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126 lines
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command /sethubloc:
permission: op
set {spawnlocation} to location of player
message "&3You just set spawn at &3%{spawnlocation}%"
command /hub:
teleport player to location of {spawnlocation}
message "&6Teleported you to spawn!"
command /setdungeontp:
permission: op
set {dungeonspawn} to location of player
message "&3Dungeon spawn location set at &c%{dungeonspawn}%"
command /dungeon:
teleport player to location of {dungeonspawn}
message "&6Teleported to the Dungeon."
command /gameupdate:
permission: helixu.gameupdate
broadcast "&eThis server will restart soon: &bFor a game update"
broadcast "&eYou have &a30 seconds &eto brace yourself!"
loop all players:
send title "&e&lSERVER REBOOT!" with subtitle "&aFor a game update &7(in &e30s&7)" to loop-player
wait 20 seconds
broadcast "&eThis server will restart soon: &bFor a game update"
broadcast "&c&lIn 10 seconds!"
wait 5 seconds
broadcast "&eThis server will restart in &c&l5"
wait 1 seconds
broadcast "&eThis server will restart in &c&l4"
wait 1 seconds
broadcast "&eThis server will restart in &c&l3"
wait 1 seconds
broadcast "&eThis server will restart in &c&l2"
wait 1 seconds
broadcast "&eThis server will restart in &c&l1"
wait 1 seconds
loop all players:
kick loop-player due to "&cThe Server is restarting, join back in around 30 seconds."
make console execute command "stop"
command /srestart:
permission: helixu.srestart
broadcast "&eThis server will restart soon: &bForced Reboot"
broadcast "&eYou have &a30 seconds &eto brace yourself!"
loop all players:
send title "&e&lSERVER REBOOT!" with subtitle "&aForced Reboot &7(in &e30s&7)" to loop-player
wait 20 seconds
broadcast "&eThis server will restart soon: &bForced Reboot"
broadcast "&c&lIn 10 seconds!"
wait 5 seconds
broadcast "&eThis server will restart in &c&l5"
wait 1 seconds
broadcast "&eThis server will restart in &c&l4"
wait 1 seconds
broadcast "&eThis server will restart in &c&l3"
wait 1 seconds
broadcast "&eThis server will restart in &c&l2"
wait 1 seconds
broadcast "&eThis server will restart in &c&l1"
wait 1 seconds
loop all players:
kick loop-player due to "&cThe Server is restarting, join back in around 30 seconds."
make console execute command "stop"
on load:
wait 2 hours
broadcast "&eThis server will restart soon: &bScheduled Reboot"
broadcast "&eYou have &a30 seconds &eto brace yourself!"
loop all players:
send title "&e&lSERVER REBOOT!" with subtitle "&aScheduled Reboot &7(in &e30s&7)" to loop-player
wait 20 seconds
broadcast "&eThis server will restart soon: &bScheduled Reboot"
broadcast "&c&lIn 10 seconds!"
wait 5 seconds
broadcast "&eThis server will restart in &c&l5"
wait 1 seconds
broadcast "&eThis server will restart in &c&l4"
wait 1 seconds
broadcast "&eThis server will restart in &c&l3"
wait 1 seconds
broadcast "&eThis server will restart in &c&l2"
wait 1 seconds
broadcast "&eThis server will restart in &c&l1"
wait 1 seconds
loop all players:
kick loop-player due to "&cThe Server is restarting, join back in around 30 seconds."
make console execute command "stop"
command /broadcast [<text>]:
permission: helixu.broadcast
aliases: /bc
if arg-1 is not set:
send "&eYou cannot send a message with no text!"
broadcast "&c&l%executor% &8» &c&l%arg-1%"
on join:
if player has permission "helixu.staffchat":
loop all players:
loop-player has permission "helixu.staffchat":
send "&b[STAFF] %player's name% &ejoined." to loop-player
on quit:
if player has permission "helixu.staffchat":
loop all players:
loop-player has permission "helixu.staffchat":
send "&b[STAFF] %player's name% &eleft." to loop-player
command /o [<text>]:
permission: helixu.staffchat
loop all players:
if loop-player has permission "helixu.staffchat":
if arg-1 is not set:
send "&eYou cannot send a message with no text!"
send "&b[STAFF] %player's display name%&f: %arg-1%" to loop-player