# cli-color
## Yet another colors and formatting for the console solution
Colors, formatting and other goodies for the console. This package won't mess with built-ins and provides neat way to predefine formatting patterns, see below.
## Installation
$ npm install cli-color
## Usage
var clc = require('cli-color');
Output colored text:
console.log(clc.red('Text in red'));
Styles can be mixed:
console.log(clc.red.bgWhite.underline('Underlined red text on white background.'));
Styled text can be mixed with unstyled:
console.log(clc.red('red') + ' plain ' + clc.blue('blue'));
Styled text can be nested:
console.log(clc.red('red ' + clc.blue('blue') + ' red'));
__Best way is to predefine needed stylings and then use it__:
var error = clc.red.bold;
var warn = clc.yellow;
var notice = clc.blue;
Supported are all ANSI colors and styles:
#### Styles
Styles will display correctly if font used in your console supports them.
* bold
* italic
* underline
* blink
* inverse
* strike
#### Colors
Foreground | Background | |
black | bgBlack | |
red | bgRed | |
green | bgGreen | |
yellow | bgYellow | |
blue | bgBlue | |
magenta | bgMagenta | |
cyan | bgCyan | |
white | bgWhite | |
##### Bright variants
Foreground | Background | |
blackBright | bgBlackBright | |
redBright | bgRedBright | |
greenBright | bgGreenBright | |
yellowBright | bgYellowBright | |
blueBright | bgBlueBright | |
magentaBright | bgMagentaBright | |
cyanBright | bgCyanBright | |
whiteBright | bgWhiteBright | |
##### xTerm colors (256 colors table)
__Not supported on Windows and some terminals__. However if used in not supported environment, the closest color from basic (16 colors) palette is chosen.
var msg = clc.xterm(202).bgXterm(236);
console.log(msg('Orange text on dark gray background'));
Color table:
0 | |
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#### Reset
Terminal can be cleared with `clc.reset`
#### Erase
##### clc.erase.screen
Entire screen
##### clc.erase.screenLeft
Left portion of a screen
##### clc.erase.screenRight
Right portion of a screen
##### clc.erase.line
Current line
##### clc.erase.lineRight
Right portion of current line
##### clc.erase.lineLeft
Left portion of current line
#### Move around functions
##### clc.move(x, y)
Move cursor _x_ columns and _y_ rows away. Values can be positive or negative, e.g.:
process.stdout.write(clc.move(-2, -2)); // Move cursors two columns and two rows back
##### clc.move.to(x, y)
Absolute move. Sets cursor position at _x_ column and _y_ row
process.stdout.write(clc.move.to(0, 0)); // Move cursor to first row and first column in terminal window
##### clc.move.up(n)
Move cursor up _n_ rows
##### clc.move.down(n)
Move cursor down _n_ rows
##### clc.move.right(n)
Move cursor right _n_ columns
##### clc.move.left(n)
Move cursor left _n_ columns
##### clc.move.lines(n)
Move cursor `n` lines forward if `n` is positive, otherwise `n` lines backward.
#### Terminal characteristics
##### clc.windowSize.width
Returns terminal width
##### clc.windowSize.height
Returns terminal height
### Additional functionalities
#### clc.slice(str[, begin[, end]])
Slice provided string with preservation of eventual ANSI formatting
var clc = require('cli-color');
var str = clc.bold('foo') + 'bar' + clc.red('elo');
var sliced = clc.slice(str, 1, 7); // Same as: clc.bold('oo') + 'bar' + clc.red('e')
#### clc.strip(formatedText)
Strips ANSI formatted string to plain text
var ansiStrip = require('cli-color/strip');
var plain = ansiStrip(formatted);
#### clc.getStrippedLength(str)
Get actual length of ANSI-formatted string
var clc = require('cli-color');
var str = clc.bold('foo') + 'bar' + clc.red('elo');
clc.getStrippedLength(str); // 9
#### clc.art(text, styleConf)
Create a text-graphical art. Within `styleConf`, string replacements needs to be defined, which are then used to convert `text` to styled graphical text.
var text = '.........\n' +
'. Hello .\n' +
var style = { ".": clc.yellowBright("X") };
process.stdout.write(clc.art(text, style));
#### clc.columns(data[, options])
Outputs aligned table of columns.
`data` is expected to be an array (or other iterable structure) of rows, where each row is also an array (or other iterable structure) of content to display.
Supported `options`:
- `sep`: Custom colums separator (defaults to `|`)
- `columns`: Per column customizations, as e.g. `[{ align: 'right' }, null, { align: 'left' }]`:
- `align`: Possible options: `'left'`, `'right` (efaults to `'left'`)
var clc = require('cli-color');
[clc.bold('First Name'), clc.bold('Last Name'), clc.bold('Age')],
['John', 'Doe', 34],
['Martha', 'Smith', 20],
['Jan', 'Kowalski', 30]
/* Outputs:
First Name | Last Name | Age
John | Doe | 34
Martha | Smith | 20
Jan | Kowalski | 30
##### throbber(write, interval[, format])
Writes throbber string to _write_ function at given _interval_. Optionally throbber output can be formatted with given _format_ function
var setupThrobber = require('cli-color/throbber');
var throbber = setupThrobber(function (str) {
}, 200);
// at any time you can stop/start throbber
## Tests [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/medikoo/cli-color.png)](https://travis-ci.org/medikoo/cli-color)
$ npm test
## Contributors
* [@rentalhost](https://github.com/rentalhost) (David Rodrigues)
* Help with support for nested styles. Introduction of `clc.art` module, and significant improvements to tests coverage
* [@StreetStrider](https://github.com/StreetStrider)
* Implementation of sophistcated `clc.slice` functionality, and introduction of `clc.getStrippedLength` utility