290 lines
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290 lines
12 KiB
import discord
from discord import File, Streaming, Game, Activity, ActivityType, Status
from discord.ext import commands, tasks
import io, aiohttp, asyncio, json, random, logging, requests
foxmsgs = [
'floofy fox',
'here fops',
'fox hugz u',
'fox fox fox',
'heres ur fox',
def getAllUsers():
membercount = 0
for guild in bot.guilds:
membercount += guild.member_count
return membercount
async def is_ginlang(ctx):
are you ginlang or the other dudes?
if ctx.author.id in [287885666941927424, 160091312081731584, 894034804503351366, 296736767158255616, 831598877320413244]:
return True
logchannel = await bot.fetch_channel(910622485916037150)
await logchannel.send('User '+ctx.author.name+'#'+ctx.author.discriminator+' ('+str(ctx.author.id)+') has attempted to use a whitelist only command.')
return False
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='gib ')
@bot.command(brief="gives you a fluffy fox")
async def fox(ctx):
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
async with session.get('https://foxrudor.de/') as resp:
file = File(io.BytesIO(await resp.read()),filename='fox.jpg')
await ctx.message.delete()
await ctx.send(f"*Command executed by {ctx.author.name}#{ctx.author.discriminator}*")
await ctx.send(random.choice(foxmsgs),file=file)
embed = discord.Embed(
title = "Command 'fox' failed",
description = "Received unexpected error, foxes occupied by ginlang, who is currently hugging them! 413 Payload too Large"
return await ctx.send(embed = embed)
@bot.command(brief="give someone a cuddle")
async def hug(ctx, *, name=None):
await ctx.send(f"*Command executed by {ctx.author.name}#{ctx.author.discriminator}*")
await ctx.message.delete()
if not name:
return await ctx.send("Foxtrot hugs "+ctx.author.name.replace("@", "")+"! :3")
nameFixed = name.replace("@everyone", "everyone").replace("@here", "everyone here")
await ctx.send(ctx.author.name+f" hugs {nameFixed}! :3")
@bot.command(brief="gives the top.gg vote link")
async def vote(ctx):
await ctx.message.delete()
await ctx.author.send("Vote for Foxtrot on top.gg! <https://top.gg/bot/909103805264724038/vote>")
async def cat(ctx):
await ctx.send (f"*Command executed by {ctx.author.name}#{ctx.author.discriminator}*")
await ctx.message.delete()
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
async with session.get('https://some-random-api.ml/animal/cat') as resp:
json = await resp.json()
error = json.get('error')
if error:
return await ctx.send(f'Received unexpected error, unclear instructions, got stuck in toaster! ({error})')
await ctx.send(json["fact"])
await ctx.send(json["image"])
@bot.command(brief="gives you a fluffy panda")
async def panda(ctx):
await ctx.send (f"*Command executed by {ctx.author.name}#{ctx.author.discriminator}*")
await ctx.message.delete()
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
async with session.get('https://some-random-api.ml/animal/panda') as resp:
json = await resp.json()
error = json.get('error')
if error:
return await ctx.send(f'Received unexpected error, thats not good! ({error})')
await ctx.send(json["fact"])
await ctx.send(json["image"])
@bot.command(brief="omg koala")
async def koala(ctx):
await ctx.send(f"*Command executed by {ctx.author.name}#{ctx.author.discriminator}*")
await ctx.message.delete()
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
async with session.get('https://some-random-api.ml/animal/koala') as resp:
json = await resp.json()
error = json.get('error')
if error:
return await ctx.send(f'Received unexpected error, try our sister game, Minceraft! ({error})')
await ctx.send(json["fact"])
await ctx.send(json["image"])
async def restart(ctx):
await ctx.send("shutting down. beep boop.")
await exit()
@bot.command(brief="bin eaters")
async def raccoon(ctx):
await ctx.send(f"*Command executed by {ctx.author.name}#{ctx.author.discriminator}*")
await ctx.message.delete()
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
async with session.get('https://some-random-api.ml/animal/raccoon') as resp:
json = await resp.json()
error = json.get('error')
if error:
return await ctx.send(f'Received unexpected error, blame ginlang! ({error})')
await ctx.send(json["fact"])
await ctx.send(json["image"])
async def activity(ctx, atype, *, aname):
atypes = {'streaming': ActivityType.streaming, 'playing': ActivityType.playing, 'listening': ActivityType.listening, 'watching': ActivityType.watching, 'competing': ActivityType.competing}
atype = atype.lower()
if atype not in atypes:
await ctx.send("invalid activity type. the valid types are "+' '.join(atypes.keys()))
await bot.change_presence(activity=Activity(name=(aname + f" ¦ {str(getAllUsers())} users"), type=atypes[atype], url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xBO4pUAs4M"))
await ctx.send('Success!')
