2021-12-02 17:15:29 +01:00

64 lines
1.9 KiB

const ytdl = require('ytdl-core');
const prism = require('prism-media');
const { pipeline } = require('stream');
function filter(format) {
return format.codecs === 'opus' &&
format.container === 'webm' &&
format.audioSampleRate == 48000;
* Tries to find the highest bitrate audio-only format. Failing that, will use any available audio format.
* @private
* @param {Object[]} formats The formats to select from
* @param {boolean} isLive Whether the content is live or not
function nextBestFormat(formats, isLive) {
let filter = format => format.audioBitrate;
if (isLive) filter = format => format.audioBitrate && format.isHLS;
formats = formats
.sort((a, b) => b.audioBitrate - a.audioBitrate);
return formats.find(format => !format.bitrate) || formats[0];
const noop = () => {};
async function download(url, options = {}) {
const info = await ytdl.getInfo(url);
// Prefer opus
const format = info.formats.find(filter);
const canDemux = format && info.videoDetails.lengthSeconds != 0;
if (canDemux) options = { ...options, filter };
else if (info.videoDetails.lengthSeconds != 0) options = { ...options, filter: 'audioonly' };
if (canDemux) {
const demuxer = new prism.opus.WebmDemuxer();
return pipeline([
ytdl.downloadFromInfo(info, options),
], noop);
} else {
const bestFormat = nextBestFormat(info.formats, info.videoDetails.isLiveContent);
if (!bestFormat) throw new Error('No suitable format found');
const transcoder = new prism.FFmpeg({
args: [
'-reconnect', '1',
'-reconnect_streamed', '1',
'-reconnect_delay_max', '5',
'-i', bestFormat.url,
'-analyzeduration', '0',
'-loglevel', '0',
'-f', 's16le',
'-ar', '48000',
'-ac', '2',
shell: false,
const opus = new prism.opus.Encoder({ rate: 48000, channels: 2, frameSize: 960 });
return pipeline([transcoder, opus], noop);
module.exports = Object.assign(download, ytdl);