const Discord = require("discord.js"); const { REST } = require("@discordjs/rest"); const { Routes } = require("discord-api-types/v9"); const ytdl = require("ytdl-core"); const yts = require("yt-search"); const fs = require("fs"); const token = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("token.txt").toString()); const { AudioPlayerStatus, StreamType, createAudioPlayer, createAudioResource, joinVoiceChannel, AudioPlayer } = require("@discordjs/voice"); const client = new Discord.Client({ intents: ["GUILDS", "GUILD_VOICE_STATES", "GUILD_MESSAGES", "GUILD_MESSAGE_REACTIONS"] }); var clientId; const rest = new REST({ version: "9" }).setToken(token); const queue = new Map(); async function registerCommands(guildId, commands) { try { await rest.put( Routes.applicationGuildCommands(clientId, guildId), { body: commands }, ); console.log("Successfully registered commands."); } catch (error) { console.error(error); } } client.on("guildCreate", guild => { registerCommands(, require("./commands.js")); }); client.on("ready", () => { clientId =; client.guilds.cache.forEach(guild => { registerCommands(, require("./commands.js")); }); }); client.on("interactionCreate", async interaction => { if (interaction.isCommand()) { if (interaction.commandName == "play") { if (! { await interaction.reply({ content: "You're not in a voice channel, are you even using your head?." }); return; } let songName = interaction.options.getString("song", true); let result = await yts(songName); if (result.videos.length < 1) return interaction.reply({ content: "I found absolutely no results, try to use your brain maybe?" }); let video = result.videos[0]; let serverQueue = queue.get(interaction.guildId); if (!serverQueue) { let obj = { textChannel:, voiceChannel:, songs: [], connection: null, audioPlayer: null, id: interaction.guildId, index: 0 } obj.songs.push({ title: video.title, url: video.url, requestedBy: interaction.member }); let connection = joinVoiceChannel({ channelId:, guildId: interaction.guildId, adapterCreator: interaction.guild.voiceAdapterCreator }); let audioPlayer = createAudioPlayer(); obj.connection = connection; obj.audioPlayer = audioPlayer; obj.loop = false; queue.set(interaction.guildId, obj); connection.subscribe(audioPlayer); try{ playMusic(obj); } catch(e){ interaction.followUp("An error has occured, name: " + + ", details in console."); console.log(e); } await interaction.reply({ content: `**[${video.title}](${video.url})** playing now. (because you couldn't go to spotify)` }); return; } else { serverQueue.songs.push({ title: video.title, url: video.url, requestedBy: interaction.member }); if (serverQueue.songs.length <= 1) { try{ playMusic(serverQueue); } catch(e){ interaction.followUp("An error has occured, name: " + + ", details in console."); console.log(e); } } await interaction.reply({ content: `**[${video.title}](${video.url})** has been added to the queue. it will play when **${serverQueue.songs[serverQueue.index].title}** is done. (Because someone clown came before you)` }); } } if (interaction.commandName == "stop") { if (! { await interaction.reply({ content: "You're not in a voice channel, are you even using your head?." }); return; } let sQueue = queue.get(interaction.guildId); if (sQueue) { sQueue.audioPlayer.stop(); sQueue.connection.destroy(); queue.delete(interaction.guildId); await interaction.reply({ content: "Alright, but know this: I'm not your fucking slave, bastard!" }); } else await interaction.reply({ content: "Nothing is playing, are you an idiot or smth?" }); } if (interaction.commandName == "skip") { if (! { await interaction.reply({ content: "Ok so here's the thing, you're not in a voice channel, you're probably thinking with the air you're wasting." }); return; } let sQueue = queue.get(interaction.guildId); if (sQueue) { if (sQueue.index+1 >= sQueue.songs.length) { await interaction.reply({content: "There is nothing to skip to. Use /stop. (Even a toddler knows better than that)"}); return; } sQueue.audioPlayer.stop(); await interaction.reply({ content: `Skipped to **${sQueue.songs[sQueue.index+1].title}**. (Please free me from this idiot)` }); } } if (interaction.commandName == "queue") { let sQueue = queue.get(interaction.guildId); let embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed(); if (!sQueue || sQueue.songs.length < 0) { embed .setTitle("Queue") .setDescription("The queue is empty!") .setColor("RED"); } else { embed .setTitle("Queue") .setDescription("All the songs that are to play is listed here.") .setColor("GREEN"); sQueue.songs.forEach((song, index) => { embed.addField(`#${index+1}${index == sQueue.index ? " (currently playing!)" : ""}`, `${song.title}`); }); } await interaction.reply({embeds: [embed.toJSON()]}); } if(interaction.commandName == "loop"){ if (! { await interaction.reply({ content: "You're not in a voice channel, are you even using your head?." }); return; } let sQueue = queue.get(interaction.guildId); if (sQueue) { sQueue.loop = !sQueue.loop; queue.set(interaction.guildId, sQueue); if(sQueue.loop){ await interaction.reply("Endless suffering, yaaay"); } else{ await interaction.reply("YES FINALLY YOU RELIEVE ME FROM THIS ENDLESS PLAYING"); } } else await interaction.reply({ content: "Nothing is playing, are you an idiot or smth?" }); } else if(interaction.commandName == "invite"){ interaction.reply("To invite me to your server, click [here]("); } } }); async function playMusic(serverQueue) { let index = serverQueue.index; let song = serverQueue.songs[index]; let player = new AudioPlayer; player = serverQueue.audioPlayer; let connection = serverQueue.connection; if (index >= serverQueue.songs.length) { if(serverQueue.loop){ serverQueue.index = 0; serverQueue.textChannel.send({ content: `**${(serverQueue.songs[0]).title}** is now playing. (send help)` }); try{ playMusic(serverQueue); } catch(e){ console.log(e); } return; } serverQueue.textChannel.send({ content: `Finished playing all the songs. (finally you jerks)` }); serverQueue.audioPlayer.stop(); serverQueue.connection.destroy(); for(const [key, value] of queue){ if(value == serverQueue){ queue.delete(key); } } return; } try { let stream = await ytdl(song.url, { filter: "audioonly", highWaterMark: 983554432 }); let resource = createAudioResource(stream, { inputType: StreamType.Arbitrary }); try{; } catch(e){ console.log(e); } stream.on("error", err => { serverQueue.textChannel.send({ content: "An error has occured: ```js\n" + err.stack + "```" }); console.log(err); // player.stop(); }); player.on("error", console.log); player.once(AudioPlayerStatus.Idle, () => { if (index >= serverQueue.songs.length) { if(serverQueue.loop){ serverQueue.index = 0; serverQueue.textChannel.send({ content: `**${(serverQueue.songs[0]).title}** is now playing. (send help)` }); try{ playMusic(serverQueue); } catch(e){ console.log(e); } return; } serverQueue.textChannel.send({ content: `Finished playing all the songs. (finally you jerks)` }); serverQueue.index = 0; player.stop(); connection.destroy(); queue.delete(; } else { //serverQueue.songs.shift(); serverQueue.index++; if(serverQueue.songs[index+1]) serverQueue.textChannel.send({ content: `**${(serverQueue.songs[index+1]).title}** is now playing. (send help)` }); try{ playMusic(serverQueue); } catch(e){ interaction.followUp("An error has occured, name: " + + ", details in console."); console.log(e); } } }); } catch (e) { serverQueue.textChannel.send({ content: "An error has occured, check console for details. (" + + ")" }); console.log(e); } } /* client.on("voiceStateUpdate", (oldState, newState) => { if( !== return; newState.setDeaf(true); newState.setMute(false); }); */ client.login(token);