
Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform, JavaScript runtime environment. It executes JavaScript code outside of a browser. For more information on using Node.js, see the [Node.js Website][]. The Node.js project uses an [open governance model](./ The [OpenJS Foundation][] provides support for the project. **This project is bound by a [Code of Conduct][].** # Table of contents * [Support](#support) * [Release types](#release-types) * [Download](#download) * [Current and LTS releases](#current-and-lts-releases) * [Nightly releases](#nightly-releases) * [API documentation](#api-documentation) * [Verifying binaries](#verifying-binaries) * [Building Node.js](#building-nodejs) * [Security](#security) * [Contributing to Node.js](#contributing-to-nodejs) * [Current project team members](#current-project-team-members) * [TSC (Technical Steering Committee)](#tsc-technical-steering-committee) * [Collaborators](#collaborators) * [Triagers](#triagers) * [Release keys](#release-keys) * [License](#license) ## Support Looking for help? Check out the [instructions for getting support](.github/ ## Release types * **Current**: Under active development. Code for the Current release is in the branch for its major version number (for example, [v15.x]( Node.js releases a new major version every 6 months, allowing for breaking changes. This happens in April and October every year. Releases appearing each October have a support life of 8 months. Releases appearing each April convert to LTS (see below) each October. * **LTS**: Releases that receive Long Term Support, with a focus on stability and security. Every even-numbered major version will become an LTS release. LTS releases receive 12 months of _Active LTS_ support and a further 18 months of _Maintenance_. LTS release lines have alphabetically-ordered code names, beginning with v4 Argon. There are no breaking changes or feature additions, except in some special circumstances. * **Nightly**: Code from the Current branch built every 24-hours when there are changes. Use with caution. Current and LTS releases follow [Semantic Versioning]( A member of the Release Team [signs](#release-keys) each Current and LTS release. For more information, see the [Release README]( ### Download Binaries, installers, and source tarballs are available at . #### Current and LTS releases The [latest]( directory is an alias for the latest Current release. The latest-_codename_ directory is an alias for the latest release from an LTS line. For example, the [latest-fermium]( directory contains the latest Fermium (Node.js 14) release. #### Nightly releases Each directory name and filename contains a date (in UTC) and the commit SHA at the HEAD of the release. #### API documentation Documentation for the latest Current release is at . Version-specific documentation is available in each release directory in the _docs_ subdirectory. Version-specific documentation is also at . ### Verifying binaries Download directories contain a `SHASUMS256.txt` file with SHA checksums for the files. To download `SHASUMS256.txt` using `curl`: ```console $ curl -O ``` To check that a downloaded file matches the checksum, run it through `sha256sum` with a command such as: ```console $ grep node-vx.y.z.tar.gz SHASUMS256.txt | sha256sum -c - ``` For Current and LTS, the GPG detached signature of `SHASUMS256.txt` is in `SHASUMS256.txt.sig`. You can use it