# @discordjs/node-pre-gyp ![Test](https://github.com/discordjs/node-pre-gyp/workflows/Test/badge.svg) > node-pre-gyp makes it easy to publish and install Node.js C++ addons from binaries `@discordjs/node-pre-gyp` stands between [npm](https://github.com/npm/npm) and [node-gyp](https://github.com/Tootallnate/node-gyp) and offers a cross-platform method of binary deployment. # Features - A command line tool called `node-pre-gyp` that can install your package's C++ module from a binary. - A variety of developer targeted commands for packaging, testing, and publishing binaries. - A JavaScript module that can dynamically require your installed binary: `require('@discordjs/node-pre-gyp').find` For a hello world example of a module packaged with `node-pre-gyp` see and [the wiki ](https://github.com/mapbox/node-pre-gyp/wiki/Modules-using-node-pre-gyp) for real world examples. # Credits - The module is modeled after [node-gyp](https://github.com/Tootallnate/node-gyp) by [@Tootallnate](https://github.com/Tootallnate) - Motivation for initial development came from [@ErisDS](https://github.com/ErisDS) and the [Ghost Project](https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost). - Development is sponsored by [Mapbox](https://www.mapbox.com/) # FAQ See the [Frequently Ask Questions](https://github.com/mapbox/node-pre-gyp/wiki/FAQ). # Usage ## Commands View all possible commands: node-pre-gyp --help - clean - Remove the entire folder containing the compiled .node module - install - Install pre-built binary for module - reinstall - Run "clean" and "install" at once - build - Compile the module by dispatching to node-gyp or nw-gyp - rebuild - Run "clean" and "build" at once - package - Pack binary into tarball - testpackage - Test that the staged package is valid You can also chain commands: ```bash node-pre-gyp clean build package ``` ## Options Options include: - `-C/--directory`: run the command in this directory - `--build-from-source`: build from source instead of using pre-built binary - `--update-binary`: reinstall by replacing previously installed local binary with remote binary - `--runtime=electron`: customize the runtime: `node` and `electron` are the valid options - `--fallback-to-build`: fallback to building from source if pre-built binary is not available - `--target=0.4.0`: Pass the target node version to compile against - `--target_arch=ia32`: Pass the target arch and override the host `arch`. Valid values are 'ia32','x64', or `arm`. - `--target_platform=win32`: Pass the target platform and override the host `platform`. Valid values are `linux`, `darwin`, `win32`, `sunos`, `freebsd`, `openbsd`, and `aix`. Both `--build-from-source` and `--fallback-to-build` can be passed alone or they can provide values. You can pass `--fallback-to-build=false` to override the option as declared in package.json. In addition to being able to pass `--build-from-source` you can also pass `--build-from-source=myapp` where `myapp` is the name of your module. For example: `npm install --build-from-source=myapp`. This is useful if: - `myapp` is referenced in the package.json of a larger app and therefore `myapp` is being installed as a dependency with `npm install`. - The larger app also depends on other modules installed with `node-pre-gyp` - You only want to trigger a source compile for `myapp` and the other modules. # Configuring This is a guide to configuring your module to use node-pre-gyp. ## 1) Add new entries to your `package.json` - Add `node-pre-gyp` to `dependencies` - Add a custom `install` script - Declare a `binary` object This looks like: ```json "dependencies" : { "@discordjs/node-pre-gyp": "0.1.x" }, "scripts": { "install": "node-pre-gyp install --fallback-to-build" }, "binary": { "module_name": "your_module", "module_path": "./lib/binding/", "host": "https://your_module.s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com" } ``` For a full example see [node-addon-examples's package.json](https://github.com/springmeyer/node-addon-example/blob/master/package.json). Let's break this down: - Dependencies need to list `node-pre-gyp` - Your `scripts` section should override the `install` target with `"install": "node-pre-gyp install --fallback-to-build"`. This allows node-pre-gyp to be used instead of the default npm behavior of always source compiling with `node-gyp` directly. - Your package.json should contain a `binary` section describing key properties you provide to allow node-pre-gyp to package optimally. They are detailed below. ### The `binary` object has three required properties ### module_name The name of your native node module. This value must: - Match the name passed to [the NODE_MODULE