command /disall : permission: op trigger: loop all players: make console execute command "displayer %loop-player% %arg-1%" command /undisall: permission: op trigger: loop all players: make console execute command "undisplayer %loop-player%" command /sethubloc: permission: op trigger: set {spawnlocation} to location of player message "&3You just set spawn at &3%{spawnlocation}%" command /hub: trigger: teleport player to location of {spawnlocation} message "&6Teleported you to spawn!" command /gameupdate: permission: helixu.gameupdate trigger: broadcast "&eThis server will restart soon: &bFor a game update" broadcast "&eYou have &a30 seconds &eto brace yourself!" loop all players: send title "&e&lSERVER REBOOT!" with subtitle "&aFor a game update &7(in &e30s&7)" to loop-player wait 20 seconds broadcast "&eThis server will restart soon: &bFor a game update" broadcast "&c&lIn 10 seconds!" wait 5 seconds broadcast "&eThis server will restart in &c&l5" wait 1 seconds broadcast "&eThis server will restart in &c&l4" wait 1 seconds broadcast "&eThis server will restart in &c&l3" wait 1 seconds broadcast "&eThis server will restart in &c&l2" wait 1 seconds broadcast "&eThis server will restart in &c&l1" wait 1 seconds make console execute command "/kickall &cThe Server is restarting, join back in around 30 seconds." make console execute command "reload confirm" command /maintenance: permission: helixu.srestart trigger: broadcast "&eThis server will restart soon: &bMaintenance" broadcast "&eYou have &a30 seconds &eto brace yourself!" loop all players: send title "&e&lSERVER REBOOT!" with subtitle "&aMaintenance &7(in &e30s&7)" to loop-player wait 20 seconds broadcast "&eThis server will restart soon: &bMaintenance" broadcast "&c&lIn 10 seconds!" wait 5 seconds broadcast "&eThis server will restart in &c&l5" wait 1 seconds broadcast "&eThis server will restart in &c&l4" wait 1 seconds broadcast "&eThis server will restart in &c&l3" wait 1 seconds broadcast "&eThis server will restart in &c&l2" wait 1 seconds broadcast "&eThis server will restart in &c&l1" wait 1 seconds loop all players: kick loop-player due to "&cThe Server is going down for maintenance, check ##status-updates for more information." make console execute command "stop" on load: wait 2 hours broadcast "&eThis server will restart soon: &bScheduled Reboot" broadcast "&eYou have &a30 seconds &eto brace yourself!" loop all players: send title "&e&lSERVER REBOOT!" with subtitle "&aScheduled Reboot &7(in &e30s&7)" to loop-player wait 20 seconds broadcast "&eThis server will restart soon: &bScheduled Reboot" broadcast "&c&lIn 10 seconds!" wait 5 seconds broadcast "&eThis server will restart in &c&l5" wait 1 seconds broadcast "&eThis server will restart in &c&l4" wait 1 seconds broadcast "&eThis server will restart in &c&l3" wait 1 seconds broadcast "&eThis server will restart in &c&l2" wait 1 seconds broadcast "&eThis server will restart in &c&l1" wait 1 seconds loop all players: kick loop-player due to "&cThe Server is restarting, join back in around 30 seconds." make console execute command "stop" command /broadcast []: permission: helixu.broadcast aliases: /bc trigger: if arg-1 is not set: send "&eYou cannot send a message with no text!" broadcast "&c&l%executor% &8ยป &c&l%arg-1%" on join: if player has permission "helixu.staffchat": loop all players: loop-player has permission "helixu.staffchat": send "&b[STAFF] &e%player's prefix%%player's name% &ejoined." to loop-player on quit: if player has permission "helixu.staffchat": loop all players: loop-player has permission "helixu.staffchat": send "&b[STAFF] &e%player's prefix%%player's name% &eleft." to loop-player command /o []: aliases: /staffchat permission: helixu.staffchat trigger: loop all players: if loop-player has permission "helixu.staffchat": send "&b[STAFF] %player's prefix%%player's name%&f: %arg-1%" to loop-player command /push []: permission: helixu.push trigger: if arg-1 is not set: send "&cUsage: /push (player)" to player if arg-1 is set: push arg-1 upwards at speed 2 push arg-1 backwards at speed 2 send "&6Player has been pushed!" to player on join: if player has permission "helixu.autorgbypass": make player execute command "/rg bypass" on load: loop all players: if loop-player has permission "helixu.staffchat": send "&b[STAFF] &cHelixuAddons&f: HelixuAddons by Helixu##1111 loaded!" to loop-player command /stafftodo []: permission: helixu.admin trigger: send "&b[STAFF] &fSet the MOTD to '%argument%'" to player set {todo} to "&b[STAFF] %argument%" command /showtodo: permission: helixu.admin trigger: send {todo} to player on join: if player has permission "helixu.staffchat": send {todo} to player command /maintenancemode []: aliases: /mm permission: helixu.maintenancemode permission message: &cYou just got daewoo espero'd trigger: if arg 1 is "on": if {mm} is not set: set {mm} to true broadcast "&aMaintenance Mode enabled" loop all players: if loop-player does not have permission "helixu.maintenancemode": kick loop-player due to "&cMaintenance Mode was enabled. The server is closed to non-staff." stop send "&cMaintenance Mode is already enabled." else if arg 1 is "off": if {mm} is set: delete {mm} broadcast "&cMaintenance Mode disabled." stop send "&cMaintenance Mode is already off." else: send "&cUsage: /maintenancemode (on/off)" on connect: if {mm} is set: if player does not have permission "helixu.maintenancemode": kick the player due to "&cMaintenance Mode is enabled." on server ping: if {mm} is set: set motd to "&cMaintenance Mode." stop if {mm} is not set: set motd to "&cLads Factions &6| &dDaewoo Espero nation"