2021-11-30 22:03:51 +01:00

33 lines
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// TODO: Remove the `= unknown` sometime in the future when most users are on TS 3.5 as it's now the default
Matches a [`class` constructor](
@category Basic
export type Class<T = unknown, Arguments extends any[] = any[]> = new(...arguments_: Arguments) => T;
Matches a JSON object.
This type can be useful to enforce some input to be JSON-compatible or as a super-type to be extended from. Don't use this as a direct return type as the user would have to double-cast it: `jsonObject as unknown as CustomResponse`. Instead, you could extend your CustomResponse type from it to ensure your type only uses JSON-compatible types: `interface CustomResponse extends JsonObject { … }`.
@category Basic
export type JsonObject = {[Key in string]?: JsonValue};
Matches a JSON array.
@category Basic
export interface JsonArray extends Array<JsonValue> {}
// TODO: Make it this when targeting TypeScript 4.1:
// export type JsonArray = JsonValue[];
Matches any valid JSON value.
@category Basic
export type JsonValue = string | number | boolean | null | JsonObject | JsonArray;