts[i];
var child = el && el.children[0];
var data = child && child.data;
if (data) {
buffer += data + '\n';
return buffer;
function _findLine(regex, text) {
var cache = _findLine.cache || {};
_findLine.cache = cache;
cache[text] = cache[text] || {};
var lines = cache[text].lines || text.split('\n');
cache[text].lines = lines;
cache[text].timeout = setTimeout(function () {
delete cache[text];
}, 100);
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
var line = lines[i];
if (regex.test(line)) return line;
return '';
function _between(text, start, end) {
var i = text.indexOf(start);
var j = text.lastIndexOf(end);
if (i < 0) return '';
if (j < 0) return '';
return text.slice(i, j + 1);