with `gpg` to verify the integrity of `SHASUMS256.txt`. You will first need to import [the GPG keys of individuals authorized to create releases](#release-keys). To import the keys: ```console $ gpg --keyserver --recv-keys DD8F2338BAE7501E3DD5AC78C273792F7D83545D ``` See the bottom of this README for a full script to import active release keys. Next, download the `SHASUMS256.txt.sig` for the release: ```console $ curl -O ``` Then use `gpg --verify SHASUMS256.txt.sig SHASUMS256.txt` to verify the file's signature. ## Building Node.js See []( for instructions on how to build Node.js from source and a list of supported platforms. ## Security For information on reporting security vulnerabilities in Node.js, see [](./ ## Contributing to Node.js * [Contributing to the project][] * [Working Groups][] * [Strategic initiatives][] * [Technical values and prioritization][] ## Current project team members For information about the governance of the Node.js project, see [](./ ### TSC (Technical Steering Committee) * [aduh95]( - **Antoine du Hamel** \ (he/him) * [apapirovski]( - **Anatoli Papirovski** \ (he/him) * [BethGriggs]( - **Beth Griggs** \ (she/her) * [BridgeAR]( - **Ruben Bridgewater** \ (he/him) * [ChALkeR]( - **Сковорода Никита Андреевич** \ (he/him) * [cjihrig]( - **Colin Ihrig** \ (he/him) * [codebytere]( - **Shelley Vohr** \ (she/her) * [danielleadams]( - **Danielle Adams** \ (she/her) * [fhinkel]( - **Franziska Hinkelmann** \ (she/her) * [gabrielschulhof]( - **Gabriel Schulhof** \ * [gireeshpunathil]( - **Gireesh Punathil** \ (he/him) * [jasnell]( - **James M Snell** \ (he/him) * [joyeecheung]( - **Joyee Cheung** \ (she/her) * [mcollina]( - **Matteo Collina** \ (he/him) * [mhdawson]( - **Michael Dawson** \ (he/him) * [mmarchini]( - **Mary Marchini** \ (she/her) * [MylesBorins]( - **Myles Borins** \ (he/him) * [ronag]( - **Robert Nagy** \ * [targos]( - **Michaël Zasso** \ (he/him) * [tniessen]( - **Tobias Nießen** \ (he/him) * [Trott]( - **Rich Trott** \ (he/him)
Emeriti ### TSC emeriti * [addaleax]( - **Anna Henningsen** \ (she/her) * [bnoordhuis]( - **Ben Noordhuis** \ * [chrisdickinson]( - **Chris Dickinson** \ * [danbev]( - **Daniel Bevenius** \ (he/him) * [evanlucas]( - **Evan Lucas** \ (he/him) * [Fishrock123]( - **Jeremiah Senkpiel** \ (he/they) * [gibfahn]( - **Gibson Fahnestock** \ (he/him) * [indutny]( - **Fedor Indutny** \ * [isaacs]( - **Isaac Z. Schlueter** \ * [joshgav]( - **Josh Gavant** \ * [mscdex]( - **Brian White** \ * [nebrius]( - **Bryan Hughes** \ * [ofrobots]( - **Ali Ijaz Sheikh** \ (he/him) * [orangemocha]( - **Alexis Campailla** \ * [piscisaureus]( - **Bert Belder** \ * [rvagg]( - **Rod Vagg** \ * [sam-github]( - **Sam Roberts** \ * [shigeki]( - **Shigeki Ohtsu** \ (he/him) * [thefourtheye]( - **Sakthipriyan Vairamani** \ (he/him) * [TimothyGu]( - **Tiancheng "Timothy" Gu** \ (he/him) * [trevnorris]( - **Trevor Norris** \
### Collaborators * [addaleax]( - **Anna Henningsen** \ (she/her) * [aduh95]( - **Antoine du Hamel** \ (he/him) * [ak239]( - **Aleksei Koziatinskii** \ * [antsmartian]( - **Anto Aravinth** \ (he/him) * [apapirovski]( - **Anatoli Papirovski** \ (he/him) * [AshCripps]( - **Ash Cripps** \ * [Ayase-252]( - **Qingyu Deng** \ * [bcoe]( - **Ben Coe** \ (he/him) * [bengl]( - **Bryan English** \ (he/him) * [benjamingr]( - **Benjamin Gruenbaum** \ * [BethGriggs]( - **Beth Griggs** \ (she/her) * [bmeck]( - **Bradley