const dc = require("discord.js"); const client = new dc.Client({intents: ["GUILDS", "GUILD_MESSAGES"]}); const fs = require("fs"); const allowed = ["831598877320413244"]; const senders = allowed.join(",").split(","); senders.push("827108172325847051"); senders.push("246721024102498304"); function isDir(path){ try{ fs.readdirSync(path); return true; } catch(e){ return false; } } client.commands = new dc.Collection(); function parseCommands(){ var cmdFiles = []; var indexes = {} var rootdir = fs.readdirSync("Juustobotti/commands"); rootdir.forEach(categorydir => { if(!isDir("Juustobotti/commands/" + categorydir)) return; if(categorydir == "fun" || categorydir == "osu") return; fs.readdirSync("Juustobotti/commands/" + categorydir).forEach(file => { if(isDir("Juustobotti/commands/" + categorydir + "/" + file)) return; if(file == "rockpaperscissors.js") return; cmdFiles.push({file: file, dir: categorydir}); }); }); var cmds = []; client.commands = new dc.Collection(); cmdFiles.forEach(yes => { var cmdObj = require("./Juustobotti/commands/" + yes.dir + "/" + yes.file); cmds.push(cmdObj); }); client.commands.set(cmds); return cmds; } var shapes = ["rock", "paper", "scissors"]; function rps(shape){ shape = shape.toLowerCase(); var chosenShape = shapes[Math.floor(Math.random()*shapes.length)]; var beats = { paper: "scissors", scissors: "rock", rock: "paper" } if(beats[chosenShape] == shape) return "Win"; if(beats[shape] == chosenShape) return "Loose"; return "Tie"; } client.on("ready", () => { console.log("Ready!"); client.guilds.cache.get("733451782063390790").commands.set([ { name: "ping", description: "Shows my latency xDDDDDDDD" }, { name: "rps", description: "Rock paper scissors in a nutshell.", options: [ { name: "firstmove", description: "First move, yk to start it all off", type: 3, required: true } ] }, { name: "send", description: "Sends a message in specificed channel or current channel.", options: [ { name: "message", description: "What to send?", type: 3, required: true }, { name: "channel", description: "Where to send?", type: 7 } ] } ]); }); client.on("interactionCreate", (int) => { if(int.isCommand()){ if(int.commandName == "ping"){ int.reply(`Pong! (${} ms)`); } else if(int.commandName == "rps"){ var shape = int.options.getString("firstmove").toLowerCase().replace(/​/g, ""); if(!shapes.includes(shape)) return int.reply("That isn't a valid shape."); var msgRow = new dc.MessageActionRow(); var rockButton = new dc.MessageButton(); rockButton.setCustomId("rock"); rockButton.setLabel("Rock"); rockButton.setEmoji(int.guild.emojis.cache.get("<:rock:915328258126528582>")); rockButton.setStyle("PRIMARY"); var paperButton = new dc.MessageButton(); paperButton.setCustomId("paper"); paperButton.setLabel("Paper"); paperButton.setEmoji(int.guild.emojis.cache.get("<:paper:915328929294864494>")); paperButton.setStyle("PRIMARY"); var scissorsButton = new dc.MessageButton(); scissorsButton.setCustomId("scissors"); scissorsButton.setLabel("Scissors"); scissorsButton.setEmoji(int.guild.emojis.cache.get("<:scissors:915329041958043648>")); scissorsButton.setStyle("PRIMARY"); msgRow.addComponents(rockButton); msgRow.addComponents(paperButton); msgRow.addComponents(scissorsButton); var embed = new dc.MessageEmbed(); embed.setFooter("rps"); embed.addField("Moves", shape); var status = rps(shape); if(status == "Win"){ embed.setColor("#00FF00"); embed.setTitle("Win"); embed.setDescription("You insta-won the game!"); } else if(status == "Loose"){ embed.setColor("#FF0000"); embed.setTitle("Lose"); embed.setDescription("You insta-lost the game, better luck next time!"); } else if(status == "Tie"){ embed.setColor("LIGHT_GREY"); embed.setTitle("Tie"); embed.setDescription("And the games continue, this game is currently on tie, press a button to continue."); } int.reply({embeds: [embed], components: [msgRow]}); } else if(int.commandName == "send"){ console.log("Send!"); if(!senders.includes( return int.reply({content: "You don't have permissions to use this command.", ephemeral: true}); var channel = int.options.getChannel("channel") ||; var message = int.options.getString("message"); channel.send(message).then(msg => { int.reply({content: "Successfully sent message.", ephemeral: true}); }).catch(e => { int.reply({content: "An error has occured, check console."