205 lines
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205 lines
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"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.StringPredicate = void 0;
const is_1 = require("@sindresorhus/is");
const valiDate = require("vali-date");
const predicate_1 = require("./predicate");
class StringPredicate extends predicate_1.Predicate {
constructor(options) {
super('string', options);
Test a string to have a specific length.
@param length - The length of the string.
length(length) {
return this.addValidator({
message: (value, label) => `Expected ${label} to have length \`${length}\`, got \`${value}\``,
validator: value => value.length === length
Test a string to have a minimum length.
@param length - The minimum length of the string.
minLength(length) {
return this.addValidator({
message: (value, label) => `Expected ${label} to have a minimum length of \`${length}\`, got \`${value}\``,
validator: value => value.length >= length,
negatedMessage: (value, label) => `Expected ${label} to have a maximum length of \`${length - 1}\`, got \`${value}\``
Test a string to have a maximum length.
@param length - The maximum length of the string.
maxLength(length) {
return this.addValidator({
message: (value, label) => `Expected ${label} to have a maximum length of \`${length}\`, got \`${value}\``,
validator: value => value.length <= length,
negatedMessage: (value, label) => `Expected ${label} to have a minimum length of \`${length + 1}\`, got \`${value}\``
Test a string against a regular expression.
@param regex - The regular expression to match the value with.
matches(regex) {
return this.addValidator({
message: (value, label) => `Expected ${label} to match \`${regex}\`, got \`${value}\``,
validator: value => regex.test(value)
Test a string to start with a specific value.
@param searchString - The value that should be the start of the string.
startsWith(searchString) {
return this.addValidator({
message: (value, label) => `Expected ${label} to start with \`${searchString}\`, got \`${value}\``,
validator: value => value.startsWith(searchString)
Test a string to end with a specific value.
@param searchString - The value that should be the end of the string.
endsWith(searchString) {
return this.addValidator({
message: (value, label) => `Expected ${label} to end with \`${searchString}\`, got \`${value}\``,
validator: value => value.endsWith(searchString)
Test a string to include a specific value.
@param searchString - The value that should be included in the string.
includes(searchString) {
return this.addValidator({
message: (value, label) => `Expected ${label} to include \`${searchString}\`, got \`${value}\``,
validator: value => value.includes(searchString)
Test if the string is an element of the provided list.
@param list - List of possible values.
oneOf(list) {
return this.addValidator({
message: (value, label) => {
let printedList = JSON.stringify(list);
if (list.length > 10) {
const overflow = list.length - 10;
printedList = JSON.stringify(list.slice(0, 10)).replace(/]$/, `,…+${overflow} more]`);
return `Expected ${label} to be one of \`${printedList}\`, got \`${value}\``;
validator: value => list.includes(value)
Test a string to be empty.
get empty() {
return this.addValidator({
message: (value, label) => `Expected ${label} to be empty, got \`${value}\``,
validator: value => value === ''
Test a string to be not empty.
get nonEmpty() {
return this.addValidator({
message: (_, label) => `Expected ${label} to not be empty`,
validator: value => value !== ''
Test a string to be equal to a specified string.
@param expected - Expected value to match.
equals(expected) {
return this.addValidator({
message: (value, label) => `Expected ${label} to be equal to \`${expected}\`, got \`${value}\``,
validator: value => value === expected
Test a string to be alphanumeric.
get alphanumeric() {
return this.addValidator({
message: (value, label) => `Expected ${label} to be alphanumeric, got \`${value}\``,
validator: value => /^[a-z\d]+$/i.test(value)
Test a string to be alphabetical.
get alphabetical() {
return this.addValidator({
message: (value, label) => `Expected ${label} to be alphabetical, got \`${value}\``,
validator: value => /^[a-z]+$/gi.test(value)
Test a string to be numeric.
get numeric() {
return this.addValidator({
message: (value, label) => `Expected ${label} to be numeric, got \`${value}\``,
validator: value => /^[+-]?\d+$/i.test(value)
Test a string to be a valid date.
get date() {
return this.addValidator({
message: (value, label) => `Expected ${label} to be a date, got \`${value}\``,
validator: valiDate
Test a non-empty string to be lowercase. Matching both alphabetical & numbers.
get lowercase() {
return this.addValidator({
message: (value, label) => `Expected ${label} to be lowercase, got \`${value}\``,
validator: value => value.trim() !== '' && value === value.toLowerCase()
Test a non-empty string to be uppercase. Matching both alphabetical & numbers.
get uppercase() {
return this.addValidator({
message: (value, label) => `Expected ${label} to be uppercase, got \`${value}\``,
validator: value => value.trim() !== '' && value === value.toUpperCase()
Test a string to be a valid URL.
get url() {
return this.addValidator({
message: (value, label) => `Expected ${label} to be a URL, got \`${value}\``,
validator: is_1.default.urlString
exports.StringPredicate = StringPredicate;