Farias** \ * [boneskull]( - **Christopher Hiller** \ (he/him) * [BridgeAR]( - **Ruben Bridgewater** \ (he/him) * [bzoz]( - **Bartosz Sosnowski** \ * [cclauss]( - **Christian Clauss** \ (he/him) * [ChALkeR]( - **Сковорода Никита Андреевич** \ (he/him) * [cjihrig]( - **Colin Ihrig** \ (he/him) * [codebytere]( - **Shelley Vohr** \ (she/her) * [danbev]( - **Daniel Bevenius** \ (he/him) * [danielleadams]( - **Danielle Adams** \ (she/her) * [davisjam]( - **Jamie Davis** \ (he/him) * [DerekNonGeneric]( - **Derek Lewis** \ (he/him) * [devnexen]( - **David Carlier** \ * [devsnek]( - **Gus Caplan** \ (they/them) * [dmabupt]( - **Xu Meng** \ (he/him) * [dnlup]( **Daniele Belardi** \ (he/him) * [edsadr]( - **Adrian Estrada** \ (he/him) * [eugeneo]( - **Eugene Ostroukhov** \ * [evanlucas]( - **Evan Lucas** \ (he/him) * [fhinkel]( - **Franziska Hinkelmann** \ (she/her) * [Fishrock123]( - **Jeremiah Senkpiel** \ (he/they) * [Flarna]( - **Gerhard Stöbich** \ (he/they) * [gabrielschulhof]( - **Gabriel Schulhof** \ * [gengjiawen]( - **Jiawen Geng** \ * [GeoffreyBooth]( - **Geoffrey Booth** \ (he/him) * [gireeshpunathil]( - **Gireesh Punathil** \ (he/him) * [guybedford]( - **Guy Bedford** \ (he/him) * [HarshithaKP]( - **Harshitha K P** \ (she/her) * [hashseed]( - **Yang Guo** \ (he/him) * [himself65]( - **Zeyu Yang** \ (he/him) * [hiroppy]( - **Yuta Hiroto** \ (he/him) * [iansu]( - **Ian Sutherland** \ * [indutny]( - **Fedor Indutny** \ * [JacksonTian]( - **Jackson Tian** \ * [jasnell]( - **James M Snell** \ (he/him) * [jkrems]( - **Jan Krems** \ (he/him) * [joaocgreis]( - **João Reis** \ * [joyeecheung]( - **Joyee Cheung** \ (she/her) * [juanarbol]( - **Juan José Arboleda** \ (he/him) * [JungMinu]( - **Minwoo Jung** \ (he/him) * [legendecas]( - **Chengzhong Wu** \ (he/him) * [Leko]( - **Shingo Inoue** \ (he/him) * [linkgoron]( - **Nitzan Uziely** \ * [lpinca]( - **Luigi Pinca** \ (he/him) * [lundibundi]( - **Denys Otrishko** \ (he/him) * [Lxxyx]( - **Zijian Liu** \ (he/him) * [mafintosh]( - **Mathias Buus** \ (he/him) * [mcollina]( - **Matteo Collina** \ (he/him) * [mhdawson]( - **Michael Dawson** \ (he/him) * [miladfarca]( - **Milad Fa** \ (he/him) * [mildsunrise]( - **Alba Mendez** \ (she/her) * [mmarchini]( - **Mary Marchini** \ (she/her) * [mscdex]( - **Brian White** \ * [MylesBorins]( - **Myles Borins** \ (he/him) * [oyyd]( - **Ouyang Yadong** \ (he/him) * [panva]( - **Filip Skokan** \ * [PoojaDurgad]( - **Pooja D P** \ (she/her) * [puzpuzpuz]( - **Andrey Pechkurov** \ (he/him) * [Qard]( - **Stephen Belanger** \ (he/him) * [RaisinTen]( - **Darshan Sen** \ (he/him) * [rexagod]( - **Pranshu Srivastava** \ (he/him) * [richardlau]( - **Richard Lau** \ * [rickyes]( - **Ricky Zhou** \<> (he/him) * [ronag]( - **Robert Nagy** \ * [ruyadorno]( - **Ruy Adorno** \ (he/him) * [rvagg]( - **Rod Vagg** \ * [ryzokuken]( - **Ujjwal Sharma** \ (he/him) * [santigimeno]( - **Santiago Gimeno** \ * [seishun]( - **Nikolai Vavilov** \ * [shisama]( - **Masashi Hirano** \ (he/him) * [silverwind]( - **Roman Reiss** \ * [srl295]( - **Steven R Loomis** \ * [starkwang]( - **Weijia Wang** \ * [sxa]( - **Stewart X Addison** \ (he/him) * [targos]( - **Michaël Zasso** \ (he/him) * [TimothyGu]( - **Tiancheng "Timothy" Gu** \ (he/him) * [tniessen]( - **Tobias Nießen** \ (he/him) * [trivikr]( - **Trivikram Kamat** \ * [Trott]( - **Rich Trott** \ (he/him) * [vdeturckheim]( - **Vladimir de Turckheim** \ (he/him) * [watilde]( - **Daijiro Wachi** \ (he/him) * [watson]( - **Thomas Watson** \ * [XadillaX]( - **Khaidi Chu** \ (he/him) * [yashLadha]( - **Yash Ladha** \ (he/him) * [yhwang]( - **Yihong Wang** \ * [yosuke-furukawa]( - **Yosuke Furukawa** \ * [ZYSzys]( - **Yongsheng Zhang** \ (he/him)
Emeriti ### Collaborator emeriti * [andrasq]( - **Andras** \ * [AnnaMag]( - **Anna M. Kedzierska** \ * [AndreasMadsen]( - **Andreas Madsen** \ (he/him) * [aqrln]( - **Alexey Orlenko** \ (he/him) * [bmeurer]( - **Benedikt Meurer** \ * [bnoordhuis]( - **Ben Noordhuis** \ * [brendanashworth]( - **Brendan Ashworth** \ * [calvinmetcalf]( - **Calvin Metcalf** \ * [chrisdickinson]( - **Chris Dickinson** \ * [claudiorodriguez]( - **Claudio Rodriguez** \ * [DavidCai1993]( - **David Cai** \ (he/him) * [digitalinfinity]( - **Hitesh Kanwathirtha** \ (he/him) * [eljefedelrodeodeljefe]( - **Robert Jefe Lindstaedt** \ * [estliberitas]( - **Alexander Makarenko** \ * [firedfox]( - **Daniel Wang** \ * [gdams]( - **George Adams** \ (he/him) * [geek]( - **Wyatt Preul** \ * [gibfahn]( - **Gibson Fahnestock** \ (he/him) * [glentiki]( - **Glen Keane** \ (he/him) * [iarna]( - **Rebecca Turner** \ * [imran-iq]( - **Imran Iqbal** \ * [imyller]( - **Ilkka Myller** \ * [isaacs]( - **Isaac Z. Schlueter** \ * [italoacasas]( - **Italo A. Casas** \ (he/him) * [jasongin]( - **Jason Ginchereau** \ * [jbergstroem]( - **Johan Bergström** \ * [jdalton]( - **John-David Dalton** \ * [jhamhader]( - **Yuval Brik** \ * [joshgav]( - **Josh Gavant** \ * [julianduque]( - **Julian Duque** \ (he/him) * [kfarnung]( - **Kyle Farnung** \ (he/him) * [kunalspathak]( - **Kunal Pathak** \ * [lance]( - **Lance Ball** \ (he/him) * [lucamaraschi]( - **Luca Maraschi** \ (he/him) * [lxe]( - **Aleksey Smolenchuk** \ * [maclover7]( - **Jon Moss** \ (he/him) * [matthewloring]( - **Matthew Loring** \ * [micnic]( - **Nicu Micleușanu** \ (he/him) * [mikeal]( - **Mikeal Rogers** \ * [misterdjules]( - **Julien Gilli** \ * [monsanto]( - **Christopher Monsanto** \ * [MoonBall]( - **Chen Gang** \ * [not-an-aardvark]( - **Teddy Katz** \ (he/him) * [ofrobots]( - **Ali Ijaz Sheikh** \ (he/him) * [Olegas]( - **Oleg Elifantiev** \ * [orangemocha]( - **Alexis Campailla** \ * [othiym23]( - **Forrest L Norvell** \ (they/them/themself) * [petkaantonov]( - **Petka Antonov** \ * [phillipj]( - **Phillip Johnsen** \ * [piscisaureus]( - **Bert Belder** \ * [pmq20]( - **Minqi Pan** \ * [princejwesley]( - **Prince John Wesley** \ * [psmarshall]( - **Peter Marshall** \ (he/him) * [refack]( - **Refael Ackermann (רפאל פלחי)** \ (he/him/הוא/אתה) * [rlidwka]( - **Alex Kocharin** \ * [rmg]( - **Ryan Graham** \ * [robertkowalski]( - **Robert Kowalski** \ * [romankl]( - **Roman Klauke** \ * [ronkorving]( - **Ron Korving** \ * [RReverser]( - **Ingvar Stepanyan** \ * [rubys]( - **Sam Ruby** \ * [saghul]( - **Saúl Ibarra Corretgé** \ * [sam-github]( - **Sam Roberts** \ * [sebdeckers]( - **Sebastiaan Deckers** \ * [shigeki]( - **Shigeki Ohtsu** \ (he/him) * [stefanmb]( - **Stefan Budeanu** \ * [tellnes]( - **Christian Tellnes** \ * [thefourtheye]( - **Sakthipriyan Vairamani** \ (he/him) * [thlorenz]( - **Thorsten Lorenz** \ * [trevnorris]( - **Trevor Norris** \ * [tunniclm]( - **Mike Tunnicliffe** \ * [vkurchatkin]( - **Vladimir Kurchatkin** \ * [vsemozhetbyt]( - **Vse Mozhet Byt** \ (he/him) * [whitlockjc]( - **Jeremy Whitlock** \ * [yorkie]( - **Yorkie Liu** \