@bot.command(brief="gives bot invite link")
async def invite(ctx):
await ctx.message.delete()
await ctx.author.send("""Add this bot to your server: <https://discord.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=909103805264724038&permissions=274878203904&scope=bot>
You can also join our official Discord server at <https://discord.gg/VrnJFVfSJR>!""")
await ctx.send(f"<@{ctx.author.id}>. I could not DM you!")
@bot.command(brief="gives information about a minecraft user")
async def mc(ctx, *, name = None):
await ctx.message.delete()
await ctx.send(f"*Command executed by {ctx.author.name}#{ctx.author.discriminator}*")
if not name:
embed = discord.Embed(
title = "No Minecraft user given!",
description = "You have not given a minecraft username, therefore I cannot find anything for you! usage: gib mc (name)"
return await ctx.send(embed = embed)
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
async with session.get(f'https://some-random-api.ml/mc?username={name}') as resp:
json = await resp.json()
error = json.get('error')
if error:
return await ctx.send(f'Received unexpected error, blame Mojang! ({error})')
username = json["username"]
uuid = json["uuid"]
#namehistory = ', '.join([f"Name: {i['name']} Changed at: {i['changedToAt']}" for i in json["name_history"]])
embed = discord.Embed(title='Minecraft User Information')
embed.set_author(name=f'User {username}')
embed.add_field(name='UUID', value=f'{uuid}', inline=False)
embed.add_field(name='Name History', value=f"Name changes: {len(json['name_history'])}", inline=False)
for i in json["name_history"]:
embed.add_field(name=i['name'], value=f"Changed on: {i['changedToAt']}")
await ctx.send(embed = embed)
await ctx.send(f'To view names that did not show up here, go to <https://namemc.com/{username}>')
@bot.command(brief="gives credits")
async def credits(ctx):
await ctx.message.delete()
await ctx.author.send("""API endpoints used in this bot are taken from:
await ctx.send(f"<@{ctx.author.id}>. I could not DM you!")
@bot.command(brief="random meme")
async def meme(ctx):
await ctx.message.delete()
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
async with session.get('https://api.shitfest.net/v2/random.php') as resp:
json = await resp.json()
await ctx.send(f"""*Command executed by {ctx.author.name}#{ctx.author.discriminator}*
@bot.command(brief='IPD Discord server invite', aliases=["support"])
async def server(ctx):
await ctx.message.delete()
await ctx.author.send("""The official discord server for Foxtrot is discord.gg/mDBfnysAqd
Our server contains everything we do and work on.""")
await ctx.send(f"<@{ctx.author.id}>. I could not DM you!")
@bot.command(brief='makes things gay')
async def gay(ctx, url = None):
await ctx.message.delete()
await ctx.send(f"*Command executed by {ctx.author.name}#{ctx.author.discriminator}*")
await ctx.trigger_typing()
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
async with session.get(
) as af:
if 300 > af.status >= 200 :
fp = io.BytesIO(await af.read())
file = discord.File(fp, "gay.png")
embed = discord.Embed(
await ctx.send(embed=embed, file=file)
await ctx.send("""An unexpected error happened, Steve.. I told you this already!
Are you sure that the image URL you sent is correct? Image attachments currently do not work!""")
@bot.command(brief='where the wetters go')
async def jail(ctx, url = None):
await ctx.message.delete()
await ctx.send(f"*Command executed by {ctx.author.name}#{ctx.author.discriminator}*")
await ctx.trigger_typing()
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
async with session.get(
) as af:
if 300 > af.status >= 200 :
fp = io.BytesIO(await af.read())
file = discord.File(fp, "amongus.png")
embed = discord.Embed(
title="dont drop the soap!",
await ctx.send(embed=embed, file=file)
await ctx.send("""An unexpected error happened, Steve.. I told you this already!
Are you sure that the image URL you sent is correct? Image attachments currently do not work!""")
@bot.command(brief='similar to esmBot blurple, but with 104% more fox')
async def blurple(ctx, url = None):
await ctx.message.delete()
await ctx.send(f"*Command executed by {ctx.author.name}#{ctx.author.discriminator}*")
await ctx.trigger_typing()
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
async with session.get(
) as af:
if 300 > af.status >= 200 :
fp = io.BytesIO(await af.read())
file = discord.File(fp, "amongus.png")
embed = discord.Embed(
await ctx.send(embed=embed, file=file)
await ctx.send("""An unexpected error happened, Steve.. I told you this already!
Are you sure that the image URL you sent is correct? Image attachments currently do not work!""")
async def on_ready():
await asyncio.sleep(1) # someone on stackoverflow said discord does not like if you are speedy
await bot.change_presence(activity=Streaming(name=f"Dev Mode ¦ {str(getAllUsers())} users", url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xBO4pUAs4M"))
with open('token.json', 'r') as file:
# this breaks if you are on windows
token = ''.join([line[:-1] for line in file.readlines()])