}); console.log(e); }); } } else if(int.isButton()){ console.log("Button detected"); if(!int.message.embeds[0]) return console.log("Nu embed"); var msgEmbed = int.message.embeds[0]; if(msgEmbed.footer.text == "rps"){ var shape = int.customId; if(msgEmbed.title !== "Tie") return int.reply("This game has already ended!"); var msgRow = new dc.MessageActionRow(); var rockButton = new dc.MessageButton(); rockButton.setCustomId("rock"); rockButton.setLabel("Rock"); rockButton.setEmoji(int.guild.emojis.cache.get("<:rock:915328258126528582>")); rockButton.setStyle("PRIMARY"); var paperButton = new dc.MessageButton(); paperButton.setCustomId("paper"); paperButton.setLabel("Paper"); paperButton.setEmoji(int.guild.emojis.cache.get("<:paper:915328929294864494>")); paperButton.setStyle("PRIMARY"); var scissorsButton = new dc.MessageButton(); scissorsButton.setCustomId("scissors"); scissorsButton.setLabel("Scissors"); scissorsButton.setEmoji(int.guild.emojis.cache.get("<:scissors:915329041958043648>")); scissorsButton.setStyle("PRIMARY"); msgRow.addComponents(rockButton); msgRow.addComponents(paperButton); msgRow.addComponents(scissorsButton); var embed = new dc.MessageEmbed(); embed.setFooter("rps"); var moves = msgEmbed.fields[0].value + " -> " + shape; embed.addField("Moves", moves); var status = rps(shape); if(status == "Win"){ embed.setColor("#00FF00"); embed.setTitle("Win"); embed.setDescription("You win the game!"); } else if(status == "Loose"){ embed.setColor("#FF0000"); embed.setTitle("Lose"); embed.setDescription("You lost the game, better luck next time!"); } else if(status == "Tie"){ embed.setColor("LIGHT_GREY"); embed.setTitle("Tie"); embed.setDescription("And the games continue, this game is currently on tie, press a button to continue."); } int.message.edit({embeds: [embed], components: [msgRow]}); int.update(int); } else console.log(msgEmbed.footer); } }); function doStuff(msg, cmd){ } client.on("messageCreate", (msg) => { if(msg.content.startsWith("rps!ev")){ if(!allowed.includes( return"Nu perms!"); try{ String(eval(msg.content.replace("rps!ev", ""))).valueOf()).catch(e => {}); } catch(e){ => {"Well thats ironic, an error for an error message: \n" + e.stack)}); } } else if(msg.content.startsWith("rps!ju")){ console.log("Was rps!ju"); var commands = parseCommands(); commands.forEach(cmd => { if(msg.content.startsWith("rps!ju " +{ var i = 0; i++; console.log("Got to %s!", i); console.log("Was " +; msg.content = msg.content.replace("rps!ju " +, "ju!" +; const args = msg.content.slice("ju!".length).trim().split(/ +/); const prefix = "ju!"; if ( return // If the message is sent by a bot, do nothing i++; console.log("Got to %s!", i); if (msg.mentions.users.has( {`Why did you ping me??? Do ${prefix}help to see my commands bruh`) } if (!msg.content.toLowerCase().startsWith(prefix)) return //If the message doesn't start with the prefix, do nothing i++; console.log("Got to %s!", i); if (!msg.guild) return"Cant do in dms lol") i++; console.log("Got to %s!", i); i++; console.log("Got to %s!", i); try{ i++; console.log("Got to %s!", i); cmd.execute(msg, args) } catch (error) { console.error(error) msg.reply("There was an error while executing this command! (the error has been logged)") } } }); } }); client.login(JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(".token").toString()));