Collaborators follow the [Collaborator Guide](./doc/guides/ in maintaining the Node.js project. ### Triagers * [Ayase-252]( - **Qingyu Deng** \ * [himadriganguly]( - **Himadri Ganguly** \ (he/him) * [iam-frankqiu]( - **Frank Qiu** \ (he/him) * [marsonya]( - **Akhil Marsonya** \ (he/him) * [Mesteery]( - **Mestery** \ * [PoojaDurgad]( - **Pooja Durgad** \ * [RaisinTen]( - **Darshan Sen** \ * [VoltrexMaster]( - **Voltrex** \ (he/him) ### Release keys Primary GPG keys for Node.js Releasers (some Releasers sign with subkeys): * **Beth Griggs** \ `4ED778F539E3634C779C87C6D7062848A1AB005C` * **Colin Ihrig** \ `94AE36675C464D64BAFA68DD7434390BDBE9B9C5` * **Danielle Adams** \ `74F12602B6F1C4E913FAA37AD3A89613643B6201` * **James M Snell** \ `71DCFD284A79C3B38668286BC97EC7A07EDE3FC1` * **Michaël Zasso** \ `8FCCA13FEF1D0C2E91008E09770F7A9A5AE15600` * **Myles Borins** \ `C4F0DFFF4E8C1A8236409D08E73BC641CC11F4C8` * **Richard Lau** \ `C82FA3AE1CBEDC6BE46B9360C43CEC45C17AB93C` * **Rod Vagg** \ `DD8F2338BAE7501E3DD5AC78C273792F7D83545D` * **Ruben Bridgewater** \ `A48C2BEE680E841632CD4E44F07496B3EB3C1762` * **Ruy Adorno** \ `108F52B48DB57BB0CC439B2997B01419BD92F80A` * **Shelley Vohr** \ `B9E2F5981AA6E0CD28160D9FF13993A75599653C` To import the full set of trusted release keys (including subkeys possibly used to sign releases): ```bash gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 4ED778F539E3634C779C87C6D7062848A1AB005C gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 94AE36675C464D64BAFA68DD7434390BDBE9B9C5 gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 74F12602B6F1C4E913FAA37AD3A89613643B6201 gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 71DCFD284A79C3B38668286BC97EC7A07EDE3FC1 gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 8FCCA13FEF1D0C2E91008E09770F7A9A5AE15600 gpg --keyserver --recv-keys C4F0DFFF4E8C1A8236409D08E73BC641CC11F4C8 gpg --keyserver --recv-keys C82FA3AE1CBEDC6BE46B9360C43CEC45C17AB93C gpg --keyserver --recv-keys DD8F2338BAE7501E3DD5AC78C273792F7D83545D gpg --keyserver --recv-keys A48C2BEE680E841632CD4E44F07496B3EB3C1762 gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 108F52B48DB57BB0CC439B2997B01419BD92F80A gpg --keyserver --recv-keys B9E2F5981AA6E0CD28160D9FF13993A75599653C ``` See the section above on [Verifying Binaries](#verifying-binaries) for how to use these keys to verify a downloaded file.
Other keys used to sign some previous releases * **Chris Dickinson** \ `9554F04D7259F04124DE6B476D5A82AC7E37093B` * **Danielle Adams** \ `1C050899334244A8AF75E53792EF661D867B9DFA` * **Evan Lucas** \ `B9AE9905FFD7803F25714661B63B535A4C206CA9` * **Gibson Fahnestock** \ `77984A986EBC2AA786BC0F66B01FBB92821C587A` * **Isaac Z. Schlueter** \ `93C7E9E91B49E432C2F75674B0A78B0A6C481CF6` * **Italo A. Casas** \ `56730D5401028683275BD23C23EFEFE93C4CFFFE` * **Jeremiah Senkpiel** \ `FD3A5288F042B6850C66B31F09FE44734EB7990E` * **Julien Gilli** \ `114F43EE0176B71C7BC219DD50A3051F888C628D` * **Timothy J Fontaine** \ `7937DFD2AB06298B2293C3187D33FF9D0246406D`
## License Node.js is available under the [MIT license]( Node.js also includes external libraries that are available under a variety of licenses. See [LICENSE]( for the full license text. [Code of Conduct]: [Contributing to the project]: [Node.js Website]: [OpenJS Foundation]: [Strategic initiatives]: doc/guides/ [Technical values and prioritization]: doc/guides/ [Working Groups]: