module.exports = exports = testbinary; exports.usage = 'Tests that the binary.node can be required'; const log = require('npmlog'); const cp = require('child_process'); const versioning = require('./util/versioning.js'); const napi = require('./util/napi.js'); function testbinary(gyp, argv, callback) { const args = []; const options = {}; const shell_cmd = process.execPath; const { package_json } = gyp; const napi_build_version = napi.get_napi_build_version_from_command_args(argv); const opts = versioning.evaluate(package_json, gyp.opts, napi_build_version); // skip validation for runtimes we don't explicitly support (like electron) if (opts.runtime && opts.runtime !== 'node-webkit' && opts.runtime !== 'node') { return callback(); } // ensure on windows that / are used for require path const binary_module = opts.module.replace(/\\/g, '/'); if (process.arch !== opts.target_arch || process.platform !== opts.target_platform) { let msg = 'skipping validation since host platform/arch ('; msg += `${process.platform}/${process.arch})`; msg += ' does not match target ('; msg += `${opts.target_platform}/${opts.target_arch})`;'validate', msg); return callback(); } args.push('--eval'); args.push(`require('${binary_module.replace(/'/g, "'")}')`);'validate', `Running test command: '${shell_cmd} ${args.join(' ')}'`); cp.execFile(shell_cmd, args, options, (err, stdout, stderr) => { if (err) { return callback(err, { stdout, stderr }); } return callback(); }); }