macro](http://nodejs.org/api/addons.html#addons_hello_world) - Must be a valid C variable name (e.g. it cannot contain `-`) - Should not include the `.node` extension. ### module_path The location your native module is placed after a build. This should be an empty directory without other Javascript files. This entire directory will be packaged in the binary tarball. When installing from a remote package this directory will be overwritten with the contents of the tarball. Note: This property supports variables based on [Versioning](#versioning). ### host A url to the remote location where you've published tarball binaries (must be `https` not `http`). ### remote_path It **is recommended** that you customize this property. This is an extra path to use for publishing and finding remote tarballs. The default value for `remote_path` is `""` meaning that if you do not provide it then all packages will be published at the base of the `host`. It is recommended to provide a value like `./{name}/v{version}` to help organize remote packages in the case that you choose to publish multiple node addons to the same `host`. Note: This property supports variables based on [Versioning](#versioning). ### package_name It is **not recommended** to override this property unless you are also overriding the `remote_path`. This is the versioned name of the remote tarball containing the binary `.node` module and any supporting files you've placed inside the `module_path` directory. Unless you specify `package_name` in your `package.json` then it defaults to `{module_name}-v{version}-{node_abi}-{platform}-{arch}.tar.gz` which allows your binary to work across node versions, platforms, and architectures. If you are using `remote_path` that is also versioned by `./{module_name}/v{version}` then you could remove these variables from the `package_name` and just use: `{node_abi}-{platform}-{arch}.tar.gz`. Then your remote tarball will be looked up at, for example, `https://example.com/your-module/v0.1.0/node-v11-linux-x64.tar.gz`. Avoiding the version of your module in the `package_name` and instead only embedding in a directory name can be useful when you want to make a quick tag of your module that does not change any C++ code. Note: This property supports variables based on [Versioning](#versioning). ## 2) Add a new target to binding.gyp `node-pre-gyp` calls out to `node-gyp` to compile the module and passes variables along like [module_name](#module_name) and [module_path](#module_path). A new target must be added to `binding.gyp` that moves the compiled `.node` module from `./build/Release/module_name.node` into the directory specified by `module_path`. Add a target like this at the end of your `targets` list: ```json { "target_name": "action_after_build", "type": "none", "dependencies": [ "<(module_name)" ], "copies": [ { "files": [ "<(PRODUCT_DIR)/<(module_name).node" ], "destination": "<(module_path)" } ] } ``` For a full example see [node-addon-example's binding.gyp](https://github.com/springmeyer/node-addon-example/blob/2ff60a8ded7f042864ad21db00c3a5a06cf47075/binding.gyp). ## 3) Dynamically require your `.node` Inside the main js file that requires your addon module you are likely currently doing: ```js const binding = require('../build/Release/binding.node'); ``` or: ```js const bindings = require('./bindings') ``` Change those lines to: ```js const binary = require('@discordjs/node-pre-gyp'); const path = require('path'); const binding_path = binary.find(path.resolve(path.join(__dirname,'./package.json'))); const binding = require(binding_path); ``` For a full example see [node-addon-example's index.js](https://github.com/springmeyer/node-addon-example/blob/2ff60a8ded7f042864ad21db00c3a5a06cf47075/index.js#L1-L4) ## 4) Build and package your app Now build your module from source: ```bash npm install --build-from-source ``` The `--build-from-source` tells `node-pre-gyp` to not look for a remote package and instead dispatch to node-gyp to build. Now `node-pre-gyp` should now also be installed as a local dependency so the command line tool it offers can be found at `./node_modules/.bin/node-pre-gyp`. ## 5) Test Now `npm test` should work just as it did before. ## 6) Publish the tarball Then package your app: ./node_modules/.bin/node-pre-gyp package Once packaged you can also host your binaries. To do this requires: - You manually publish the binary created by the `package` command to an `https` endpoint - Ensure that the `host` value points to your custom `https` endpoint. ## 7) You're done! Now publish your module to the npm registry. Users will now be able to install your module from a binary. What will happen is this: 1. `npm install ` will pull from the npm registry 2. npm will run the `install` script which will call out to `node-pre-gyp` 3. `node-pre-gyp` will fetch the binary `.node` module and unpack in the right place 4. Assuming that all worked, you are done If a a binary was not available for a given platform and `--fallback-to-build` was used then `node-gyp rebuild` will be called to try to source compile the module. ## N-API Considerations [Node-API](https://nodejs.org/api/n-api.html#n_api_node_api), which was previously known as N-API, is an ABI-stable alternative to previous technologies such as [nan](https://github.com/nodejs/nan) which are tied to a specific Node runtime engine. Node-API is Node runtime engine agnostic and guarantees modules created today will continue to run, without changes, into the future. Using `node-pre-gyp` with Node-API projects requires a handful of additional configuration values and imposes some additional requirements. The most significant difference is that an Node-API module can be coded to target multiple Node-API versions. Therefore, an Node-API module must declare in its `package.json` file which Node-API versions the module is designed to run against. In addition, since multiple builds may be required for a single module, path and file names must be specified in way that avoids naming conflicts. ## The `napi_versions` array property A Node-API module must declare in its `package.json` file, the Node-API versions the module is intended to support. This is accomplished by including an `napi-versions` array property in the `binary` object. For example: ```json "binary": { "module_name": "your_module", "module_path": "your_module_path", "host": "https://your_bucket.s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com", "napi_versions": [1,3] } ``` If the `napi_versions` array property is *not* present, `node-pre-gyp` operates as it always has. Including the `napi_versions` array property instructs `node-pre-gyp` that this is a Node-API module build. When the `napi_versions` array property is present, `node-pre-gyp` fires off multiple operations, one for each of the Node-API versions in the array. In the example above, two operations are initiated, one for Node-API version 1 and second for Node-API version 3. How this version number is communicated is described next. ## The `napi_build_version` value For each of the Node-API module operations `node-pre-gyp` initiates, it ensures that the `napi_build_version` is set appropriately. This value is of importance in two areas: 1. The C/C++ code which needs to know against which Node-API version it should compile. 2. `node-pre-gyp` itself which must assign appropriate path and file names to avoid collisions. ## Defining `NAPI_VERSION` for the C/C++ code The `napi_build_version` value is communicated to the C/C++ code by adding this code to the `binding.gyp` file: ```json "defines": [ "NAPI_VERSION=<(napi_build_version)", ] ``` This ensures that `NAPI_VERSION`, an integer value, is declared appropriately to the C/C++ code for each build. > Note that earlier versions of this document recommended defining the symbol `NAPI_BUILD_VERSION`. `NAPI_VERSION` is preferred because it used by the Node-API C/C++ headers to configure the specific Node-API versions being requested. ## Path and file naming requirements in `package.json` Since `node-pre-gyp` fires off multiple operations for each request, it is essential that path and file names be created in such a way as to avoid collisions. This is accomplished by imposing additional path and file naming requirements. Specifically, when performing Node-API builds, the `{napi_build_version}` text configuration value *must* be present in the `module_path` property. In addition, the `{napi_build_version}` text configuration value *must* be present in either the `remote_path` or `package_name` property. (No problem if it's in both.) Here's an example: ```json "binary": { "module_name": "your_module", "module_path": "./lib/binding/napi-v{napi_build_version}", "remote_path": "./{module_name}/v{version}/{configuration}/", "package_name": "{platform}-{arch}-napi-v{napi_build_version}.tar.gz", "host": "https://your_bucket.s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com", "napi_versions": [1,3] } ``` ## Supporting both N-API and NAN builds You may have a legacy native add-on that you wish to continue supporting for those versions of Node that do not support Node-API, as you add Node-API support for later Node versions. This can be accomplished by specifying the `node_napi_label` configuration value in the package.json `binary.package_name` property. Placing the configuration value `node_napi_label` in the package.json `binary.package_name` property instructs `node-pre-gyp` to build all viable Node-API binaries supported by the current Node instance. If the current Node instance does not support Node-API, `node-pre-gyp` will request a traditional, non-Node-API build. The configuration value `node_napi_label` is set by `node-pre-gyp` to the type of build created, `napi` or `node`, and the version number. For Node-API builds, the string contains the Node-API version nad has values like `napi-v3`. For traditional, non-Node-API builds, the string contains the ABI version with values like `node-v46`. Here's how the `binary` configuration above might be changed to support both Node-API and NAN builds: ```json "binary": { "module_name": "your_module", "module_path": "./lib/binding/{node_napi_label}", "remote_path": "./{module_name}/v{version}/{configuration}/", "package_name": "{platform}-{arch}-{node_napi_label}.tar.gz", "host": "https://your_bucket.s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com", "napi_versions": [1,3] } ``` The C/C++ symbol `NAPI_VERSION` can be used to distinguish Node-API and non-Node-API builds. The value of `NAPI_VERSION` is set to the integer Node-API version for Node-API builds and is set to `0` for non-Node-API builds. For example: ```C #if NAPI_VERSION // Node-API code goes here #else // NAN code goes here #endif ``` ## Two additional configuration values The following two configuration values, which were implemented in previous versions of `node-pre-gyp`, continue to exist, but have been replaced by the `node_napi_label` configuration value described above. 1. `napi_version` If Node-API is supported by the currently executing Node instance, this value is the Node-API version number supported by Node. If Node-API is not supported, this value is an empty string. 2. `node_abi_napi` If the value returned for `napi_version` is non empty, this value is `'napi'`. If the value returned for `napi_version` is empty, this value is the value returned for `node_abi`. These values are present for use in the `binding.gyp` file and may be used as `{napi_version}` and `{node_abi_napi}` for text substituion in the `binary` properties of the `package.json` file. # Versioning The `binary` properties of `module_path`, `remote_path`, and `package_name` support variable substitution. The strings are evaluated by `node-pre-gyp` depending on your system and any custom build flags you passed. - `node_abi`: The node C++ `ABI` number. This value is available in Javascript as `process.versions.modules` as of [`>= v0.10.4 >= v0.11.7`](https://github.com/joyent/node/commit/ccabd4a6fa8a6eb79d29bc3bbe9fe2b6531c2d8e) and in C++ as the `NODE_MODULE_VERSION` define much earlier. For versions of Node before this was available we fallback to the V8 major and minor version. - `platform` matches node's `process.platform` like `linux`, `darwin`, and `win32` unless the user passed the `--target_platform` option to override. - `arch` matches node's `process.arch` like `x64` or `ia32` unless the user passes the `--target_arch` option to override. - `libc` matches `require('detect-libc').family` like `glibc` or `musl` unless the user passes the `--target_libc` option to override. - `libc_version` matches `require('detect-libc').version` - `configuration` - Either 'Release' or 'Debug' depending on if `--debug` is passed during the build. - `module_name` - the `binary.module_name` attribute from `package.json`. - `version` - the semver `version` value for your module from `package.json` (NOTE: ignores the `semver.build` property). - `major`, `minor`, `patch`, and `prelease` match the individual semver values for your module's `version` - `build` - the sevmer `build` value. For example it would be `this.that` if your package.json `version` was `v1.0.0+this.that` - `prerelease` - the semver `prerelease` value. For example it would be `alpha.beta` if your package.json `version` was `v1.0.0-alpha.beta` The options are visible in the code at # Download binary files from a mirror S3 is broken in China for the well known reason. Using the `npm` config argument: `--{module_name}_binary_host_mirror` can download binary files through a mirror, `-` in `module_name` will be replaced with `_`. e.g.: Install [v8-profiler](https://www.npmjs.com/package/v8-profiler) from `npm`. ```bash $ npm install v8-profiler --profiler_binary_host_mirror=https://npm.taobao.org/mirrors/node-inspector/ ``` e.g.: Install [canvas-prebuilt](https://www.npmjs.com/package/canvas-prebuilt) from `npm`. ```bash $ npm install canvas-prebuilt --canvas_prebuilt_binary_host_mirror=https://npm.taobao.org/mirrors/canvas-prebuilt/ ```